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- A.J. Liebling


News for 011200

  Buffer Overflow: Reform the AV Industry

contributed by Render Man
How bad is the AV Industry? Does it need to be reformed? Does scanning for one piece of software because of the intent of the author and not the user make sense? How about scanning for legitimate security tools simply because they have extreme power when used by malicous people?

Buffer Overflow

  China Registering Businesses to Monitor the Net

contributed by Evil Wench
Corporate Internet users in China's commercial hub of Shanghai have been told by Police to register their connections in a nationwide drive to increase control over the Web. "This is for safety," said an official of the Huangpu district branch of the Public Security Bureau. "In order to inspect the Internet, we must control it." (I don't know whether to laugh or cry)


  CD Universe Thief Threatens to Post more CC Numbers

contributed by Evil Wench
Maxus, the thief who stole hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers from CD Universe is threatening to release more of the numbers on a new web site. The FBI is investigating.

ZD Net

  Army Plans on DMZs for Its Networks

contributed by Sarge
The Network Security Improvement Program (NSIP) has mandated that all Army bases physically separate public servers from those providing access to private Army intranets. (This should be standard operating procedure, surprised it has taken this long to get done.)

Federal Computer Week

  CBS Alters On Air Images During News

contributed by janoVd
CBS News has admitted to using digital technology to alter images broadcast on their news programs The Early Show and 48 Hours. So the technology has only been used to insert large billboards or cover up competitors' advertising. A spokesperson for CBS said that each use the technology is examined for impropriety. (Now we can no longer trust what we see on TV. How long before manufacturing video for news stories is common place?)

Nando Times

  Direct TV Service Stolen in Illinois

contributed by Evil Wench
An Illinois man has been arrested and charged with two counts of computer fraud, a Class 4 felony punishable by up to three years in prison, for allegedly rigging Direct TV satellite receivers. This crime was investigated by the year old Illinois State computer crime unit. (Something tells me that this guy was caught because he was stupid (something blatant like putting an ad in the paper) rather than any remarkable skills displayed by the cyber crime squad.)


  Security Book Released on Net for Free

contributed by Evil Wench
In an effort to provide administrators with high quality and timely online technical content, Windows NT magazine has decide to place their book Internet Security with Windows NT on the internet for free. The book will updated with new content as appropriate.

Windows NT Magazine

contributed by Jericho
Attrition is Down
Attrition has suffered a drive crash. The primary drive serving all web pages looks to be dead. Until Jericho can return to Phoenix, Attrition will be down. On or around the 15th, he will determine if the drive is truly dead or just needed special care at console. To quell any rumors before they start, the site is not down because of JP/AO, CPM, or any other reason. Attrition being down also has nothing to do with OSALL being down or the lunar alignment. It may have something to do with the upstarts in lower Ugandia, but that remains a mystery. Questions or comments can be directed to in the mean time.

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