Book Reviews of

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One

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The Truth about the Black holocaust,
March 29, 2002 5 of 5 stars
Reviewer: Dialo from South Africa.

Like most of my brothers, I was told and I used to believe that whites were responsible for the black holocaust. Now I see the truth. This book was written by African brothers, and they uncover the mighty lobby that started up slavery again and run it : the Jewish lobby. Brother, you must buy that book about the Black Holocaust and know that they used their influence to allow slavery, that they had North-African Jews round up African victims, that they run the business of deporting us out of Africa by their Jewish brothers based in Europe, especially in Holland where their lobby was very strong and they could manipulate the naive Dutch colonist. And then they would sell us like merchandise in the American colonies.

Man! What a revelation! Is it true? Yes, our Black Islam African brothers who wrote book have no gain in defending Christian Europeans, and they rely solely on Jewish primary sources! Man, how come I never knew this truth about our holocaust, how come? Brother, you have brains : Find out who owns the banks, finances, and the media. Seek and Find. Now brother, you know how that sick (awful in our eyes) Western world run and how it is controlled? Understand?

So the book is true, our brothers who wrote it are not wrong. And does that book mean that white are not guilty? Come on shall I ever forgive those who used slavery, and above all destroyed our soul by sending missionaries to destroy African religions, cultures and languages. This book is genuine black scholarship, it is a tough read, but all my African brothers should know the truth about the black holocaust, and I urge you, brothers, to buy or lend this book.

Interpreting the Text: "all of the facts are true"

February 17, 2002 -- Reviewer from San Francisco, CA , 4 stars

After reading this book some time ago as a teenager, I found it did have a profound impact as to how I listened to who was telling me what story. I myself am Black, Indian, Jewish and a mixture of other blood lines and so am in a unique situation. I was interested to see how somone could write a book as well balanced as possible so as to be seen as a serious work or scholarship rather than a silly slanderous work of fiction. This book actually allowed me to get an understanding as to how a lot of my family's racially mixed herritage supposedly happened.

However, I will say the one thing that surprises me as I read other reviews of this book condemning it to mere slander and propoganda, is that all of the facts are true. Perhaps I was young I was impressionable by many a thing, but this has in no way made me dehumanize Jewish people. I see what has happened not just as a crime and a shame but a cruel joke to those blacks and Jews who are on the same page.
The truth is always a difficult pill to swallow if it turns you or your fellow people into criminals. But beyond hurt pride there are millions of ways to learn from what has happened and set precedents for the future relationships. Just because that was the past relationship between Blacks and Jews doesn't mean it has to be the future one.

I recomend this book for anyone who wants to make up their minds for themselves. It quite simply defies an explanation that is not tainted without one's own views and personal experiences.

"Manditory reading for anyone interested in the slave trade"

October 19, 2001 Reviewer: A reader from Portland Oregon, 5 stars

I am not black, and I am not jewish, but I have read this book. This book, as the reviewer from Jamaica has pointed out, has never been refuted on it's factual content. This is an amazing book, given the unique relationship that jews have fostered with blacks. From the facts presented in this book, it seems that the focus of the origins of the african slave trade to the new world is rather obscured from the general population, and while I'm at it, I might as well say distorted. Blame for the existance of such a horrible institution has been shifted away from those that benefited the most from the misfortune of others.

Mr Trager's analysis of it is interesting. Once again, we hear that the book is full of lies and gross distortions, and not once does he dispute it, fact for fact. A very common argument tactic when one simply wants to silence the opposition. I wish, for once, someone of his ilk, would. His book cannot possible be as thoroughly researched as this book, if it were, he would, most definitely, come to the same conclusion. Read this book. It is a real eye-opener. Perhaps Monsieur Spielberg would like to make this into a movie!

And I highly recommend, to understand what it is to put this on a required reading list on a college campus, another book. It is "The Jewish Onslaught" by Dr. Tony Martin. This will let you know of the level that others will go through to keep the truth from you. Was this review helpful to you?

"Meticulously researched, balanced and informative book"

October 26, 1999 Reviewer: Alafia Shexnayder ( from Atlanta, GA, USA -- 4 stars

Initially, after reading the reviews from the ADL and some online comments, I was prepared for a one-sided anti-semitic diatribe.

What I found after beginning to read was a very balanced, well-packaged and meticulously researched text with most of the sources if not all, taken from Jewish writers-none of whom I would think are anti-semitic, since they are Jewish.

