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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 121799

  Hong Kong Blondes Give Extremely Rare Interview

contributed by n0b0dy
Anthony C. LoBaido, a roving international correspondent for World Net Daily, claims to have spent seven weeks with the Hong Kong Blondes in a rare and exclusive interview. The Hong Kong Blondes are a subversive group that is attempting to disrupt China's infrastructure through electronic means. The weird issue here is that this unprecedented interview fails to reveal much in the way of new verifiable data. Which seems weird since this guy supposedly spent seven weeks with them. It does however, seem to tie together all the facts that have already been published about the HKBs.

World Net Daily

  Netscape Password Issue is Not New

contributed by Ryan
Looks like the Netscape mess announced yesterday, where people's email passwords are left laying around on your hard drive, was actually first discovered over a year ago and it is much simpler than first thought. To Netscape's credit they are just conforming to the POP3 protocal which sends passwords in the clear anyway.

Security Focus

  No E-Commerce Sites Offer Even Basic Privacy Protection

contributed by Evil Wench
A study by the Electronic Privacy Information Center has scrutinized privacy policies on 100 of the most popular online shopping sites and compared those policies with fair information practices. The group found that none of the 100 sites met all of the basic criteria for privacy protection.

The Washington Post
electronic privacy information center

  Microsoft Piracy Suit Thrown out of Court

contributed by Evil Wench
The Beijing No. 1 Intermediate Court has thrown out Microsoft's lawsuit, saying that they not proved Yadu Technology Group, was the correct defendant. Microsoft had accused the Yadu Group of using pirated Microsoft products on its office computers, and asked for 1.5 million yuan (about $180,000) in compensation.


  Newspaper Fingers Potential Cyber Intruder

contributed by Evil Wench
There isn't a lot of information available here but it would appear that a London newspaper The Express has turned in a suspected cyber intruder. The intruder allegedly called The Express and offered to shut down the presses of the competing paper the Daily Mail for £600,000. The Express notified the police, who arrested the 55-year-old suspect from Worthing, East Sussex and charged him with violating the Computer Misuse Act. (Somehow I doubt this guy had the capabilitiy to actually shut down the presses.)

The UK Register

  Internet Watchdog Defaced For Third Time

contributed by Evil Wench
The website of the Australian Broadcasting Authority, a government watchdog group charged with policing upcoming Internet censorship laws, has had its website defaced for the third time in almost as many weeks.


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