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Historical Research Department Staff

Professor Tony Martin

Responses to The Amistad Movie:

December 10, 1997

I attended a pre screening of Steven Spielberg's Amistad and the only thing I can say is that you were entirely too kind in your assessment of this movie. In 153 minutes Spielberg does more to compromise the integrity of African historical self determination than Dr. Karenga's collaboration with the U.S. Postal Service to produce a Kwanzaa stamp.

Mrs. Debbie Allen, a co-producer in this project, has indicated that she desired to have Mr. Spielberg direct this movie because of the excellent job he had done with "Shindler's List" (A movie I have yet to see, even for free.) Mrs. Allen has grossly failed to understand the relationship of culture to this whole affair and that Mr. Spielberg has a cultural connection to the content of "Shindlers List" that he does not, nor could he ever, bring to a production about the Maafa.

The not so subliminal suggestions to the liberating effect of the Judeao/Christian religion were downright disgusting and overall insulting. To have one of the most ardent symbols of African resistance totally emasculated by merely looking at pictures in a Bible and concluding that "these people have suffered more than us" only supports my contention that no european [sic] has the disposition or spiritual sensitivities to tell the story of our Maafa. This admirable brother was literally reduced to a passive punk according to the directorial authority and story interpretations of Mr. Spielberg. But, maybe that was the intent for our cultural antagonist never fail to exploit an opportunity in their war against African people. Spielberg is however, consistent in maintaining that African people owe a debt to the benevolence of conscious White people. It would be interesting to know which among the Supreme Court Judges dissented in their decision to grant the African rebels their freedom.

Unfortunately, our people thirst so for African imagery in the media and our knowledge of our history is so shallow that we continue to be vulnerable to others interpretation of our Maafa. The movie "Amastad" is not worthy of the support of African people. We should not continue to make rich those who insult us. Wait for the video or better yet wait for it to appear on cable or broadcast venues.

Abdul-M. Aquil (Kwesi Ohene)

President, ASCAC Midwest Region

Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations

I couldn't stop shaking my head in disbelief while reading,"Amistad - The Jewish Answer to Jewish Involvement in Black Slavery" What boils my blood is that the majority of the population is like the Jewish woman who stopped to talk to you at the bookstore checkout line (btw seeing her facial reaction when you gave her a comparison would've been worth all the money in the world). You proved that Spielberg's political agenda is replacing historical evidence.

What made me feel sick in the stomach was how "Oprah gushed and nearly begged her audience to see it", my God, it's no different from a shepherd rounding his sheep together and directing them on the path he wants. Morgan Freemans statements is a perfect example of what the word 'assimilation' means. He is a weak-minded man and affirms that it is easier to role with the flow of the lie and make it stronger, than to stand up for the truth.

In your final sentence you talk about the media underestimating the tolerance of the Black community, well I'm lost for words. A day doesn't go past that I don't think about society's mind one day being liberated, by an inevitable revolution. To win the war against the evil social-engineers who sit on the peak of the pyramid of 'social power' our weapons must be wisdom, perseverance, patience, determination, and a love for all human beings. A violent uprising by the Black community will be silenced by the hand of Satan, (a Black massacre). Let me share a quote with you:

" Satan first creates a problem, then offers the solution - and it's the solution (in this case, responding to the powerfull Elite jews with violence) which ultimately is the trap, not the original problem. The problem was merely the bait."

I could never sit by and watch the blood-shed of people prepared to retaliate against the deceitful Puppeteers behind Uncle Sam. Even with Louis Farrakhan's fearless determination, the N.O.I can't defeat the New World Order by themselves. I am absolutely certain that only through a World-Wide-Network of people like ourselves can we see Utopia on the horizon.

Nation of Islam would find a powerful ally in Asia, for the Anti-Semitic atmosphere is spreading into Asia. It's becoming especially clear for the Muslim presidents of Indonesia and Malaysia, who announced their anti-semetic feelings towards George Soros (International Jewish Share-holder- God). When Soros pulled his billions out of numerous Asian Reserve Banks resulting in severe national bankruptcies it was very convenient for the International Monetary Fund to step in (where he left off) with Hundreds of Billions of Dollars in aid to the economies. Asians can look foward to paying back the IMF ten- fold, no doubt it'll put a smile on the faces of the 'elite chosen people'.

