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News for 110199

  Fix Available For Very Powerful IIS Exploit

contributed by Ender Wiggin
The recent spate of defacements of government and military sites may be the result of a hole released to BugTraq six months ago. This hole can be exploited with a simple perl script. A fix for this problem has come from a very unlikely source, the United Loan Gunmen.


Late Update: 0931
CERT has also released an advisory on the issue and Microsoft does have an old fix. Considering the number of high profile sites that have been defaced because of this we suggest you patch your system now.

Microsoft Security Bulletin

  ULG Defaces Associated Press Web Site

contributed by punkis
While the United Loan Gunmen may be supplying fixes for some security problems (see above story) they are still busy defacing more sites. This time it was the Associated Press who was left with a page wishing folks a Happy Halloween and a poem by Edgar Allen Poe.

HNN Defaced Pages Archive
Nando Times

  Jane's To Host Cyber Terrorism Conference

contributed by William Knowles
Jane's Intelligence Review will be hosting a conference on Cyber Terrorism in Washington DC on November 16 and 17, 1999. The title of the conference is Cyberterrorism: The Risks and Realities.

Cyberterrorism: The Risks and Realities

  Trust Site Solution Released

contributed by no0ne
As the Federal Trade Commission continues with its efforts to decrease webjacking, Inspective Systems is set to come out with Trust Site Solution, which is being claimed as the first content-certification program. The software aims to protect the users and consumers against people who use simple HTML tricks to redirect traffic from legitimate web sites to fake ones. This can lead unsuspecting consumers into giving up their credit card numbers and other personal information.


  Hacker or Cracker or Neither. Which Word to Use?

contributed by Ex Machina
The Providence Journal takes a stab at trying to define the difference between the words 'hacker' and 'cracker'. Unfortunately they fail miserably. At this point people should just give up and use other words all together. There are enough other words available that can be used instead of confusing people with words which mean different things to different people.

The Providence Journal

  New Virus Discovered in London

contributed by nvirB
The London Sunday Times is reporting that a new virus is spreading throughout London firms and beyond that advances a system clock several months. This causes time sensitive passwords to expire forcing users to reenter them. Somehow the origin of the virus has been traced to Bulgaria, Romania and Scandinavia. While this is a long article there really isn't much technical information supplied the Times seems to just be spreading Fear and not valuable information. (If anyone has more accurate and verifiable information on this we would like to hear it.)

The London Sunday Times

  Krystalia, In Memorium

contributed by Netmask
A well know hacker, Krystalia, passed away Friday from Cancer. She was a good friend to many people. You may have met her at one of the Defcon Conventions, or just talked to her online. She was a very intelligent and loving girl. She will never be forgotten, and will be missed by many. A tribute site has been set up and they are asking for contributions of kind words, pictures, or writings.

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