
Hitler's Jewish Nazis

by Verohnika Clark

Hitler’s Leniency Towards Jews

Contrary to the common misperceptions that Hitler’s Nazi-Sozi Germany treated Jews like human trash, in reality, the Jews were treated quite well. Not only were they paid for their labor and services while interned at Auschwitz concentration camp [Berg, 2006], but more importantly, they were allowed to join the armed services, and work, like any other German citizen during the war years [Weber, 2006; Rigg, p. I]. Mark Weber has argued that Jewish Bürgermeisters [mayors] were in power when the Allies “liberated” the Reich from its democratically-elected Nazi-Sozi government. In fact, Hitler had even admired Jewish artists and inventors. Goebbels had remarked, “A fine picture, mein Führer… ‘And I don’t wonder, for Loewith of course, was one of the most talented among the Jewish painters!’ “Quite,” Hitler had retorted with a laugh [Hoffmann, p. 179]. Rigg goes on to say: “Hermann Göring was a good example of a high-ranking official and officer willing to help Mischlinge. In 1937, when Göring told Hitler that Arthur Imhausen, a famous chemist and industrialist, was a half-Jew, Hitler announced that if he had really discovered such amazing things as synthetic soap, then ‘we’ll declare him Aryan.’”

On another occasion, Hoffmann had informed Hitler that Goebbels had banned Moser from performing on either stage or screen due to the non-Aryan ancestry of his wife. Upon informing Hitler of the situation, Hitler removed the ban from Moser, and allowed him to perform uninhibited [Hoffmann, p. 213]. What is even more remarkable, was the fact that Hitler disliked granting any sort of clemency to anyone, as he had regarded it as “a weakening of existing laws,” nevertheless, he granted clemency to tens of thousands of Jews before, and during, the Second World War [Hoffmann, p. 212; Rigg, p. 189; 192].

Field Marshal Erhard Milch and Helmut Wilberg were two—of many—half-Jews, who had utterly impressed Hitler [Rigg, p. 176]. As a matter of fact, when Goering had blown things one too many times with the Luftwaffe situation, during the battle of Stalingrad in January 1943, Hitler called upon Milch “to save the situation” [Rigg, p. 178]. Wilberg was the man who had “developed the groundwork for the Luftwaffe operational concept later known as Blitzkrieg [Lightning Attack]” [Rigg, p. 178]. So, if one was to condemn the harshness of the Blitz campaign over Poland, then one would have to first and foremost condemn the Jewish mastermind of the operation, Helmut Wilberg, as well. One would not likely do such a thing, though, because Wilberg was a tactical genius and his Blitz was swift and un-cruel, as a result. Wilberg had also commanded the War College in 1935 [Rigg, p. 179].


Defining One’s Jewishness Under Hitler

Although no historian can confirm the exact number of half- and full Jews who had served Hitler’s Wehrmacht during WWII, according to Rigg (2002), one can safely assume that approximately 60, 000 half-Jews, and at least 6, 019 full Jews, had served Hitler (p. 65). Keep in mind, too, that half-Jews by the Nazi definition may well have qualified as full Jews, as per (Jewish) Halakic law. Reform Jews believe that one’s Jewishness may be determined through the father’s lineage, but Orthodox and Conservative Jews adhere to the Halakic law of maternal descent. The Nazis categorized either of these resulting children—that is, either the father or mother was Jewish, or two of one’s grandparents were Jewish—as half-Jews. Furthermore, any person with one Jewish grandparent was considered a quarter-Jew in Hitler’s Germany (Rigg, pp. 7,9, 20-21). Those individuals who practiced Judaism, converted to Judaism, or who had two grandparents who practiced Judaism, were also considered Jews (p. 20-21).


Hitler’s Decrees Helped Numerous Jews

Remarkably, Hitler remained very inconsistent in his Jew-related decrees—all throughout his presidency—as they meandered back-and-forth between helping Jews and not helping Jews; his bureaucracy had a very difficult time staying on top of the newest decrees and rulings. In fact, Hitler no more detested Jewry than had Frederick the Great. Prussia never even recognized Jewish service in the military, so Hitler has proven himself to have been more caring towards Jews than Frederick the Great had been (Rigg, p. 67). And, as Rigg (2002) has stated, “… it seems [Frederick’s] hatred did not cloud his reason.” This same argument can be applied to Hitler, as well. It might be important to keep in mind that Hitler could not wholly accept the idea that Jews could truly convert to Christianity, or truly become German. In fact, Hitler believed that Jews had converted and intermarried with Germans in order to subvert them, so with this in mind, it is quite remarkable, his leniency towards them, especially when we are asked to believe that he had allegedly ordered a genocide against them. The Jews themselves even claim, “Once a Jew, always a Jew” (Rigg, p. 7).

In 1821, “some 35, 000 Jews had fought in Austria’s wars against Napoleon. … By 1855, the Austro-Hungarian armed forces had 157 Jewish officers… In 1893, there were 40, 344 Jewish soldiers, and as many as 2, 179 officers in the Austro-Hungarian army. By 1898, the number of Jews who served… increased to over 52, 000” (Rigg, p. 69). Hitler’s Wehrmacht surpassed all these figures, with at least 150, 000 Jewish descended soldiers having served… at least 2, 269 of whom were officers (p. 192). Hitler had personally granted clemency to these Jewish officers, as they had received “special permission to enter the Wehrmacht” circa 1940 (Ibid.).

Rigg has indicated that “Hitler made no pretense of basing [his] laws on any “scientific truths” discovered by his “racial scientists” (p. 95). In fact, he had told Bormann and Wagener, on more than one occasion, that most of this racial inquiry was quite faulty to begin with, which explains, at least in part, why he placed greater and greater emphasis on Jewish performance and ideology, prior to, and during the war, than he did their ethnic Jewishness. This also serves to explain his overlooked leniency towards tens-of-thousands of Jews. Did this mean that Jews, a dangerous social element, were not to be deported from Europe? Well, no, but it does mean that Hitler oftentimes considered individual people more important than his own ideology. Rigg has also argued that Hitler passed these laws because he needed “an enemy,” but this argument fails to take into account Hitler’s earliest conversations regarding Jews—and how seriously he felt about what they were doing to German society—with Kurt Ludecke, Otto Wagener, Dietrich Eckart, and Alfred Rosenberg. Hitler had spoken about the Jewish problem with Eckart as early as 1919, so this argument appears to be very shaky. It is more likely that Hitler viewed Jewry as a very real and dangerous element; hence, he passed as many laws as possible to make their lives uncomfortable enough to persuade them to leave Germany, if not Europe. However, as aforementioned, Hitler did not allow his measures against Jews to “cloud his reason,” or his humanity.

It might also be worth mentioning that individual Nazis, for instance, Lösener, Göring, Engel, and Rommel, just to name a handful, spoke on behalf of Jews and helped Jews on numerous occasions; whereas, Bormann, Blomberg, Frick, and Lammers oftentimes persecuted Jews especially so, and refused to help them, or to speak on their behalf. This is very important to consider, because Hitler listened to the recommendations of his underlings, and when they presented him with a good word on a particular Jew or Jewish family, Hitler more often than not offered to help them out. So, individual personalities in the Third Reich oftentimes determined life and death, or persecution and promotion, for probably tens-of-thousands of Jews.

