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- A.J. Liebling


News for 021500

  Buffer Overflow: The DeCSS case and how to change a Big Business (BB) in today's world

contributed by Dr. Z
Dr. Z sent us this interesting article on exactly how people should try to defeat the MPAA action against DeCSS. Definitely some things here to think about.

The DeCSS case and how to change a Big Business (BB) in today's world

DCSB Fund raiser Tonight
The Digital Commerce Society of Boston has scheduled a fund raiser to help the EFF pay for the DeCSS lawsuit. The fund raiser will be held tonight at the Boston Harvard Club. Please RSVP prior to attending.
DCSB Invite

Protests Scheduled
The DC 2600 group has scheduled a protest against the recent MPAA action for 4:30 PM, 18 Feb 2000 Farragut Park,in Washington DC.

DC 2600

  Suspects Sought in DDoS Attacks

contributed by janoVd
According to unnamed ``sources familiar with the investigation'' the FBI is preparing to question at least two suspects. Coolio and mafiaboy may soon be subjected to FBI interrogation. (There is very little in the way of confirmable information in this article. Please take that into account when reading it.)

Washington Post

  Hackers Invited to Summit

contributed by janoVd
20 executives from technology companies, as well as academics and officials from the National Security Agency, were invited to attend a technology summit with President Clinton. The summit hopes to look at ways to tighten security on the World Wide Web. One of the invites is Mudge, hacker from the security consulting company @Stake.

Associated Press - via Boston Globe

  Stacheldraht Author Retires

contributed by randomizer
The author of the DDoS tool Stacheldraht, Randomizer, told HNN today that he will not continue his work in the field and will not start developing on the next version of Stacheldraht called Blitzkrieg. "All that media hype is too much for me. I do not want to be the scapegoat for the security agencies, only cause some people abuse the tools I wrote." Randomizer said on early Tuesday. He indicated that he wants now to focus more on his "real life".

Heise - German

  CNN News Chat with Clinton Compromised?

contributed by cult hero
In an email statement to the White House CNN News admitted that someone was able to bypass the filters they had put in place for an online chat with the President. The presidential impostor then said "Personally, I'd like to see more porn on the Internet, Wolf how about you?" in response to a question about Clinton's thoughts on the Internet. Fox news has labeled the incident a prank and has refused to say that they were hacked. (Sounds like a simple net split, doesn't even rank as a prank.)

Fox News

  RSA Web Page Redirected

contributed by Weld Pond
Encryption security firm RSA had an older web page redirected to a site calling for more lax export controls on encryption products. It would appear that RSA did not even have password authentication set up on its DNS entries.

ZD Net
The Register

  Doubleclick Announces New Privacy Plan

contributed by Joey
Based in New York DoubleClick is the nation's largest Internet ad agency, electronically inserting advertisements on about 1,500 Web sites. Last fall the company bought direct-marketing company Abacus for $1.7 billion, and recently started to cross-reference information obtained by cookies with consumer information from the Abacus marketing database. DoubleClick has now unveiled an advertising campaign that attempts to portray itself as a consumer-friendly company that goes out of its way to protect consumers' privacy. The company will place 50 million banner advertisements on Web sites, and retain PricewaterhouseCoopers to start independent audits of its privacy practices. However they will continue to match surfing habits with purchasing decisions.

Associated Press - via Detroit Free Press

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