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News for 112199

  How the Anti Virus Industry Works

contributed by RenderMan
So what exactly does it take for a piece of software to end up in a virus scanning package as something to be scanned for? Why is commercial spy software not scanned but freeware tools that do the same thing are? A new article in the Buffer Overflow section takes a look at at the Anti Virus companies and what the criteria is.

Buffer Overflow

  FBI Releases Anti Cyber Crime Video

contributed by Space Rogue
The FBI has released a new video aimed at the high-tech industry across the country. It is hoped that the tape will encourage companies to report computer break-ins to the federal government. The tape contains scenes showing government officers catching three California teens who had electronically broken into numerous computer networks in the Pentagon. The FBI says that not enough firms are reporting computer crime to the federal government and are instead covering them up. (First they say they are overworked and understaffed, now they want even more work to do. Yeah, makes sense to me. Anyone know how to get a copy of the tape? I need a good laugh.)

Yahoo News - Anyone have a better link for this?

Late Update 0948111999EST
Thanks to devost for sending us a better link. We now know that the title of the video is "Solar Sunrise: Dawn of a New Threat" and should be available at better FBI offices everywhere.

Excite News

  Adobe Introduces Potentially Flawed Security System

contributed by RABID.RAT
Adobe has introduced what they call a secure digital delivery system which they hope will prevent the unauthorized distribution of PDF documents. Adobe hope to accomplish this by using the unique serial number located on Zip, Jaz, or Clik disks as a component of their encryption system. (Ok, for those that are unfamiliar with encryption, this whole scheme is based on a secret number, the unique serial number on the disk. This number is "inaccessible to end users" according to Adobe. Of course if the Adobe software can access the number then an end user may be able to figure it out to. Once you have the number it should be pretty trivial for a good cryptographer to figure out the rest. This is really pretty sad.


Note: We have not actually looked at the encryption mechanism used by Adobe and have based the above comments only on what little information is available on their web site.

  The 'Enemy' Speaks at Security Conference

contributed by bluemiracle
The Computer Security Institute as part of its symposium on information security earlier this week hosted a "Meet the Enemy" session. Aleph 1, Mycroft, Maelstrom, and K0resh participated on the panel in front of over 200 administrators from government, the military, hardware and software manufacturers, financial services companies and e-commerce shops. (Enemy, what a derogatory term, thanks.)

APB News

  Defense Fund Started for Warez4Cable

contributed by |DiSk|
The recent crackdown on Newnet by the Business Software Alliance has resulted in several arrests for copyright violations. In response fellow Newnet patrons are organizing a fundraiser to help out the "#warez4cable" members. also has interviews with some of the affected people.

  Menwith Hill To Get Upgrade Monies

contributed by seventh
The fiscal 2000 Intelligence Authorization Act contains language that would indicate that an undisclosed amount of funds have been earmarked for upgrades to the Menwith Hill signals intelligence listening post in England. Menwith Hill is widely suspected of being one of the central European-based listening posts for the Echelon system, an global surveillance network sponsored by the NSA.

Federal Computer Week

  CSIS Lost Classified Floppy Disk

contributed by William Knowles
The Canadian Security Intelligence Service lost a floppy disk containing classified information. The disk was found in a phone booth in 1996 in downtown Toronto. Recently it has been learned that the disk contained information in plain text about confidential informants and contacts, information about covert operations and details about training exercises. (Remember your only as secure as your weakest link, or your stupidest employee.)

Globe and Mail

  Hitachi Chip May Prevent Use of Third-party Printer Cartridges

contributed by Evil Wench
New technology being developed by Hitachi may prevent people from using third party printer cartridges. By embedding chips similar to those in hotel keys or smart cards into toner or ink cartridges Hitachi could prevent customers from using third-party cartridges. Hitachi is planning on incorporating this technology into laser printers and copiers it markets in Japan and is currently in negotiations with several US companies to license the technology.

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