Blomberg wished to see that Jews not be at all considered for positions of authority in the Wehrmacht, but Hitler wrote loopholes into the laws, so that Jews could hold positions of authority with his permission (Rigg, p. 101). Now, if Hitler did not give a damn about these people, why did he even bother writing loopholes into his laws in the first place? Should not he have just shrugged them off as “Jewish vermin,” and ordered them to be “liquidated” with the others? It simply makes no sense when one tries to assimilate this with the alleged Holocaust story. Hitler obviously wanted to leave open a route of consideration for exceptional Jewish individuals, even though his “public comments” about Jews suggested otherwise (Ibid.). In 1936, Hitler ordered that all half– and quarter-Jews had to serve in the military, but could not hold positions of authority without his permission (p. 102). This quickly prompted Jewish parents and potential Jewish soldiers to petition the government and military, which then began responding by discussing these issues during Abwehr conferences, and within the Wehrmacht itself (p. 103). Jewish First Lieutenant Karl Henle had refused to leave his post and was summarily discharged, but Hitler wanted trained soldiers, so he reactivated him in as an army officer in 1941 (p. 105). In late 1938, Hitler issued a decree protecting families in which the father was Jewish from being forced to relocate to Jewish districts. The children were required to serve. This measure protected these families for quite some time (pp. 107-108). In January 1939, Hitler ordered that officers married to Jewish wives be discharged (p. 108). But, during this time, the Kriegsmarine largely ignored this short-term upswing in Jewish persecution. This upswing in persecution coincides with the forced emigration and deportation of full Jews, which began in 1939 (Ibid.). This year also marked the beginning of the war.

After a certain Frau Mettenheim had written a letter of protest to Hitler, regarding her personal discrimination while her Jewish son was serving in the Wehrmacht, he ordered that the Wehrmacht ascertain just how many Jewish soldiers were serving, in order to “get a clear picture of the situation” (p. 114). It is unclear whether or not Hitler ever received that census he had ordered on January 16 (p. 117). In fact, the Wehrmacht may have delayed their response to Hitler for a reason; several of the Wehrmacht adjutants, including Blankenburg, wanted all half-Jews discharged (p. 117).

Hitler ordered that anyone married to a quarter-Jew be allowed to join the service, but be prevented from becoming an active officer. In that same year, 1940, he declared that men married to Jews or Mischlinge could also remain in the Wehrmacht; though, they were not to attain a position higher up than sergeant (Ibid.). As Rigg has indicated, Hitler—especially after 1940—issued numerous decrees regarding Jews, and it became a rather confusing debacle for those trying to keep up with the latest decrees. Oftentimes, they would lag months behind Hitler’s newest orders. So, many Jews faced needless persecution or had evaded persecution, or were never discharged or had been illegally promoted, simply based upon the reality of bureaucratic red tape (p. 115). As Kershaw put it: “The character of Hitler’s decisions was guaranteed to lead to continuing uncertainty… The open-ended nature of some decrees, bestowing extensive power which conflicted with those of other authorities, could create serious problems of implementation” (Rigg, p. 115). The open-ended nature of most of Hitler’s orders was intended to give various underlings and offices at least some say in what was happening throughout Germany, but, obviously, it also allowed for massive abuses and prevented accurate and prompt implementation of the law.

Half-Jew Ferdinand Rohr, brother of a famous WWI storm battalion commander, had addressed his grievances to Hitler, and after a conference in which the issue of Jewish relatives of war heroes was raised, Hitler decided to consider protecting Jewish parents of those Jews who had proven themselves in battle or who had been declared deutschblütig. The two nephews of Willy Rohr were granted Hitler’s personal clemency in 1939 (p. 115).

Once again, Hitler changed his mind upon the prodding of Blankenburg, with the endorsement of Keitel, who alleged that Jews caused all sorts of problems for the military. Hitler subsequently ordered that all half-Jews be discharged. However, this order still allowed for the exemptions of exceptional Jews (p. 117). He also allowed half-Jews already serving to remain with their units until “the authorities and he” had decided their cases. Once again, quarter-Jews and men married to quarter-Jews could remain in the Wehrmacht, but they could not become NCOs or officers without his approval (Ibid.). Moreover, “quarter-Jews and men married to quarter-Jews who were retired NCOs, officers, or civil servants could be reinstated” if their talents sufficed. Again, Hitler had to decide each case (pp. 117-118). Those individuals who were less than 25% Jewish were treated as full Aryans (p. 118). Usually, the Wehrmacht was unable to locate the half-Jews to be discharged; the soldiers lied about their ethnicity to avoid potential persecution and/or discharge, or to protect their Jewish relatives. Oftentimes the service of a Mischling could save the parents or grandparents from persecution and deportation; not always, but usually. In fact, these types of things happened all the time, up until the very end of the war (p. 118). And, then again, many commanders simply ignored this new decree, and allowed their Jewish soldiers to remain with their units unhampered (p. 119). For instance, when Obergefreiter Horst Geitner discussed his concerns with his company commander, First Lieutenant Ladach, Ladach just winked and told him he had nothing to worry about. His Jewish secret was safe with Ladach (p. 119). Geitner later won the EKII for bravery while fighting on the Russian front. Several Jews have described how their commanders and superiors, as well as their comrades, treated them exceptionally well (p. 120). Most of the half-Jews destined for discharge were not located until 1941 or 1942, a time when full Jewish “deportations started in earnest” (p. 123). Remarkably, many of the half-Jews wanted to remain in the Wehrmacht, either to avoid deportation, or because they truly loved Germany; or, perhaps they had other, or combined, reasons for wishing to remain in Hitler’s service (p. 123). In the case of Jewish Unteroffizier Egon Bahr, he was able to protect his mother, and able to obtain the best ration cards for her through his service (p. 123-124). In fact, when the Gestapo questioned Walter Hamburger’s mother how it was possible that her Jewish son was serving in the Wehrmacht, she replied, you “must ask the Führer” about that. They promptly left (p. 124). So, this illustrates the negligence the Gestapo may have exhibited, at least at times, regarding Hitler’s own laws.

Numerous first-hand accounts of Jewish soldiers exhibits their love for the Fatherland and their eagerness to destroy the Bolsheviks. Needless to say, the Jewish historian Marion Kaplan dismisses this pro-German fervor as “confused.” Kaplan had written, “Many who disliked or opposed the Nazis were confused or infected by the atmosphere” (p. 124). However, this analysis ignores the fact that many of these Jews hated Jews. They have even admitted it in their own words, and there is nothing necessarily wrong or confusing about that. They had overcome their Jewishness and they believed themselves to be just as German as the Germans by and large (pp. 92-93). Some even expressed their admiration and respect for the person of Hitler (p. 41). As a matter of fact, Jewish chief gunnery officer of the scuttled Graf Spee, Paul Ascher, returned to Hitler’s Wehrmacht, in order to serve as nothing less than the fleet operations manager aboard the Bismarck—after being interned in Argentina (p. 125). This would be no different than a Palestinian Arab, approving of, and supporting, Ehud Olmert, for instance—even though he oppresses Arabs in Palestine on the whole. Hitler had even stated, during a Reichstag speech, that the Nuremberg Laws would help in establishing “a level ground on which the German people may find a tolerable relation with the Jewish people” (p. 95).

Surprisingly, many of Hitler’s underlings, such as Lammers and Stuckart, wanted half-Jews, and sometimes even quarter-Jews, killed, deported, and/or sterilized (pp. 148-149), but Hitler exhibited a consistent and marked ambivalence toward this harsh approach with these people (p. 150). Rigg has stated, “Half-Jews were lucky that the bureaucrats and, most important, Hitler, remained indecisive on this topic” (p. 150). But, even Stuckart limited his harshness with half-Jews, because he did not feel that they were a threat to Germany (p. 150). And, according to Stuckart, Hitler had promised to half-Jews that they would retain their status upon war’s end (p. 149). Even Hitler-bashers can agree on the fact that Hitler was always true to his word. Additionally, perhaps Stuckart felt that he, too, could be lenient with half-Jews—that is, since Hitler had been so. In fact, he went so far as to declare that re-branding half-Jews as full Jews would be “incompatible with [Hitler’s] authority” (p. 149).

Hitler had also understood the difficulties in locating and discharging half-Jews during the battle with France. When Schmundt informed him that most of the half-Jews were still serving, Hitler did not get angry. He expressed his belief that very little could actually be done about it. These men were to be found and dismissed in due time (p. 126). Many half-Jews who had served in the war against France believed that they should be honored. Hitler shared their views, for the most part, and he not only expressed his thoughts that the persecution of these men would be “unworthy of the Nazi state,” but more importantly, he declared them all deutschblütig (p. 126). Oftentimes, their military service protected and benefited their “Jewish relatives” (p. 129). Many Jews who were discharged were able to study, work as civil servants, date, socialize, and play at recreation, like any other German citizen (p. 133).