Yours Truly
-Name Witheld

Denzel Washington on "Amistad" and "Beloved"

Date: 12/10/97

From Knight-Ridder Newspapers


Denzel Washington is comfortable enough about his star status that he can say no to some of the biggest names in Hollywood. The actor tells USA Weekend that he wasnt exactly enthused when Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey approached him for roles in their respective movies.

He chatted with Spielberg about a part in his slave epic, but I just didnt see myself in Amistad, he says. " I aint putting no chains around my neck." In the true story, a ship of slaves revolt, kill some of their captors and are arrested and tried in a U.S. court. " I'm like, Yeah, thats what happened then, but how about me cutting everybody's head off and end the movie there?" he said.

Denzel also turned up his nose at Winfreys film about the Toni Morrison book Beloved. " The guy was walking around with his hat in his hand, bowing and scraping. ... (He) sleeps with Oprah and two minutes later hes sleeping with her daughter, whos a ghost. That aint me. I said, ' Get Danny (Glover) to do it. Danny'll do it.' Im not knocking him, but it wasnt my part."

Washington says. Next up, hell play a cop in the serial killer flic Fallen.


Today I received a copy of your commentary on the film "Amistad" via Phil Smith and Abdul Aquil. I live in Hawaii and the film is not here yet on the island where I live. Thank-you for explaining the subtleties of the film "Amistad". FINALLY, I'm hearing something that makes sense. There is NO way that I could have EVER believed that Steven Spielberg would do justice to the telling of Amistad. His only value is his money and his proficiency at producing films in Hollywood. I am ashamed that Debbie Allen would pursue him for such *favors*, just to get a story told.

-Name Withheld

Saw a preview of amistad on monday nite (dec. 8). i think the best thing we can do is use the line that "none of the africans ever appeared in court" -- since the movie is essentially a courtroom drama designed to perpetuate the image of america as the bastion of democracy. while the beginning of the movie is "powerful" in depicting the horrors of the middle passage and the psychologocial self-alienation inherent in "how africans became negroes", overall the movie is not exciting. it could have been written by john grishman, whose courtroom dramas have a similar focus. historically there is a lot tt is disturbing to me about the movie, but that's all a result of the political bias of the movie. the music was sappy at best and nowhere near evoking our story. it was technically well done but there was nothing arresting other than the middle passage scenes. i did not hear much discussion afterwards among people, nor did people linger to talk. there was very little applause at the end, and that little was not sustained.

I propose a different focus. why don't we try to organize a major film festival /conference that would feature films that have been done about slavery. cuba has a bunch of excellent films, and brazil has also produced a number of them. there are about five or so that came out of italy, and of course africa has produced its share. we could not only screen the films but also have commentary and criticism. we could then focus our concerns around issues we wanted to raise instead of spending so much time debating about films like amistad. plus we could make this a major event with far reaching implications. i am sure that haile gerima at howard would be interested in helping to sponsor such an event. let's be proactive and not just reactive. let's advance our own point of view/political line and not spend so much time focusing on talking about what others have done. that's my suggestion. what say you?

Name Withheld

I just want to say thanks you for the information, I have known about some things but your site really opened my eyes even more plus the protocals of Zionist.... I wanted all to know about your site so i posted it to all who had anything on the crazzy movie. If i count more aprox 80 e-mail were sent out telling people about your site. I just pray nothing happens to the site if you know what i mean. Also while I was in Brooklyn this summer the drug bust of rabbis laundering drug money through the synagogue did not hit the newspapers untill 6 weeks later, you and I know why. Media control and the largest newspaper in the US NY Times never even had a mention in the sunday that it happened. Keep in touch also just for your info I am Hebrew another secret Zinoist want to hide.

The only you can educatate yourself is read, let some one else tell your story then you are doomed

Remember this or read this for those who dont know: "If you want to hide somthing from black people put it in a book". I know I will receive negative mail but one thing I would like you to know I am Hebrew. Thought you would like this

Read with a open mind

name withheld

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