
Nizkor Lies about the Toxicity of Diesel Exhaust

Some comments to “The Toxicity of Fumes from a Diesel Engine under Four Different Running Conditions” [1]

by Friedrich Paul Berg

Of the hundreds of essays from technical and medical journals that I have cited over the last twenty years to refute the Holocaust hoax, the linked essay by Pattle et al. is, by far, the most important. Please see my most recent discussion in Dissecting the Holocaust (2003) which is also on this website–(see Section 8.2 of that text). According to Holocaust mythology, most Nazi gassings were committed with Diesel exhaust in approximately half-an-hour, or even less. The essay by Pattle and four other researchers in Britain in the mid-1950’s is the only known inhalation study ever on living animals in which the diesel exhaust exposures consisted of full-strength diesel exhaust and continued until the animals either expired from the exposures, or until five hours had elapsed.

My first essay on this subject—“The Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth Within a Myth” (1984) was a highly theoretical analysis of the likely morbidity from diesel exhaust based on the well-established toxicity of carbon monoxide and reduced oxygen. A theoretical analysis in which all possible toxins in the exhaust could be considered seemed far too complex to have any real meaning. That shortcoming was answered, however, when the Pattle study was brought to my attention years later—and, it confirms everything I had written earlier about the inherent absurdity of diesel exhaust as a lethal agent for killing Jews or anyone else. But, it even shows that my earlier conclusions were actually quite conservative; the necessary conditions that one would have had to impose on any diesel to commit mass murder are even more preposterous than I had previously imagined.

The Pattle essay is thorough, rigorous and clear enough for all who are willing to read it carefully and honestly. There has never been any challenge to its findings either. Nonetheless, there are those who flagrantly misuse the Pattle essay and even claim, for example, that:

“In all cases, the animals died.


This blatant lie is spread primarily by one pro-Jewish organization called “Nizkor” See for example their internet essay entitled: “The Leuchter Report: Fumes from a diesel engine are not toxic enough to kill people.” But there are many other websites and organizations which simply repeat essentially the exact same Nizkor text and lie, even in German. Even more outrageous is the fact that such false propaganda is readily accessible in Germany and is even recommended by official organizations such as IDGR—but the refutation of the Nizkor lie, including this essay, are suppressed by German law and severe German internet restrictions on access providers.

The reader should confirm for himself that according to Table 1, Column A of Pattle et al.(page 50), all of the animals survived five hours of continuous exposure to the diesel exhaust from an engine running at idle, and even continued to survive for another 7 days after being removed from the gas chamber.

The reader can also confirm for himself, that in the most lethal of the tests, D1, all of the animals were indeed dead within the five hour test period—but, the text on page 49 also states:

“ After one hour's exposure in D1 (0,22% CO), all except three of the 20 mice were dead. All the rabbits and guinea pigs were alive. After 3 hr. 20 min. all the animals were dead and the experiment was stopped.”

Pattle, Stretch, Burgess, Sinclair, Edginton

But even this was only achieved with an exposure time more than six times as long as Gerstein and others have claimed for the alleged homicidal diesel gas chambers of the Nazis. In other words, for exposures of half-an-hour or less, hardly any animals die even under condition D1 and D2 which simulated an extreme loaded condition on the engine. Clearly, Nizkor and especially a (Dr.?) Daniel Keren are scurrilous liars—but their lie will, no doubt, persist indefinitely because it is an “essential lie” or prop for the Holocaust hoax.

Surely, the Pattle et al. essay must be banned in Germany as soon as possible just as literature based on direct observations of the moons orbiting Jupiter were banned by the Catholic Church. Pattle et al. must be completely wrong in their conclusions since the Holocaust claims are legally established and binding on us all. If Pattle, Stretch, Burgess, Sinclair and/or Edginton are still alive, they must all publicly apologize for their shameful experimental tests on living animals and admit their errors. And most important of all, Pattle et al. must publicly humiliate themselves for having unwittingly, or wittingly, given such superlative aid and affirmation to the holocaust deniers.

[1] “The Toxicity of Fumes from a Diesel Engine under four different Running Conditions,” by R.E. Pattle, H.Stretch, F. Burgess, K. Sinclair, and J.A.G. Edginton, British journal of industrial Medicine, 1957, 14, pages 47-55. link


ADDENDUM as of July 2005

There are two more essays about diesel exhaust which are well worth examining. The first one has been consistently misused by Nizkor contributors. That essay is: "The Significance of Diesel-Exhaust Gas Analysis" by John C. Holtz and M. A. Elliott, Transactions of the ASME, 1941, 63, pp 97-105. link On the first page of that classic essay we have the following description of the arrangement that was used to impose various loads upon the engines--except for idle.


Engines and Dynamometer. The two Diesel engines tested are described in Table 1. Each engine was mounted in a “power unit,” including radiator, fan, clutch, fuel system, and starting mechanism. In the test, each unit was coupled to an electric dynamometer rated at 45 hp from 1200 to 2500 rpm.”

Holtz, Elliott

Some Nizkor contributors have insisted over the years that all one had to do to produce toxic exhaust was “tune,” or “mistune,” some adjusting screw on the diesels. The text above shows that it is not that simple at all; on the contrary, careful thought and contruction is definitely required far beyond what one can expect from any auto mechanic. There was no indication of how long the victims had endured the diesel exhaust before expiring. As any kind of refutation of my thesis, it means little. The vagueness of the assertions by the author tends to only support my thesis that for half-an-hour exposures with an idling diesel, there is no meaningful danger to life at all. If there had been any danger for short term exposures, that would have revealed itself in the experiments of Pattle et al.

Another essay which has some importance (but never used by Nizkor as far as I know) is: “Death from diesel fumes” by S. Sivaloganathan, Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 1998, 5, 138-39. link An 83-year old man had died in a car fitted with a diesel engine. His blood showed less than 5% carboxyhemoglobin saturation.

“Death was due to inhalation of soot from diesel fumes accelerated by ischaemic heart disease.”


There was no indication of how long the victim had endured the diesel exhaust before expiring. As any kind of refutation of my thesis, it means little. The vagueness of the assertions by the author tends to only support my thesis that for half-an-hour exposures with an idling diesel, there is no meaningful danger to life at all. If there had been any danger for short term exposures, that would have revealed itself in the experiments of Pattle et al.

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