The matter of the half-Jews being treated like full Jews, according to Adolf Eichmann, “went right up to Hitler himself,” and he “rejected the proposal for widening the scope of the law” (p. 129). In March 1941, Hitler ordered a decree which protected the parents of a fallen Jewish soldier. He issued this decree nearly a year after he had discharged half-Jews, which seems to point to Hitler’s indecisiveness on this issue, once again, as most of these parents’ children had been serving illegally—according to Hitler’s own decree of discharge (p. 129). Perhaps he felt bad for these parents and wished to thank them in this way. According to Rigg, “as late as 1945, the Nazi bureaucrats seemed to honor this decree” (Ibid.). Oftentimes, the divorced or widowed parents of a fallen Jewish soldier also received Hitler’s protective clemency (p. 129). As Rigg has exclaimed, “Hitler must have bewildered several Nazi hard-liners when he allowed Jewish mothers and fathers to send their sons to war, and afterward, protected these parents because of their son’s service” (p. 130). Clearly, the man was not all bad, even when it came to his treatment of Jews. Hitler had said, “I cannot demand that my generals should understand my orders, but I demand that they follow them.” According to Rigg, Hitler expected this same level of obedience from his high-ranking Party members. Hitler often displayed erratic behavior regarding the treatment of Jews, but nevertheless, his underlings were supposed to follow his current whim. He exhibited this inconsistency on almost every level, including: military, economic, and political [read: policy] (p. 130).

During.the alleged Holocaust, and Einsatzgruppen liquidations in the East, Hitler declared, on 10 July 1941, that quarter-Jews would become “German-blooded” after the war. He had told some of his associates that he was not going to be ungrateful to his brave Jewish soldiers. He also allowed some discharged half-Jews to return to active duty, with an opportunity to become officers. As Rigg has indicated, once again, “this is a good example of the inconsistency in Mischling policy” (p. 135). According to Eichmann, Hitler had expressed his concern about the reactions Jewish soldiers might have to the deportations of their Jewish parents and/or relatives. Lösener had also expressed his dismay with this situation. He wrote to the government, citing the case of Jewish soldier Ernst Prager’s father, who had been deported even after Prager was declared “German-blooded,” to support his argument of dismay. Prager was able to keep tabs on his father as a result (p. 139). Engel had brought Helene Krüger’s case before Hitler, as her three Jewish grandsons had served in the Wehrmacht, and he promptly released her from internment (p. 140). And, even though Keitel insisted that half-Jews be treated like full Jews, in 1941 (p. 143), Hitler refused to do so. In fact, Hitler changed his mind again, and decided to recall to active duty those brave Jews who had proven themselves in battle, and who had been discharged earlier in the war (p. 148). Numerous Jews were called up, even as late as 1944, in order to fight on the Russian front (p. 145-146). He announced that those Jews who offered to serve in these decisive battles would be declared deutschblütig, and he had also decreed that those Jewish soldiers who fell would receive the clemency posthumously; thus, protecting their families from any measures to be taken against them. Now, many might believe that Hitler simply used these people, but in fact, he continued to order discharges well into the war; and, he continued to review applications for clemency up until the end of the war. So, this argument is weak at best


Hitler Remained Lenient While Adjutants and Bureaucrats Pushed for Persecution

According to Rigg (2002), General Schmundt presented a decree, on 31 October 1942, "that required every soldier to acknowledge (p. 154) that the Jewish influence had forced Germany to fight a war in which its best sons died" (p.155). This decree essentially put forth Schmundt's-and numerous others'-belief that half-Jews were just as dangerous a societal element as full Jews (p. 154). The bureaucrats subsequently began pushing heavily for the mass-sterilization of Mischlinge (Rigg, p.155). Previous to this decree, a conference had taken place on 27 October 1942 that called for the sterilization of half-Jews wishing to remain in Germany, and their deportation if they refused to submit to this treatment. Many of the Nazi-Sozi bureaucrats deemed this "a gracious favor." But, according to Rigg (2002), "Hitler did not feel ready to order the sterilization of half-Jews, he continued [only] to make decisions that restricted both their freedom and the freedom of those affiliated with Jews" (p. 154). One of his more restrictive decrees, following this meeting, declared that soldiers were not to marry women who had previously been married to a Jew-as Hitler believed that women who had married Jews had demonstrated their "weak character" (Ibid.). Even so, Hitler wrote loopholes into this decree too, and he did allow exemptions in some cases; though, he highly discouraged these types of marriages (Ibid.).

Even though 1943 was a turning point in Hitler's Jewish policy, he and others still exhibited interest in treating Jewish veterans with respect, as well as allowing up to 8,330 to re-enlist (Rigg, p. 156). After all, the OKW had reported that these men had been valiant soldiers, and reactivating them would allow them time to prove that they were loyal to Germany and Hitler, as opposed to their Jewish blood-roots (Ibid.). The Party did not agree with this position, and some of this contention can undoubtedly be traced to such vindictive and controlling spirits as that of Martin Bormann. On 3 March 1943, Kaltenbrunner [Heydrich's successor] had written that "traitors, homosexuals, half-Jews, men married to Jews, and Gypsies could not serve in special military units" [similar to America's Special Ops] (Ibid.). He called for the formation of Jewish work battalions, which he believed would help relieve the unemployment of Germans in civilian society-as Jews were still employed in civilian life at this time-and, it would remove the harmful Jewish element from the Wehrmacht (Ibid.). Heinrich Dietz in OKW supported the formation of these Jewish forced labor battalions. Dietz wanted the Jews out of the Wehrmacht, so that Hitler would not have the opportunity to declare them deutschblütig for their service (Rigg, pp. 156-157). Goering almost immediately contacted Bormann on this matter, as he wished to discuss exemptions from this proposal with Hitler, and according to Rigg (2002), "Goering got the concessions he wanted" (p. 157). Evidently, Hitler was very much influenced by what his subordinates and adjutants had to say on this issue, and he almost always listened to what Engel and Goering had suggested to him. In fact, it was only much later in the war, particularly during the latter half of 1943 to 1945-a time when Bormann had usurped much of Hitler's power-that Jews fell under the heaviest persecution. Thus, we can fairly confidently presume that Jewish mass-persecution was instigated by Bormann as opposed to Hitler. This thesis has been impellingly argued by Jochen von Lang in his thesis, The Secretary Martin Bormann-The Man Who Manipulated Hitler. On 13 October 1943, Fritz Sauckel had decreed "on Hitler's orders" that "civilian half-Jews" and German men "married to Jews be drafted into OT" (Rigg, p. 157). Hitler decided to exempt from OT those Jews working for installations directly related to the war effort (Ibid.). In fact, Gerhard Wundermacher, a Jew, recalled that his boss had protected him from OT in the name of Siemens (Ibid.).

