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- A.J. Liebling


News for 032800

  French Ban Anonymous Internet

contributed by Weld Pond
The French National Assembly has voted on a bill to ban anonymous web hosting. Providing false information to an Internet service provider could result in a six month jail sentence. The Assembly will take one more vote on the bill before it becomes law.

French National Assembly - PDF in French

  Canada Labeled Hot bed of Computer Terrorism

contributed by William Knowles
An American intelligence agency has determined that up to 80 percent of foreign attacks on U.S. computers either originate or pass through Canada. The claim follows suspicions that some recent attacks were routed through Canadian computers.

E-Commerce Times
News Bytes

  2600 Under Fire From NBC

contributed by acopalyse
NBC is not happy with 2600 Magazine. 2600 has gone and registered and point the domain at NBC somehow feels this is a dilution and inappropriate use of their trademark while 2600 rightfully asserts that it is nothing more than a free speech issue.

ZD Net

  Takedown Debuts in France

contributed by lamer reports that Takedown, staring Skeet Ulrich as Kevin Mitnick, has been released in France as "Cybertraque." Reviews so far have been poor. The official movie web site and video clip can be found at

Security Focus

  Mattel Buys Rights to CPHack

contributed by evenprime
CPhack, a program that allows people to defeat Cyber Patrol as well as lists all webs sites filtered by the software, has been bought by Mattel. The authors of the program have signed a seven page assignment agreement that gives Mattel "all rights" to the program's source code and binaries. The rights to the program were sold for one dollar and agreement to drop the lawsuit against them.


  Cyber Security Bill Passes Committee

contributed by Evil Wench
S. 1993 has been approved by the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee last Thursday. The bill will provide "a comprehensive framework" for protecting federal computer records against cyber-attacks by outside attackers.

Government Executive Magazine

  Census Gets NSA to Look at Security

contributed by Evil Wench
In an effort to protect the private information of millions of Americans the Commerce Department has asked the NSA to test its online security systems.

Federal Computer Week

  Icomlib 1.0.0 Final Released

contributed by Javaman
Icomlib is an API for the ICOM PCR1000 computer controlled receiver for UNIX OS's. Currently it has been officially tested to support SunOS, *BSD, and Slackware 7 Linux, SuSE Linux. Along with the API there is a GUI based on the Qt 2.x toolkit for X that supports multiple styles (CDE style, Motif Stle, Win95 Style, SGI Style). It also include command line applications that implement all of the functions in the api, as well as additional functions like logging, and log-hit scanning.


  China Bans MP3s

contributed by lamer
In an effort to impose some sort of control over electronic commerce, China's The Ministry of Culture has announced laws that ban online sales of imported music and videos and exclude foreign invested Internet companies from selling any audiovisual products. This of course would include MP3s.

ABC News

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