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News for 072699

  Packet Storm Working on Corporate Sponsorship

contributed by xripclaw
Ken Williams has posted a statement saying that Packet Storm Security is not dead. He is currently working on a deal with a corporate sponsor that will allow him to have a professionally maintained site with full staff of security experts, administrators, and web designers. We look forward to new developments.


  Piracy is Big Business for Some

contributed by PJ
Churning out thousands of copies at a time for sale in the US and abroad, Southern California is now the home of the software counterfeiter.

LA Times

Who pays to arrest the pirates? Intel, Hewlett Packard, and others are funding public police forces. Evidently it is perfectly legal to grant local police departs hundreds of thousands of dollars so that they arrest the people you want them to. The police say there is no conflict of interest.

LA Times

  Mitnick to be Sentenced Today

contributed by kerry
After numerous delays Kevin Mitnick will finally be sentenced for the federal charges that he has pleaded guilty to. The biggest issue is how much restitution he will have to pay if he is ever released. Remember that after the Federal case is completed Kevin still needs to answer charges from the State of California. The federal hearing will be held Today, at 1 pm in Courtroom 12 at the LA Federal Courthouse, 312N. Spring Street.


Late Update
Postponed, Again
Kevin Mitnick's sentencing hearing has once again been postponed. We have no other information.

ZD Net (,3422,2302198,00.html)

  Military Reserves to be Used for Cyber Defense

contributed by Sarge
The Reserve Component Employment Study 2005, commissioned by Defense Secretary William Cohen, has concluded that Reserve units are probably the best choice to help secure military systems. The study says that members of a this new unit could work remotely and should be recruited from high-tech sectors of the civilian population. (Hmmmm, maybe I should reenlist?)

Federal Computer Week

  Kodak Introduces CD-PROM, Claims to Thwart Pirates

contributed by WareZ dud3
Kodak has introduced a new CD technology it calls CD-PROM or CD-Programable Read Only Memory. It combines the standard CD with a small section of CDR that will contain specific information about the machine the software is registered to. Kodack claims this will stop piracy in its tracks. (It might stop the warez dudes from trading the latest version of Duke Nuke 'Em but it will do nothing to stop the professionals.)

Express News

  Sandstorm Releases New Version of Phone Sweep

contributed by Brian
Sandstorm Enterprises has released a new version of its $998 war dialing program called 'Phone Sweep' It does have at least one cool feature, auto recognition of over 200 remote systems. Ummm, thanks but I'd rather have the free, non-hardware copy protected, Tone Loc.

Excite News
Tone Loc -
Tone Loc Utilities -

  Major FUD - US Under Attack by Russians

contributed by dis-crete
This article is so filled with FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) and so many unconfirmable statements it makes me ill. The few facts that are present are old and the rest is there to scare the hell out of you. I'd still like to talk to the guy who claims his print job was redirected. He won't answer my emails.

The London Times
The Australian

  BO2K and SMS, Which One is Evil?

contributed by maierj
We missed this last Friday but Jim Louderback, over at ZD Net has some interesting comments regarding SMS and BO2K. Last week cDc challenged MS to recall SMS. cDc says that SMS has the same feature set as BO2K, and since BO2K is being classified as a Virus/Trojan then SMS must be one to. Jim asks the question just what is a virus anyway?

ZD Net

  The Last True Hacker

contributed by found on slashdot
So what exactly is a 'hacker'. Do the ethical hackers in the IBM ads count? Is Richard Stallman, as Steven Levy called him, the last true hacker? What about Linus Torvalds?

Boston Globe

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