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- A.J. Liebling


News for 022299

  Buffer Overflow: A Well Known But Overlooked Threat to Hackers: Themselves

contributed by Carole
Last Monday's Buffer Overflow article about the threat of scene whores caused a lot of heated email to arrive here at HNN. In response we have posted this rebuttal from Carole Fennelly, SunWorld columnist, to the article.

Buffer Overflow

  FBI to Beef Up CyberCrime Investigation Abilities

contributed by Fed
The National Plan for Information Systems Protection, released earlier this week by President Clinton, details plans for the FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) to establish a National Infrastructure Protection and Computer Intrusion Program in the FBI's counter terrorism division. The FBI plans to comply with this directive with the formation of new investigative teams specializing in computer intrusions and attacks at all 56 of its field offices around the country. At least one computer forensics examiner will also be assigned to each field office.

Federal Computer Week

The full text of Clinton's cybersecurity plan can be viewed and downloaded here:
Critical Infrastructure Assuance Office

  UDP Called For Against @Home

contributed by
A USENET Death Penalty (UDP) has been called against @Home effective 17:00 Tuesday, January 18. The result of the death penalty would be that all @Home Users are about to have all of their news postings BANNED from all of USENET due to the continual spamming by its customers. @Home has responded to the UDP by claiming that the problem is customers who set up proxies and that they will work to resolve the problem.

@Home Statement - via

  ACPM Changes Name and Stops Intrusions

contributed by lawless
Originally featured on HNN several months ago, the ACPM (Anti Child Porn Militia) has evolved into an organization which uses technical, though legal and ethical techniques to combat the growing child pornography trade on the internet. Changing their name to ACPO (Anti Child Porn Organization) the group hopes to move away from "Hacktivism" towards a hack-free methodology to identify and shut down child pornography traders and their sites.


  GCHQ Wants a Few Good Cryptographers

contributed by Evil Wench
GCHQ, the British equivalent to the NSA, has posted several codes on its web sites in the hopes of identifying new recruits. The codes have been deciphered by 15 people since Christmas. GCHQ is hoping to fill 100 vacancies in its staff.

Government Communications HQ

  Win2000 Virus Found

contributed by nvirb
The first virus written specifically for Windows 2000 has been discovered by F-Secure. The virus, known as Win2K.Inta is not considered to be a large threat and has not yet been found in the wild. (This is pretty amazing for an operating system that hasn't even been officially released yet.)


  Internet Intoxication Used as Defense

contributed by Evil Wench
A teenager who has been accused of issueing a threat against Columbine high school via the internet will argue that he was suffering from 'Internet Intoxication'.

Nando Times

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