
by lowtec

Into the Underground

Hello and welcome to the second issue of DIG Magazine! I know it’s been a long time coming, and we definitely are going to try to do more frequent releases in the future, but that all depends on the amount of submissions we receive.

Look for some new things going on with DIG in the near future! Recently, avid set up an IRC channel for us on #dig. Pop in sometime to see if anyone is around. We also added a forum to the webpage just as another means of communication. Soon we will be offering T-Shirts for sale on the webpage, be sure to check back often.

If you sent us any email, and either didn’t get a response or don’t see your letter appearing here, please send again because our email alias was misconfigured for about a week while setting up a mailing list - to be informed of new issue releases send a message to with the text “subscribe diglist” (no quotes) in the message body. I know for certain at least one person got the solution to the challenge in the last issue.

In other news, I would like to send out a call to everyone who reads this to take some action and help educate others. We need articles, we aren’t desperate for content, I just think it would be great if everyone took some time to write an article about something they are interested in. DIG isn’t just a hacking magazine or anything specific, it is meant to be interesting and thought provoking. What I’m saying is that I’d like to make this magazine a “by the people for the people” thing, otherwise what is the point? I’m not going to sit here and bombard you with news or information that no one is really interested in - that can be found anywhere.

I’d like to thank everyone who submitted articles, letters, spread the word about the zine and helped in putting everything together. Please continue to support us!

©2006 DIG Magazine || Terms

by lowtec
The First Big Hack
Grab Real Video Files
by Avid
Executable Wrappers Part 1
Overview of Bit Torrent
by Vorpix
Telephone Recording Techniques
by Strom Carlson
Summer Fun
by lowtec
The Fallen Manifesto
by the Skum
DIG #2