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News for 032200

  Cybercrime On The Rise

contributed by Evil Wench
The Computer Security Institute and the San Francisco FBI Computer Intrusion Squad jointly released a report today that said that electronic crime cost companies at least $266 million last year. The study found that 70% of the responding companies detected the unauthorized use of their computer systems in the last 12 months up from 62% the year before. Insiders and disgruntled employees topped the lists of worrisome security threats. (One conclusion that can be drawn form this study is that e-crime is on the rise, another is that people are more willing to admit intrusions or that detection of criminal activity has gotten better. The numbers are interesting but really don't say anything.)

ZD Net

Late Update 0943EST
An anonymous person was kind enough to send us a link directly to the summary results of the above mentioned survey.

Computer Security Institute

  The Next Version of Windows Leaked

contributed by Evil Wench
While Windows 2000 only just recently shipped Microsoft is already working on the next generation of the operating system. Code named Whistler, build 2211.1 has been liberally spread around pirate sites across the net.

Beta News
ZD Net

  Toronto Business Held For Extortion

contributed by Evil Wench
An unnamed business in the Toronto area was held for ransom of less than $5,000 after a 14 year old youth took control of the companies chat-room and email servers. Police arrested the individual after arranging a meeting to deliver the money. The youth has been charged with extortion, mischief to data, fraudulently possessing a computer password, production and possession of counterfeit money, and two counts of unauthorized use of a computer. (And they say there are not enough computer crime laws.)

National Post

  Is the Census Secure?

contributed by Evil Wench
The long form of the US Census has sparked privacy concerns ever since it was introduced in 1960. With the increased awareness of computer security and identity theft those fears are even greater. Some residents fear giving out their personal information on the off chance that it may be stolen or otherwise fall into the wrong hands. The Census Bureau has taken some solace in the fact that it has never suffered a computer related break-in.

Philidelphia Inquirer

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