Blacks and Jews Links

We are no longer fearful of information. Because one group of people has labeled something "reprehensible," "hateful," or some other such term does not mean we should run away. Just the opposite is true. We, as a people whose leaders have been unjustly labeled every name in the thesaurus, ought to be particularly careful of the LABELERS­for they have labeled one too many when they labeled The Honorable Louis Farrakhan an "anti-Semite." Such term is insulting and racist and is a shot across the bow of every thinking Black person. These are the same people who have advanced the notion that they should assign to us our "friends" and our "enemies." We will retain this right for ourselves.

As we explore and develop new relationships it is imperative that we examine the words and actions of every group or individual that enters our sphere of activity. The Internet relieves us of those incessant intermediaries and mis-translators (Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Southern Poverty Law Center, United States Government, etc.) and allows us to examine our "enemies" and our "friends" INDEPENDENTLY! Here are some links for the free thinkers.

  The Conscious World  The Jewish World
 The Nation of Islam, Final Call  Institute of Historical Review*
 Radio Islam  Hoax of the 20th Century*
 Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations  American Jewish Historical Society
 Native American & Black Unity  436 Quotes By and About Jews
 Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)  Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion*
 Arab Links on the Net  Jewish Link Launcher
The Truth Establishment Institute TEI  Jewish Holocaust Debate
 Prema's African History Website  Jews in the Slave Trade
 When Black Men Ruled /Clegg Series Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience
 Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association  Jews Against Zionism
 Black African Holocaust Council  

*So-called "Revisionists:" Many Jewish activists and historians have lied so completely about the history of Blacks and Jews that one must ask the unaskable question: What other "holocaust" have they lied about? The attacks on Black historians and scholars by Jewish groups like the ADL, AJComm., and their dutiful negro imps, have caused many Black folks to take a new look at the claims of those who question the "facts" of the Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Europe. Examine these links for yourself.

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The Most Controversial Books in America

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