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- A.J. Liebling


News for 010499

  Mitnick placed under tighter security

contributed by Anonymous
The FREE KEVIN web site is reporting that the Metropolitan Detention Center has moved Kevin Mitnick into isolation where he must sleep on a dirty floor. He will now only be allowed to spend 2 hours and 15 minutes per week in the law library preparing for his case, down from 5 hours and 30 minutes per week. This move is evidently in response to the fact that Agent Steal (Justin Peterson), a prosecution witness in the case, is also being housed in the same building.


  L0phtCrack 2.5 released

contributed by Weld Pond
Evidently not everyone partied over the long weekend. The guys and gals at the L0pht have been very busy. Kingpin has released a white paper on cloning ethernet MAC addresses. Mudge has released a security advisory on DataLynx suGaurd. Not to mention that L0phtCrack 2.5, the NT password auditing tool, has been released with a 450% speed increase, integrated sniffer and a new 'hybrid' attack. Best of all, the source code is still FREE.

L0pht Heavy Industries

  cDc Global Domination Update #27

contributed by evenprime
Evidently the Cult of the Dead Cow didn't party last weekend either. Global Domination Update #27 has been released with cDc files #361 through #365.

Cult Of the Dead Cow

  f0rbidden knowledge #2

contributed by Marc Satur9
f0rbidden knowledge issue two has been released. (Am I the only one who has trouble remembering last weekend?) f0rbidden knowledge is a South African hacking/cracking ezine. This issue has articles on MTN Voice mail systems, Beige Boxing, and a follow up to their article in the last issue about Nedbank ATM's.

f0rbidden_knowledge #3

contributed by cruciphux
HWA, an HNN Affiliate, has released hax0r news #3. (It was New Years last weekend, right?) An excellent wrap up of the views and news that has gone on in the underground for the last few weeks. Not to mention that this zine is just to damn funny not to read.

  Errata updated

contributed by mea culpa
The Security Scene Errata Pages at have been updated over the weekend. (Maybe I shouldn't have partied so hard last weekend?) Along with our favorite items poking holes in the claims made by various security 'experts' there is now new material about statistics and how they are used with computer crime. If you have anything at all to do with computer security you must visit this site. Security Scene Errata page (IMO this page needs a better name)

  The New School Kids

contributed by BHZ
Help Net Security an HNN Affiliate has posted an article by FuGoD describing the cracking methods and philosophies of some of the more recently active groups including milw0rm, kPz, HcV and LoU.

The New School Kids and how they do it

  Piracy rampant in Australia

contributed by _GryPhoNN_
Music and software businesses are claiming CD burners are costing software and record companies $200 million a year in Australia. Industry groups blame the availability of cheap blank discs and CD writers for the problem. Last year, one retail chain alone sold over 500 million blank CDs and more than 6000 CD-writers. Blank CDs are available for about $1.30 which is bucket loads cheaper than an average $90.00 for games etc and $35.00 for music. Penalties in Australia for CD 'piracy' can mean fines of up to $60 500 per offense for individuals and five years in jail. Businesses face fines up to $302 000 for each offense. The most common copied software is Windows, which is probably a reflection on what people really think the O.S. is worth. The going rate for a copied version Windows98 is about $15.00, or $10.00 if you supply the disc. Much cheaper than the near $200.00 people have to pay for an 'official' copy of the bug plagued operating system.

No link available

  War is declared

contributed by phyllis
Last week HNN broke a story concerning the Legion of the Underground and their Declaration of War on China and Iraq. Many mainstream media outlets picked up the story. Here are the ones we could find, unfortunately most did not give credit to HNN for breaking the story.

HNN Archive for December 29, 1998
Online Standard - Austria, These folks gave us credit, Thank You.
National Post - Canada, labeled HNN as an "online news network"
Wired - No credit at all. Thanks.

contributed by General Hawk
Pan Lanka Cracked?
The Mercenaries have supposedly cracked, the web site of the leading ISP in Sri Lanka. The Mercenaries have claimed that the reason for the attack is the ISPs lack of providing stability to the dialup users and slowness of their link. They also claim that this is the first crack of 1999 happening just after midnight local time on January 1st. Pan Lanka Networking is claiming that they "had unavoidable technical difficulties."

Pan Lanka Networking
HNN Archive of cracked page

contributed by tal0n
Malaysian Government Cracked?
dist0rt has claimed that they easily gained access to a large Malaysian Government system. They supposedly accessed the password file and cracked 33 login passwords to the site. They claim that no damage was done and that this government site had terrible security. They allegedly found tons of other holes once they where inside. The root account was logged in and was idle for over 4 hours during the entire attack. tal0n a member of distort had this to say "If it takes a group of young crackers to show a Government what their problems are, and why they should fix them, what the fuck is this world coming to!?"

Even more cracks
We received a lot of mail listing over 200 other web sites that where cracked over the weekend by milW0rm, HcV, nerOx, haq0rs wh0 wear h00ded sweat0rs (what a name) MSH-TEAM, and others(Don't you people ever stop?) There are just way to many cracks done by way to many people to list them all here.

AntiOnline Cracked?
AntiOnline has been down for 12 days.
Twelve days after AntiOnline went down due to a hard drive crash, and nine days after they claimed they would be back up, AntiOnline is still off line. We have received emails claiming that HcV, milw0rm and I0StreAm have cracked the site and are keeping it down. It obviously can not take this long to replace a hard drive and restore from backup. Unfortunately we have received no official word as to what is going on. (Ed Note: We will maintain this daily count until the derogatory statements about HNN are removed from the AntiOnline web page.)

HNN Archive for December 28, 1998 - HNN response to AntiOnlines comments.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/07/00 at 14:30

Software Technology Parks of India, Hyderabad ( ( (
Ser Telcom (
Chuleta Online (
Adams State College (
Revista Telemundo (
Jookyoon Kim ( (
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ( (
Arkansas Community Colleges (
Instituto de Artes Graficas de Oaxaca (
camara (
han chul park (

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