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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 010799

  LoU Strikes Out!

contributed by Frank_CCC
A joint statement released today by 2600, Chaos Computer Club, Cult of the Dead Cow, L0pht Heavy Industries, Phrack and other well known hacking groups condemned the Legion of the Underground and their recent 'Declaration of War' against China and Iraq.

Last week Legion of the Underground declared war on the cyber infrastructures of both China and Iraq and called for the complete destruction of all computer systems in both countries. They said that the human rights abuses by these governments had to stop. Citing China's recent sentencing to death of two brothers for breaking into a banks computer system as a prime example.

The joint statement released today by an international coalition of hackers from around the world said that they "strongly oppose any attempt to use the power of hacking to threaten or destroy the information infrastructure of any country, for any reason."

The statement went on to say that Hactivism may be a legitimate use of hacking knowledge but that the wanton destruction of computer systems is not what hacking should be. This declaration of war by LoU, claimed the statement, establishes hacking as a weapon of war and that hacking in general may be seen as an act of war.

This international coalition formed between some of the largest and oldest hacking groups in existence details just how serious they take this issue. This collaboration may signal as a turning point in the underground hacking community.

Chronological listing of recent events
HNN Archive for December 29, 1998 - LoU's Declaration of War
Joint Statement of International Hacker Coalition
Joint Press Release of International Hacker Coalition

Telepolis - German
Wired - Unfortunatly they get some of it wrong
IDG - New Zealand

  Agent Steal Trial Delayed

contributed by Script Kiddie
Agent Steal (Justin Peterson), the cracker turned FBI informant, has gotten himself a new lawyer and has had his trial, for violating probation, delayed until January 12, 1999. Agent Steal was captured last December 11th after running away from a halfway house in October. He is scheduled to be a witness for the prosecution during the upcoming Kevin Mitnick trial.

ZD Net

  Police to crack systems?

contributed by Code Kid
A 1996 report censored by the Australian goverenment and recently uncovered by a university student called for law enforcement agencies to crack corporate computer systems to monitor communications. Australian police forces have evidently not taken this advice and have opted instead to monitor communications by tapping area ISPs.

Australia Internet
The Walsh Report


contributed by Warez Hut
Have you recieved an email attachment recently labeled picture.exe? I know I did. Did you inspect it before you ran it? If you did run the software you would find that it scans your drive for info then encypts it and sends it to China. Pretty interesting, huh?


  E-Commerce opens door for Crackers

contributed by Newbie
In an article full of fear, uncertinty, and doubt (FUD) e-commerce insurance is labeled as the only savior to the coming digital revolution.

Los Angeles Times

  Microscopic hacking?

contributed by giver
Wanna hack on a computer smaller than a human cell? Well, in a few years you might be able to. Advances in nanotechnology are growing by leaps and bounds. Scientists say that serious major breakthroughs are just around the corner.

ABC News

  Pie Throwers Fined

contributed by Jack the Crack Fiend
The two Belgians who last year threw pies at Bill Gates have been fined $88. The pair was charged with minor violence after striking the multi millionare in the face with a coconut cream pie.

USA Today

contributed by Anonymous
HCV strikes again
It looks like was cracked again for the second time by HcV.

HNN Archive of cracked page

We also got reports that the following sites had been cracked:

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 01/11/01 at 18:53

Marconi, Inc. (
Adzone (
DCS (Za) (
Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Project (SSHIAP) (
Red Sky Interactive (
Dramatic Technology Ltd (
Comat India (
Premiere Media Group (
Université de Montréal - Accueil (
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Croatia (
Jornal Do Brasil S/A (
Francisco Jose Sanchez Bernal (
Dolphin Integration (
Pandora Potenza Srl - Innovazione Via Internet (
UTN Edu (AR) (

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