Many Jewish college students and Jews who had been discharged from the Wehrmacht previous to this decree, and had not been OT exempted, could not escape OT, but most of them claimed that OT was not all that bad (Rigg, pp. 157, 163-164). According to Rigg (2002) "Many OT camps provided.decent shelter, good food, and normal working hours. Sometimes the OT units had weapons at their disposal in case they had to defend their camp. According to Kurt Einstein, [a Jew], his camp allowed prisoners to leave their barracks on Sundays for church or the cinema or just to take a stroll in town. Other camps allowed girlfriends or sisters of OT men to bring them food. Some in certain camps received OT uniforms" (p. 163). Ernst Ludwig, a Jew, had stated that at the Zerbst camp the SS guards had treated them decently (Ibid.). Another Jew, Dieter Bergmann, had stated that "he felt 'good' in his OT camp" (Rigg, p. 164). And, even though some of the OT camps provided little food and dilapidated shelters for their Jewish workers, the majority of these camps were, as Ludwig described it, "survivable" (Rigg, pp. 163, 164). In fact, some of the OT camps didn't even have any SS guards. Instead, they employed either a foreman, or the interned Jews provided their own guards. Sometimes these OT camps were brutal and cruel, and many died of hard labor, hunger, and/or mistreatment. Some committed suicide (Rigg, p. 164). However, not one of the Jews interviewed by Mr. Rigg has stated anything about mass shootings, liquidations, or gassings; only, normal wartime atrocities that occur during all wars. Interestingly enough, even though the Jew Harald Etheimer claimed that he found "Himmler's order"-in his OT camp-to execute these people before the German surrender, it was never implemented by either Himmler or the SS OT commanders; probably because this claim was bogus like so many others. Himmler would have had no reason for not implementing such an "order," so, in all probability, Etheimer like so many thousands of others, lied. In fact, the Jews in these camps were usually completely free after the SS abandoned their posts (Rigg, p. 165). Also, in spite of Bormann's many restrictions on Jews serving in the Volkssturm, Jews nevertheless served in these units as well (Rigg, p. 160). Later, in 1944, Himmler's OT units consisted of Jews, men married to Jews, Gypsies, criminals, and homosexuals. Ex-Gefreiter Herbert Beyer, a Jew, recalled that many Jews in these labor camps donned the Yellow Star of David (Ibid.).

By 1944, thousands of concentration camps and forced labor camps dotted the German landscape. But, more than likely, these camps were safer than either the cities or the production facilities not located in or near concentration camps. Evidence of this can be verified by the case of Dresden-200,000-plus Germans perished in that air-raid; no such air-raid was ever exacted against a concentration camp or OT camp. In fact, it may be plausible to argue that the Germans, much like Hezbollah and Hamas, deliberately surrounded their war production facilities with Jews and other civilian internees in order to prevent the bombings of their production facilities; the precept of civilian shields, as it were. According to historian Bernard Lewis (1997) ".Jewish organizations in London and Washington" urged their governments to "bomb the death camps in Auschwitz" (p. 351). Not to mention, the Grand Mufti urged Berlin to "bomb Tel Aviv" (Ibid.). None of these governments obliged, but this passage is extremely important to our understanding of the whole siituation.

First of all, Hitler refused to bomb Tel Aviv-an area that housed tens-of-thousands if not hundreds-of-thousands of Jews at that time. We know that at least 70, 000 Jews had infiltrated this region, as per the 1933 Havaara Agreement between Hitler and Jewry. Had he really wanted to exact a toll on the "Jewish race" he would have accepted the Mufti's plea. As it stands, he did not. So, he did not want to commit a genocide against Jews, nor did he act as a nihilist would at this late stage in the war, even though we are so often taught these things. Secondly, the Jews in both Washington and London wanted the Jews bombed at Auschwitz. Now, Lewis calls them "death camps," but, clearly they weren't death camps; rather, they were labor camps-as Auschwitz was a mass-industrial complex that depended on its Jewish and Eastern European labor force for its continued production. The Jews in London and Washington clearly did not give a damn that there were Jews at Auschwitz, because they called for the Allies to bomb the camps. Imagine how many Jews would have been killed. Furthermore, imagine the rioting and chaos that would have ensued. The fact of the matter is, the Allies knew that these were not death camps and that is why they refused to bomb them. They were not willing to take such a risk when so many lives would be imperiled. It may also be that these greedy international Jews wanted to end the war more quickly, and they believed that bombing the production facilities at Auschwitz might accomplish this goal. The Allies obviously did not agree, and they were probably correct; the Germans had moved quite a few of their most crucial facilities and installations underground. So, the human shields at the Auschwitz production facility served their purpose. That is why there are so many Holocaust survivors,-over 1 million now-because this was not a death facility. It would have become one had the Jews in Washington and London had their way.

According to Rigg (2002) ".only active officers were discharged. Most reserve [Jewish] officers served until the war's end" (p. 166). About half of the Jews documented by Mr. Rigg during the course of his study ended up serving in OT battalions. The rest of the Jews and part-Jews, or those with Hitler's exemption, continued to study, work, or serve in the military (Ibid.). The Jew, General Gotthard Heinrici, remained completely unhampered, and Hitler called upon him to conduct the final battle of the Oder and the defense of the city of Berlin (Ibid.). Let us not forget that General Helmut Wilberg and Field Marshall Milch were also Jews. Hitler certainly knew how to curtail his own anti-Jewish sentiment when he encountered a worthy Jew. Furthermore, Hitler did not blame "Jewry" for the war, but rather, indicted "international Jewry" in his final Political Testament. This would be equivalent to an American president indicting the Jewish Neocons and their collaborators for the War in Iraq, as opposed to the Jewish people residing in America's cities, as well as those residing in the state of Israel. It might also be pertinent to note that Hitler never approved of the sterilization of German part-Jews (Rigg, p. 170). So, if any of these people were sterilized, it was clearly in violation of Hitler's position on the matter. In fact, while on trial before the courts of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, Adolf Eichmann had stated that "Part-Jews were protected [from zealous bureaucrats] by a forest of difficulties because of their non-Jewish relatives and because there was no effective means of sterilization" (Rigg, p. 171). Hitler had repeatedly told his men that he would address the part-Jewish issue after the war (Ibid.). As Rigg has argued so succinctly: "Yet [Hitler] practiced what he ultimately condemned and often made exceptions to his own ideology." (Ibid.).


Numerous High-Ranking Nazis Helped Many, Many Jews

Rigg (2002) has indicated that "High-ranking officials and officers such as Sauckel, Lammers, Bormann, Canaris, Oster Heydrich, Engel, Schmundt, Doenitz, Kesselring, Manstein, Baldur von Schirach, Curt von Gottberg, and Kaltenbrunner helped [Jews] by taking their cases to Hitler or to the proper authorities who submitted them to Hitler" (p. 182). There were so many of these "A-1" Jews in fact, as aforementioned both Hitler and Himmler had had to be rather humorous about it. Even the alleged Jew-hating fanatic, Heinrich Himmler, had assisted a certain Professor Fritz Pringsheim, a Jew, with his escape from Germany (Ibid.). What's more, Hitler had granted General Karl Litzmann's entire family his clemency after Litzmann's situation was brought to his attention by several fellow Nazis, throughout the 1930s. In fact, Litzmann, a Jew, was a Staatsrat and Nazi Party member (Rigg, p. 182)! Some Jews were even able to pay their way to Hitler's clemency, by bribing his underlings (Rigg, p. 183). And, as aforementioned, in the summer of 1941, Hitler continued to spend much of his time reviewing Jewish clemency applications, as opposed to attending to one of the greatest battles in European history (Barbarossa) (Rigg, p. 197). Suffice it to say that Hitler knew the war was already over, so he was making sure to attend to the future of Germany as opposed to placing the battle at the forefront of his concerns. He wanted to make sure that only righteous and valiant Jews would continue to exist-if they must-within German society upon his death. Indeed, he cared much more for the body of the German Volk than Operation Barbarossa. Hitler had even turned his attention to policies affecting Jews during the Battle of Stalingrad (Ibid.). In fact, on 15 January 1943, Hitler busied himself with the exemption cases of Renate Schiller and her daughter, when he should have been busying himself with the war. Hitler also granted her a widow's pension because her fiancée, Captain Ludwig Eitel, had died in battle (Rigg, pp. 197-198).

