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News for 121599

  Feds Plead For Mercy

contributed by p_d_coleman and turtlex
John Koskinen, chairman of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, has pleaded for mercy. He has asked that those people who pierce computer network security as a 'public service' to withhold their attacks until after New Years. Michael Vatis, head of the National Infrastructure Protection Center, said they had no hard evidence of any planned attacks. (Again we hear the claim of no evidence yet the government continues to spread FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.))

Reuters - via Yahoo

  Etoys in Simple Domain Dispute

contributed by Bronc is currently in a simple domain dispute with the holder of a California art group. While this matter may be of interest to law makers and people who worry about where the Net is going this is a matter best left up to the courts. Unfortunately Ernest Lucha, a spokesperson for the protest group RTMark doesn't feel that way. He and his group have called for the complete destruction of by any means necessary. He claims to have a group of 'hackers' who are working on destroying the company.

ZD Net

The last time anyone set out to electronically destroy anything an international coalition of the worlds most permanent underground groups condemned the action with almost universal support from around the globe. This is nothing more than a simple domain dispute best left up to the courts to decide, calling for a 'complete destruction' is nothing more than an act of terrorism using sensationalistic tactics. By claiming to have 'hackers' on your side you are doing nothing but continuing the stereotype of hackers as bad evil people bent on destruction.

LoU-China-Iraq War Histogram - The last group to want 'complete destruction'
International Hacker Coalition Joint Statement - and what happened to them

  Is It Y2K or Coincidence?

contributed by Maggie
Concerned that any technical failure after the New Year will be blamed on the Year 2000 computer problem, the White House plans to release figures today showing how often some systems typically break down. On a daily basis ATMs run out of cash, cellular calls won't go through and cable TV is showing static. It is hoped that by releasing these figures people won't freak out when things that normally break down continue to do so.

Washington Post

  More information on the PhoneMasters

contributed by Michael
Although they where busted almost four years ago the PhoneMasters are only now making headlines. After completely rummaging through the nation's phone systems the FBI was able to bring them down with a unique Data Tap. A pretty thorough article on the PhoneMasters has been published by CNN. This article also tries to examine why this story has not received much public attention.


  New E-Zine issues Available

contributed by Ax0n and Cruciphux
The Hackers Information Report Crew is pleased to announce the release of HiR issue #10! It's been many months since the release of Issue #9, but they have returned with yet another offering for the masses. Also HWA #45 has been released. a little late and a little thin but #46 will be right behind it.

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