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News for 032000

  First Malicious Code Direct at WebTV

contributed by Hal0
Microsoft is working on a patch of its service to counteract malicious programming code that overloads WebTV newsgroup discussions with fake postings. While the malicious code self replicates like a virus Microsoft insists on calling it malicious code. The code appends itself to a WebTV users signature file and then cross posts itself to numerous newsgroups.


  Liberia Claims Attack In CyberWar

contributed by Evil Wench
President Charles Taylor of Liberia has claimed that his country is under attack in a cyber war but failed to say by whom. He made the statement after his government shut down two independent radio stations and their related web sites. Amnesty International and the US State Department have vigorously protested the station closings.


  Judge Bans Anti-Filter Software

contributed by Aj
U.S. District Judge Edward F. Harrington has granted an injunction requested by Microsystems Software Inc. to prevent distribution of cphack. Cphack was designed to bypass the surfing restrictions used by CyberPatrol as well as list every web site blocked by the software. The Judges decision effectively blocks anyone from distributing the software. There were no defendants present at the hearing, the next hearing is scheduled for March 27th. (This could be a rather serious threat to peoples' right to reverse engineer and to even write software.)

Associated Press - via Washington Post

  We Spy To Prevent Bribes

contributed by Weld Pond
A former Director of Central Intelligence, R. James Woolsey, has written a story about why the United States spies on its allies. The primary reason given is to prevent bribery so that US companies can compete on an even playing field. (Sorry but I don't buy it, that is too much power for such a simple purpose but I guess the ends justify the means for the US Government. So why can't US citizens spy on their own government to make sure they are complying with the law? Where are the checks and balances?)

Wall Street Journal - via Cryptome

  LAPD Tells Parody Site To Chill

contributed by Rho
The Computer Crimes Division of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department has forced to alter its content. Fearing that the fake stalking site was a little too real and that it could hamper probes of real crimes they strongly suggested that the owner make changes to the site or take it down. The site is meant to be entertaining and spooky similar to 'The Blair Witch Project'.


  New Windows Worm Virus

contributed by no0ne
A new worm virus that can shut down MS Windows platforms and make the operating system permanently unusable has been discovered by Computer Associates International. Once launched via MS Outlook under Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT, Win32/Melting.Worm saves itself into a Windows directory under the name MeltingScreen.exe. It renames .exe files into .bin files.

PC World

  GNIT Now Freeware

contributed by m0nk
Ellicit Organization has released a freeware version of their latest program, GNIT NT Vulnerability Scanner. The scanner checks for over a dozen NT vulnerabilities.

  Online Criminals Labeled Boffins

contributed by dogcow
The Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Palmer, was recently quoted as saying that while much of online crime is currently "in the early stages it is being done by people who simply are boffins and are doing it by way of exploration rather than criminal intent." (Glad to see that Australia is on top of Internet crime.)

Sydney Morning Herald

contributed by Space Rogue
Last Friday we linked to a story in a foriegn language that we identified as Spanish when in fact the article was written in Portuguese. We apologise, it was not our intention to offend.

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