Hitler also made exemptions within the Party apparatus, as in the case of SA member Hans Sanders, a Jew (Rigg, p. 200). SS General Curt von Gottberg was also a Jew (Rigg, p. 213). Hitler usually did not allow for the exemptions of full Jews after 1935. These exempted full Jews were usually educated in either the realm of politics or science (Rigg, p. 203). Lieutenant Klaus von Schmeling-Diringshofen, a Jew, served under Seeckt in China-they trained the Chinese National Army (Rigg, p. 205). The fact of the matter is, Hitler took his exemption policies very seriously (Rigg, p. 199). And, even though he repeatedly ordered Jews to be discharged, even after 1940, he always allowed for exemptions. In 1942, the Party began to play a more active role in drawing up and implementing Jewish clemency policy (Rigg, p. 219), as Hitler obviously wanted to allow the Party and KdF more of a say in this matter. The restrictions on Jewish exemptions did increase, but only after Bormann had usurped Hitler's power within the Parteikanzlei (Rigg, p. 208, 221, 228). Even in 1943, with bombs falling and Russia on Germany's doorstep, Hitler sat in his Berlin bunker quietly and calmly reviewing Jewish clemency applications (Rigg, p. 228). Remarkably, at least three Jews received Hitler's clemency in the late hour of 1944 (Rigg, p. 233). One does not grant any Jews clemency when one has planned their complete and utter "extermination."


How Many Jews Were Personally Exempted By Hitler and Why Was He So Reluctant to Exempt Jews?

Hitler granted his personal clemency to nearly 20,000 Jews’ cases. Sometimes it took him weeks, or even months, to decide whether or not a Jew should receive his personal exemption from internment and deportation [Rigg, p. 199]. Really, the main reason why Hitler had remained so reluctant to allow Jews to participate was because of the Communist-style policies and ethos of the majority of Jews, including Franklin Roosevelt, and Sir Stafford Cripps.

Roosevelt was the Jewish American President who had implemented the Communist New [Raw] Deal, and Cripps (1899-1952) was the Jewish executive head of the Labor Party, and served as the British ambassador to the Jewish-controlled Bolshevist USSR [Rigg, p. 223; p. 367]. Hitler had believed that the vast majority of the American, British, and Soviet leaders were Jews, and as the historical records have shown, he was correct. Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt were all Jewish [Rigg, pp. 367-368]. In Mein Kampf, Hitler had discussed his utter dismay and disgust with the Jewish inhumanity of Bolshevism, and the mass murder of 30 plus million Russians under Lenin and Stalin’s successive tyrannies.


Jewish Nazis and German Nazis Were Friends

Strong friendships between Aryan and Jewish Nazis helped the Mischlinge to obtain Hitler’s clemency. Winifred Wagner had convinced Hitler to exempt several of her personal Jewish and part-Jewish friends from internment and compulsory labor. According to Winnie, Hitler had obliged on every occasion [Irving, p. 190]. Hitler had told Winnie not to submit her letters for exemption to Bormann, as he knew that Bormann would oftentimes withhold information from him [Ibid.] The fact of the matter is, Hitler did not have as much personal power as most people would like to believe. In fact, Hoffmann pointed out the fact that a particular artist had been sentenced to death for insulting him [Hitler]. Hitler retorted, “Don’t talk rot, Hoffmann! Damn it! One doesn’t get condemned to death for that” [Hoffmann, p. 214]! Hoffmann showed the artist’s mother’s letter to Hitler, and he uttered not another word. He directly intervened in this case; thus, he saved this young artist’s life, and gave him a job in the Army [Ibid]. Hitler had also personally intervened on behalf of the Jewess, Esther Chrambach. Esther was a young quarter Jewess, due to her father’s being a half-Jew, and so, Party membership was regrettably withheld from her. Esther tried in vain to obtain an exemption from the Nuremberg Laws, as she had appealed for Winifred’s help, but to no avail. Finally, after a court ruling rejected her wishes for Aryan exemption, Winifred took her case to the Führer personally. She then informed Walter Buch—regarding the reinstatement of Esther’s Party membership—that Hitler would take personal responsibility for the decision. On 18 October 1935, Hitler handwrote two letters, both identical to one another, addressed to Melanie (Esther’s mother) and Esther, which basically stated that Esther could remain in the NSDAP regardless of her part-Jewish ethnicity [Hamann, pp. 207-08].

The case of Reinhard Heydrich’s Jewishness is still unresolved, as many of his comrades believed that he was Jewish, and he was nicknamed the “blond Moses” [Rigg, p. 176]. Nevertheless, Hitler loved Heydrich, and so did the S.D. and tens-of-thousands of peoples under S.D. jurisdiction in Eastern Europe. If Heydrich had indeed been a Jew, he was nevertheless the embodiment of what an ideal Nazi-Sozi should be. He was in charge of numerous executions of prisoners, criminals, and dissidents—many of whom were Jewish—but race and religious creed were not the decisive factors as to who was executed or allowed to live on. The Nazis did not mass execute people for racial, or baseless reasons. Moreover, Hitler did not expect his Nazi-Sozis to be perfect archetypes of Aryanness. According to Rigg, “he [Hitler] had the ability to ignore ‘defects’,” which included being Jewish [p. 177]. Even Goering and Himmler had saved Jews from internment and compulsory labor on numerous occasions [Rigg, pp. 180-181; 182]. Hitler had sarcastically remarked, “they [Party members] seem to know more respectable Jews than the total number of Jews in Germany. That is scandalous” [p. 182]! Even Himmler had sarcastically remarked, during his incredible Posen speech of October 1943, “… they come, 80 million Germans and each one has his decent Jew. Of course, the others are vermin, but this one is an A-1 Jew” [Ibid.].

Hitler had even been motivated by national and international pressure [from Jews] to grant exemptions. He invited Helene Mayer, a half-Jewess, to compete for the German Olympic Team in 1935 [Rigg, p. 183]. Many Americans acted like complete hate-filled bigots and denounced this brave and honorable Jewess as a “traitor.” She rebuffed these asinine accusations, because she believed, as a German, she did not deserve these insults [Ibid.]. Hitler also allowed the Jew Rudi Ball to compete for the German hockey team [p. 184]. Wolfgang Fürstner, a Jew, was hired to erect and organize the Nazi-Sozi Olympic village. Also, the Jewish Game commissioner, Theodor Lewald, was allowed to continue to perform his duties, albeit unofficially [Ibid.]. Hitler would not allow the discrimination against Jewish athletes [Ibid]. Moreover, Hitler respected the opinions of the men who endorsed particular Jews for exemption; therefore, he was far from harsh, in this respect [Ibid.].


Was Hitler Really “Anti-Semitic”?

Hitler was not an “anti-Semite,” because he openly worked with Semitic Arabs. Hajj Amin el-Husseini, the Grand Mufti, was invited to Berlin on numerous occasions, and he was allowed to remain in Germany uninhibited, at will [Rigg, p. 184]. The Arabs were considered “honorary Aryans,” as were the honorable Japanese. According to Rigg, the Nazis did not apply the term “anti-Semitism” to their lexicon, but rather, the term “anti-Jewish.” The Nazi-Sozis were “strictly anti-Jewish and the Arabs [were] not Jewish” [p. 184]. In fact, Hitler was very impressed with the physical appearance of the Mufti, as he had had blond hair and blue eyes, which indicated nothing less than a hint of Aryan blood. Hitler placed a lot of emphasis on physical appearance when it came to Jewish clemency, too [Rigg, p. 186]. It cannot be denied that Jews, for the most part, are not at all an attractive people, so, this certainly was not out-of-line on his part [Rigg, p. 186]. Furthermore, Hitler had told Wagener, “But the [Arab] Semites seem to recognize their racial compatriots. Furthermore, it seems to me that they understand and know more about race than Europe does. The whitewashed good manners of our continent have seen to it that everything that might contribute to lucidity and truth was overlaid with a coat of uniform gray. Let us not lose sight of an alliance with the Arab League. …Furthermore, an alliance with the Arab-Semitic race might also have far-reaching significance for our relations with the millions of African, Indian, and yellow peoples. A whole new perspective is opening up for me” (Wagener, pp. 227-228)!

