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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 123098

  ech0 releases ECC

contributed by deepcase
ech0 Crypt Chat has been released by ech0 Security. This product is an IRC client that claims to encrypt all traffic between it and another client with 56k DES encryption allowing for the secure communication between parties. The product claims to be fast, reliable, and has many of the same features as other popular IRC clients. The current version works on Windows 95/98. The Linux version is due out in February.

ech0 Security- In the releases section

  New nmap

contributed by NightStriker
nmap the popular UNIX scanning utility has been upgraded to 2.02. nmap works well with large networks as well as single hosts, it can scan different protocols (TCP, ICMP, UDP, etc.), it supports dynamic delay time calculations, packet timeout and retransmisions, and parallel port scanning. The new version supports Token Ring networks, has OS fingerprinting and numerous bug fixes.


  AntiOnline Cracked?

AntiOnline has been down for 7 days.
Seven days after AntiOnline went down due to a hard drive crash, and four days after they claimed they would be back up, AntiOnline is still offline. We are starting to recieve numerous emails from people claiming to have cracked them. If anyone has any proof we would like to see it.

HNN Archive for December 28, 1998 - HNN responce to AntiOnlines comments.

  War declared on China and Iraq

contributed by Legion of the Underground
In a very heated and emotional discussion Legion of the Underground declared cyber-war on the information infrastructure of China and Iraq Monday night. They cited severe civil rites abuses by the governments of both countries as well as the recent sentencing to death of two bank robbers in China and the production of weapons of mass destruction by Iraq as the reasons for their outrage.

Quoting from the Declaration of Independence about the right of the people to govern themselves and stating that the US government will probably stand idly by while these atrocities happen in other countries the Legion of the Underground called for the complete destruction of all computer systems in China and Iraq.

"The Government controls what goes into our mouths lets not let them do the same with what comes out!" said one LoU member during a press conference held on IRC Monday night.

LoU mentioned that they may seek out assistance in their war from the Hong Kong Blondes. The HKBs are a well known group attempting to cause mayhem on China's internetworks from within the Iron Curtain. The HKBs where trained and assisted, until recently, by the infamous Cult of the Dead Cow hacking group.

Legion of Underground gained previous notoriety back in October for defacing the Chinese Human Rights web site a day after it went online.

Legions of the Underground
CNN - article on bank robbers sentanced to death

Wired decides to pick up the story a day later.

contributed by SistymGhost
OPT1k busted?
We recieved an email claiming that OPT1k of HcV/Legion2000 had been raided by the feds on Monday morning for the intrusion of over 20 government systems last April. He was supposedly apprehended by the FBI. Unfortunatly we have no confirmation of the above statements.

The Russians are coming
The russian group KpZ claimed to have cracked over 100 domains yesterday. Here is a small list.

A group known as WaSTeD cracked
Archive of hacked site

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