
| 1/08/02 | Digital Drugs | 19.50 |

To prevent myself from sounding like an infomercial by trying to front this new Digital Drug just click on the little red pill below and get ready to find out for yourself.

| 8/06/02 | New WebSite | 19.50 |

RT and I have opened a new website, PacketNinja. It's all wireless all the time. Click on the banner below to view. GHU will continue to prosper. Next, I attended the new 2600 meet in Toronto last night. Check them out here. Also, the wireless database will now link to PacketNinja's scan page. Cheers.

| Documents | Telco Boxes | Urban Exploration | Scans | Pictures | Wireless Network Database | Assorted Links |

 The World's First Digital Drug -  www.VoodooMachine.com

Doin' it wireless style.