The Nazi-Sozi Gerhard Engel had also seen to it that his own Jewish friends and acquaintances were granted clemency, and Hitler exempted Jochen Vanselow, and his daughter, from internment [Rigg, p. 187]. Hitler also declared the entire [Hartmut] Heinrici family exempt from deportation and internment, and declared them all “honorary Aryans” [p. 186]. He [Hitler] also gave injured Jewish veterans pensions for their service to his country, and many received medals and other compensation for their efforts [p. 188]. Nazi-Sozi Hans Lammers stated that Jewish exemptions ran into the thousands [p. 193].

It is documented that at least 306 officers in the German military were Jews [Ibid.]. Though, Bouhler may have rounded-down the actual figures, to make it appear to the Jew-hating Martin Bormann as though he [Bouhler] had not helped any Jews [p. 193]. He was trying to “save face,” in other words. In fact, Bormann was the main culprit who had been guilty of withholding clemency applications from Hitler.


What About Accountability Regarding Jewish Clemency?

Hitler had once stated to Gerhard Engel, on 13 August 1938, “Regardless of what people nowadays say, there were brave Jewish soldiers, even Jewish officers during World War I. With such individuals, one can make an exception, because the children cannot help it who their parents were” [p. 189]. Hitler had also exempted many Gypsies, and part-Gypsies, from internment. This is something that most people are completely unaware of [p. 165]. So, even though Hitler disliked granting clemency and exemptions in general, he granted clemency to nearly 20,000 Jews before, or during, WWII [Rigg, p. 192]. Furthermore, Hitler had granted “special permission to enter the German Wehrmacht” to nearly 2, 300 officers of Jewish descent [Ibid.]. There would no doubt have been even more had Bouhler and Bormann not withheld applications from the Führer [Rigg, p. 224]. A good hypothetical example to illustrate this point would be a case in which an American General informed Condi Rice that a particular directive must reach the President by so and so date. Now, if Condi were to sit on this urgent directive for too long, and American servicemen lost their lives as a result, would the President be held accountable? Of course not… Condi, on the other hand, would have to be held accountable for her neglect to forward the directive to the President. Thus, Hitler cannot be held historically accountable for the actions of every one of the Nazi-Sozis who had served under his reign. He had limited powers and abilities, just as does any other leader or dictator, for that matter.

It may be worthy to note that Field Marshal Milch, a Jew, had expressed his deepest condolences to Hitler upon Stauffenberg’s cowardly and dishonorable attempt on the Führer’s life. Milch had said, “I cannot express my heartfelt joy that a merciful Providence has protected you from this cowardly murder attempt and preserved you for the German Volk and its Wehrmacht” [Rigg, p. 231]. Milch was one of the most fervent, honorable, and brave of all the Nazi-Sozis.

Oftentimes, the Nazi-Sozis did not discriminate against Germans or Russians who had practiced Judaism, but who could claim purely non-Jewish blood. For example, Ernst Köstring, and Field Marshal Ewald von Kleist refused to subject the Tats to deportation and internment, even though they had openly practiced Judaism. The Tats remained untouched by the Nazi-Sozis. Moreover, the Nazi SS left the Jewish Crimean Karaimes alone, too [Rigg, pp. 282-283].


The Necessity of Hitlerian Historical Revisionism

According to Rigg, “Hitler had approved more people than previously believed” [p. 193]. Now, had it not been for the incredible research of Mr. Rigg, we would not even know that Hitler had been such a softy when it came to the Jewish Question. He undoubtedly did care about Jews, and the fact that he allowed at least 150,000 Jews to fight for Germany during WWII, as well as the fact that he personally granted nearly 20,000 Jews exemption from internment means that revisionism is imperative to historical accuracy. In fact, none of the Jews interviewed by Bryan Rigg knew anything about an alleged “Holocaust.” How is that possible? It is true that many of these Jews lost relatives during the war, but so did millions upon millions of American soldiers, German soldiers, Russian soldiers, Muslim soldiers, French soldiers, Arab soldiers, English soldiers, etc.


The Suffering of Many for a Greater Cause

The Jews did not suffer any more losses than any other group, but more importantly, these soldiers’ relatives were not victims of systematic homicidal gassings [Berg, 2006]. They died from Typhus, Allied bombings, deplorable camp conditions, starvation, dysentery, natural causes, murder at the hands of rogue SS officials or Jewish and Polish Kapos, neglect in some cases, or any number of other completely comprehensible conditions or situations. The snow proved to be a nearly insurmountable challenge to survival, while in the camps, or on the move. In fact, the snow was essentially what killed Mr. Wiesel’s elderly father [Wiesel, pp. 116-127].


Hitler’s Admiration for Jewry and His Refusal to Utterly Persecute Jews

State Secretary Hans Lammers claimed upon war’s end that Mischlinge exemptions ran into the thousands; meaning, Hitler had exempted far more Jews than ever previously believed [Rigg, p. 193]. In fact, Hitler was rather humorous about this fact and at one point exclaimed, “they [Party members] seem to know more respectable Jews than the total number of Jews in Germany… [Rigg, p. 182]! Hitler’s alleged hatred for Jewry, and the actual implementation of racial laws against Jews, must be called into question, if we are to carefully examine the following passage from Wagener’s memoirs:

“In the same way, the concept of keeping the race pure can never be transferred from the Jewish example to, for example, the Aryan. And what was right and possible there may and can be completely incorrect as well as impossible here” [Wagener, p. 208].

It is possible that Hitler was lying to Wagener; that Wagener is lying to his readers; that Hitler became hostile towards Jews as time progressed; or, that Hitler was not aware of the extent to which the laws he was passing were being carried out against Jewry. In 1946, Ribbentrop had said, “the Führer was not at all uncompromising in those years [regarding Jewry] and I thought he would go on in that direction” [Rigg, p. 182]. Indeed, Hitler had remained incredibly consistent in his private expressions regarding Jews, as well as his legislation and decrees related to Jews; he remained open-minded, flexible, and lenient in both regards.

Hitler had also informed Wagener that: “Should a Jew manage to meet all these requirements [read: physically healthy, courageous, enterprising, self-confident, and ambitious], he will also be able to hold his own as a teacher and educator. I know Jewish soldiers and reserve officers who in the war were proper daredevils (Wagener, p. 280). He had also said, “For among every race, there are assimilationists whom you can no longer distinguish from the race within which they live. … And the same thing is true for a number of Jews. … So you see that the criterion is quite different from the one these race theorists preach… To departmental and university examinations—that is, the academic qualifying exams—you must add tests for characterological aptitude, and you should further require certain athletic feats…” (Ibid.).

Field Marshal Milch had stated, in 1942: “The Führer has made similar exceptions in the arts all the way down to operetta level; he is all the more likely to make exceptions where really great projects or researchers are concerned” [Irving, xxvi]. This may not be a completely honest statement however, because several Jewish scientists, including Albert Einstein, were encouraged to leave Germany, allegedly on Hitler’s orders (Adolf Hitler. Video. Documentary. 1987; United Entertainment, Inc., 2005). This may not be wholly accurate, though, because the video is blatantly biased Allied propaganda. Utilizing this video as a serious source would be equitable to utilizing Goebbels’ propaganda videos as a reliable source. Therefore, it simply cannot be trusted.

It is also possible that Milch had deliberately overlooked Hitler’s alleged “evil” side, as scholars like Bryan Rigg claim, in order to secure his own safety and/or to avoid personal persecution. In all probability, this is highly unlikely, though, as Hitler had made far too many exemptions, and proved to be far too lenient with Jewry, to compellingly argue such a position. Furthermore, Milch was more than likely speaking honestly, as he was an ardent Hitler supporter as early as 1935, so, there was no coercive factor inducing him to try and cover for his “Jewishness” in all probability. He had been a loyal National Socialist, and Hitlerian, long before the war, and well after the racial laws were passed. In fact, Hitler personally approved of falsifying Milch’s paperwork, in order to get around the racial laws. He saw to it that Milch was registered as a German of “pure Aryan descent” [Rigg, pp. 29-30]. In fact, Milch’s mother may also have been Jewish, as her last name was Rosenau; so, Milch may have actually been a full-blooded Jew, as opposed to just a half-Jew. Moreover, he had a daughter with Down’s Syndrome who was never “euthanized” by “Hitler’s euthanasia program” [Rigg, p. 30].

What’s more, Hitler actually went so far as to deceive General Hindenburg—on 5 April 1933—by reassuring him that the German officer corps was completely free of Jews. But, in all probability, Hitler knew that that was not true. He had been awarded his EKI on the “nomination given by a Jew.” Captain Gerhard Engel had recorded that Hitler had said to him that there were many brave Jewish soldiers during World War I. Furthermore, Hitler and Blomberg both made countless exceptions to the Nazi-Sozi laws, in favor of Jews. According to Rigg, the “two men publicly adhered to Nazi ideology, while privately they knew non-Aryans served in the armed forces” [Rigg, p. 80]. Knowing how deeply entrenched anti-Judaism was in Germany, and all of Europe at that time, Hitler was incredibly lenient—especially when one takes the historical context of the times into account.


What Did These Jewish Nazis Know About the Holocaust?

As noted by historian Bryan Mark Rigg (2002), “Many historians assume that the Wehrmacht automatically excluded anyone of Jewish ancestry from serving between 1933 and 1945. Others believe that a small number may have fought in the Wehrmacht, but reject the ideas that this happened on a large scale and that any of them played a significant military role. All three of these assumptions are WRONG. … This book demonstrates that tens of thousands of men of Jewish descent served in the Wehrmacht during Hitler’s rule. Although the exact number of Mischlinge [Jews and partial Jews] cannot be determined, they probably numbered more than 150,000. That is both startling and important… Even more startling, this study demonstrates that Hitler played a direct role in permitting [Jews] to serve in the Wehrmacht. He even allowed some to become high-ranking officers. Generals, admirals, navy ship captains, fighter pilots, and many ordinary soldiers served with Hitler’s personal approval (Rigg, pp. I-2).

So, why do historians, especially historians like the Jew Daniel Goldhagen, continue to condemn all Germans, when not even Hitler himself was the “Jew-hater” we have all been taught to believe that he was? Furthermore, why did not any of these Mischlinge know anything at all about an alleged Holocaust (“What Mischlinge Knew about the Holocaust,” pp. 247-266)?. Sure, they had heard "wild rumors," but Hitler had acknowledged and addressed these "rumors," as recorded by Martin Bormann, Richard Breiting, Otto Wagener, Otto Dietrich, and Jochen von Lang (Bormann, p. 87; von Lang, p. 195; see also: Breiting, p. 89, and, Wagener, p. 71 ). In fact, after a meeting with an Arab emissary, Hitler had told Wagener, “Strange… Until now I never considered the idea of expelling the Jews from Germany. And since our objective is peace, I don’t think even such a move is necessary. If we were to be entangled in a war, as in the First World War, one would have to make sure of the Jews. Because they were the ones who at that time sharpened the dagger which the elected representatives of the German Volk plunged into the back of the government of the Volk and its fighting men at the front” (Wagener, pp. 227-228).

Hitler had told Bormann (2000), in 1941, “… That race [Jewry] of criminals has on its conscience the two million dead of the First World War, and now already hundreds of thousands more. Let nobody tell me that all the same we can’t park them in the marshy parts of Russia! Who’s worrying about our troops? It’s not a bad idea, by the way, that public rumor attributes to us a plan to exterminate the Jews. Terror is a salutary [read: of value or benefit to somebody or something; beneficial] thing” (Bormann, p. 87).

Hitler informed Wagener (1985) that ". We may not expel the Jews who live in Germany, we may not expropriate their goods, we may not harm a hair on their heads; and that is why we may not go public with our social economy and with other problems and plans, with which we would rouse liberalistic world Jewry and the entire liberalistic world against us. Rather, we must live peacefully with them! We can keep liberalism in check-indeed, we must do so-but it must be done very cautiously, sensibly, and with economic expediency" (Wagener, p. 71). As evidenced in this passage, Hitler wished to combat Jewish Bolshevism via law and order, or, passive resistance. Again and again he expressed his desire to root out these parasites by making their continued existence within Germany, and later Europe, either extremely
uncomfortable, or impossible; not literally, but rather, economically and socially. In fact, the Jews were only conscripted for forced labor during the latter half of the war, as Hitler needed them for work, and had never [verifiably] ordered that they be "liquidated."

According to Speer (1970), Hitler had issued decrees, on 8 April 1945, stating that "Prisoners of war and foreign workers are to remain in their places of work. . In the concentration camps the political prisoners, including the Jews, should be separated from asocial elements. The former are to be handed over unharmed to the occupying forces. Punishment of all political prisoners, including the Jews, is to cease until further notice. . Food must receive transportation priority over everything else." in order to "avoid injustices and serious blunders during this last phase of the war." And, according to Eugene Davidson, author of The Trial of the Germans, it
was noted that "deportation of labor is unquestionably an international crime" (Speer, pp. 706-707; 710).

These passages raise a few good points; firstly, that Hitler had either been informed or had recognized that abuses had been going on,-and that food supplies were short-so he ordered a halt to any and all measures being taken against camp inmates, whether they be POWs, political prisoners, and/or Jews. Secondly, the latter passage points up the issue that the Germans were guilty of "forced deportation of labor," not "genocide." It is stunning to note that this same alleged "crime" is going on in Mexico, as we speak.Mexicans are being coerced and forced to invade America illegally, in order to survive and/or establish any form of livelihood for their children and families back in Mexico. Yet, this has not been brought before an international tribunal as a "crime" against humanity. It is only a crime if Jews, Britons, and Americans do not approve.

According to von Lang (1981), "At the same time, reports from soldiers on leave from the eastern front began filtering through at home; rumor had it that the Jews were being systematically slaughtered out there." Bormann and Hitler had both acknowledged that the deportations were indeed unjust, and that many Jews would perish under the harsh circumstances, but, that their labor was needed and that they were-at least for the time being-viewed as political prisoners of Germany, due to their Communist and Bolshevist tendencies within the social sphere (p. 195). Furthermore, it might be worth mentioning that there were still Jews in Berlin, because Goebbels was still actively issuing social decrees to restrict Jewish Berliners' activities (Ibid.). Why were these Jews not dying in "gas chambers"? Hitler had even expressed his dismay with the Jewish Question when he stated, "If I only knew where to put those few million Jews. There aren't that many, after all." Why discuss where to put them if they are already condemned to death in the first place? If anyone shared Hitler's confidence with regards to the alleged "extermination policy," it would have been Bormann; so, why discuss deportation options with Bormann, as late as 1941. a time when alleged "mass gassings" were occurring on Hitler's "direct oral order"? This requires much qualification, if not outright distortion, if one is to make it fit the alleged Holocaust fable. Even Gerhard Engel (2005) had written that "Hitler accepted his [Himmler's] opinion and told him to remove [the] Jewish element from Salonika" (Engel, p. 118). Hitler had also stated that the Wehrmacht not intervene in the deportation of these Jews unless "absolutely necessary," [read: in case of a revolt or armed insurrection]. Why not just send in the SS, SD, and Wehrmacht troops in an all-out massacre? Why not bomb this area from the sky with bomber planes, as the Allies had done over Dresden? Indeed, the Allies easily eliminated nearly 200,000 German lives in this very way. Well, the Germans not only wanted to deport these people upon war's end, but also, they needed their labor for the war effort; so, they wanted and needed them alive.

According to Otto Dietrich (1957), "Hitler also presented the solution to the Jewish Question on a humanitarian basis. There was no talk at all of extermination of the Jewish race. Although he demanded the curbing of their "excessive" influence upon the government and the economy, the Jews were still to be allowed to lead their own lives" (p. 23). And, in 1931, Hitler had candidly told the reporter Richard Breiting, "We wish to say quite frankly that if, in this struggle for the German people's existence, the Jews ally themselves with the communists, they will be attacked (p. 52). .For the internal enemy there is only the savage alternative-either-or. The Jew will have no choice but to get out of Germany and Europe in good time. Even the Arabs do not want the Jews. Why should we tolerate them here? They will be expelled, not by me but by the German people. It may even be that they will come to me for protection. This is no question of ideology but of genuine national feeling. I have already told you that I do not ntend to massacre the Jews. Perhaps, however, they should be thinking of emigration even now. . I know it is a thorny question" (p. 89). Rigg (2002) has even stated, "Half-Jew Peter Gaupp said he knew about concentration camps, [which also existed in Alaska, U.S.; Japan; Britannia; and mainland, U.S.] but not about the Holocaust." (p. 259).

Not one of the Jews interviewed by Mr. Rigg knew anything of an alleged Holocaust in the East. The Germans, as well as Hitler, are innocent until their guilt has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Immeasurable reasonable doubt still remains, so, the Jewish thesis of the alleged Holocaust is as good as nil, especially in light of the fact that their “key eyewitnesses” included such liars as: Primo Levi—who has diligently recorded that scarlet fever, cardiac diseases, pneumonia, peritonitis, typhus and diphtheria were rampant within camp confines (Levi, pp. 148, 151, 153, & 157); Rudolf Vrba—who lied on the witness stand during the Ernst Zündel Trial [in Canada] as documented by Robert Faurisson via Mark Weber, M.A. of the IHR; Philip Müller—who claimed that Jews had sexual intercourse in the upright position one last time in the gas chambers, and who claimed that Moll tossed babies into “boiling vats of liquid human fat” being fire-extracted from emaciated corpses in mass graves (p. 142); but, oddly, that Moll “treated and cared for prisoners” (p. 148); furthermore, he mentioned that camp conditions were growing more crowded, due to the increasing number of “new births” in Auschwitz (p. 149)—; Dr. Miklos Nyiszli who had stated, “We stayed in the Barracks 33 for three days, during which we had nothing to do [emphasis added]. Our food was not too bad and we were thus more or less able to recuperate from our three-week march” (p. 156), and that “the syphilis rate in the Gypsy camp was very high” (p. 32); and lastly, Olga Lengyel who had claimed that she was given hamburger and cookies (p. 85), and that “Malnutrition and epidemics brought as much as 30% of the total number of internees to us” (p. 121).

Well, if these statements are any indication as to how prisoners at Auschwitz and various other camps were treated, then suffice it to say, that camp life under Hitler was not at all as deplorable as it could have been. The evidence clearly shows us that the Germans did the best they could under the given conditions and circumstances of the war. Moreover, the Germans were not the ones who started the war or, who had fire-bombed the railways and infrastructure that was necessary to maintaining the quality of life in the German concentration camps. The Americans, Soviets, and British saw to that. Indeed, Hitler had told Wagener, “…we Germans do not hate the English. People who feel free of guilt and who are intellectually and culturally superior do not hate. Hatred is always connected with inferiority complexes. Though I have absolutely no idea where these might come from in the Englishman, he must suffer from them, since he is able to hate us. …I therefore consider it correct to be completely open with the British from the outset. Nothing must be allowed to be unclear… (Wagener, p. 229).



At least 150,000 Jews served in Hitler’s honorable Nazi-Sozi Wehrmacht. Nearly 20,000 received his personally approved review and clemency, as he spent hours upon hours reviewing Jewish clemency papers, so as not to wrongfully intern and deport decent Jewish people. The truth of the matter is, Hitler was very lenient with Jewry, and the Jews were far safer under his rule than the Russians had been under [the two Jews] Lenin or Stalin’s rule. Hitler was a kind-hearted and generous man who gave Jews more than enough monetary and moral compensation while he was in power.

The now over one million registered [Ain, 1993] alleged “Holocaust survivors” ought to be utterly disgusted with themselves, and completely ashamed for being so utterly unforgiving of Hitler and Germany’s sacrifices to them during the Second World War. They really probably should have been left for dead, as opposed to saved by the fleeing SS. Wiesel discusses this point in his memoirs entitled, Night. He chose to flee with the “horrible” Nazi-Sozis, as opposed to remain in the relative safety of Auschwitz awaiting the “wonderful” Soviets.

Why did Wiesel choose to leave with the Nazis, as opposed to remain and await the Soviet liberators? One has to seriously question what had really happened at Auschwitz to make Elie voluntarily choose to leave the camp, under the protection of the SS. They saved him and countless tens of thousands—or perhaps millions—of others, in the latter half of WWII.



Adolf Hitler. Video. Documentary. 1987; United Entertainment, Inc., 2005.

Ain, S. (1993, November). How Many Survivors Are There? Retrieved July 27, 2006, from Highbeam Research. [Note: This piece was originally published in the online version of The Jewish Week, 28 November 2003, under the title, "How Many Survivors Are There?" I was able to successfully access this document on 27 July 2006. However, since that time I cannot access it and have thus resorted to the duplicate article presented by Highbeam Research. For a copy of The Jewish Week version, please e-mail us.]

Berg, F. Personal interview. July 29, 2006.

Bormann, M. (2000). Hitler's Table-Talk 1941-1944: His Private Conversations (Hugh Trevor-Roper, Ed.). (Norman Cameron & R.H. Stevens, Trans.). New York:
Enigma Books. (Original work published 1953)

Breiting R. (1971). Secret Conversations with Hitler: The Two Newly-Discovered 1931 Interviews. (Edouard Calic, Ed.). (Richard Barry, Trans.). New York: John Day Company. (Original work published 1968)

Dietrich, O. (1957). The Hitler I Knew. London: Methuen and Co Ltd. (Original work published 1955)

Engel, G. (2005). At the Heart of the Reich. (Geoffrey Books, Trans.). London: Greenhill Books. (Original work published 1974)

Hamann, B. (2005). Winifred Wagner: A Life at the Heart of Hitler's Bayreuth. London: Granta Publications.

Hitler, A. (1945). My Political Testament. Retrieved October 26, 2006, from http://www.hitler.org/writings/last_testament/.

Hoffmann, H. (1955). Hitler Was My Friend. London: Burke Publishing Company, Ltd.

Irving, D. (2002). Hitler's War. London: Focal Point Publications.

Jarman, K. (n.d.) "Jewish Emigration from Germany in the 1930s." Retrieved October 26, 2006, from http://www.meredith.edu/stones/newpage5.htm.

Lang, J. V. (1979). The Secretary: Martin Bormann-The Man Who Manipulated Hitler. (Christa Armstrong & Peter White, Trans.). Ohio: Ohio University Press. (Original work published 1977)

Lengyel, O. (1947). Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz. (Paul P. Weiss & Clifford Coch, Trans.). New York: Ziff-Davis Publishing Company.

Levi, P. (1959). Survival in Auschwitz. (Giulio Einaudi, Trans.). New York: The Orion Press, Inc. (Original work published 1958)

Lewis, B. (1997). The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years. New York: Touchstone. (Original work published 1995)

Lukacs, J. (1978). Roosevelt Near Death. In J. Lukacs, 1945: Year Zero (pp. 81-107). Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.

Müller, F. (1999). Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers. (Susanne Flatauer, Trans.). Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, Publisher. (Original work published 1979)

Nyiszli, M. (1960). Eichmann's Inferno: Auschwitz. (Tibere Kremer & Richard Seaver, Trans.). New York: Fawcett Publications, Inc.

Rigg, B.M. (2002). Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Armed Forces. Kansas: University Press of Kansas.

Speer, A. (1971). Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs by Albert Speer. (Richard & Clara Winston, Trans.). New York: The Macmillan Company. (Original work published 1969)

Wagener, O. (1985). Hitler-Memoirs of a Confidant (Henry Ashby Turner, Jr. Ed.). (Ruth Hein, Trans.). London: Yale University Press. (Original work published 1978)

Weber, M. Personal interview. April 2006.

Wiesel, E. (1969). Night. New York: Discus.

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