I have seen propaganda, and this book is not propaganda. I was actually surprised that the researchers had gone through such efforts to get these sources, especially given the volatility of the subject, slavery and Jews.

This book is an excellent book. It is not the easiest read, because it is a research document, but any of us who have ever gone to college or are students, are familiar with the technical/research writing style.

If you enjoy allowing others to tell you what to think and feel, then you probably would not want to read this book because it stretches the mind and presents facts that most of us know little about. If you are a fairly intelligent individual with critical thinking skills and capable of discerning fact from fiction-you might want to consider reading this book-especially if you interested in the subject. You at least owe it to yourself to read it and see what is said before forming an opinion one way or the other.

It certainly helped me see deeper into why the ADL and others react so violently when they hear anyone mention this subject or the book.


"Well Researched Historical Document"

April 8, 2000 Reviewer: A reader from Georgia, USA -- 5 stars

I read the Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews about eight years ago when a friend, who is a member of the Nation of Islam, loaned me his copy. I was so impressed with the high level of documentation used in researching this book that I bought my own copy.

One of the effects this book has had on the Jewish community is that it is now very difficult for a person of color to obtain entry to Jewish controlled historical archives. It was no doubt embarrassing to have Jewish archives quoted as the sources for the documentation of who owned the majority of slave ships, slave trading companies, and slave auction houses. I can understand why they would condemn this book.

Dr. Tony Martin, who taught African-American History at Wellesley College in 1993, made the mistake of thinking that he would be protected by the Right of Academic Freedom when he referenced this book while teaching just one of his class lectures. A smear campaign was instigated against him. The Jewish student organization, Hillel, in conjunction with the B'nai B'rith and the ADL, attempted to have Dr. Martin, a Black man of high standards and very respectable academic credentials, fired from his faculty position. I am not sure of the ultimate outcome of the controversy. If interested, you may wish to also read the book, The Jewish Onslaught, by Tony Martin.



April 2, 2001 Reviewer: A reader from Benin University Nigeria -- 5 stars

There are many books purporting to be the "History of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Writing and references are sloppy, claims are far fetched and even invented. Not this book. I first read this book after loaning it from my public library. I antiscipated yet another hysterical diatribe against whites or polemic against African chieftans. Anyone seeking racists stereotypes should look elsewhere. This book is remarkably well researched. The quotes are all from Jewish sources and no others are included because of the risk of anti-semitic bias.

The book basically consists of archival records of business transactions, personal correspondance and public records of the Shephadic ( North African, Southern European and Dutch Jews) kidnapping, selling and loaning of African slaves. Its descibes the Jews creation of the trans-Atlantic slave trade which began with Christopher Colombus's arrival in the "New World" and his sending Native American Indians back to Spain. Its describes how Jewish wealth already acquired from their slave trading during the Middle Ages and Ottoman Empire period in Europe and the Middle East enabled the Jews to have the financial resources and seafaring merchantile experiences to successfully sell slaves and then sell the produce of slave labor consisting of sugar , tobacco and rum back to the Europeans. The book describes the struggles by various European monarchs to ban the consumption of excessive amounts for sugar, tobacco and rum which was leading to social decline in people that had become addicted to sugar and tobacco. A problem that is still the scourge of western society.

It also describes the tremendous indifference to the pain and suffering caused to African families and the obvious loss of life resulting from Jewish policey which claimed that it was more profitable to kill a slave after seven years then feed him or her nutrional food and keep them alive longer. Many contemporary health problems within the African-American population can be traced back to the slavery era in which their ancestors were fed only on molasses (residue of fermented surgar)

Its records the cultural backlash against the Jews profiteering and pirateering from African and European monarchs and even early American settlers like Peter Styvestant in New York City. There was also numerous slave uprisings resulting in pitched and bloody battles fought between Jewish slave traders and their African captives in South America. Who would disappear into the rain forests to live alongside Native Americans. One siege lasted for nine years with the Jews eventually giving up.

I am a cultural anthropologist so I checked out as many references as I could and they were all authentic. Particularly chilling are the personal correspondance between Jewish slave owners about their private lives and slavery. Incest and venereal disease was common place amongst them but this did not act as any kind of obstacle since the lure of huge profits clashed with personal scruples

There are some fresh insights into the role that the Jewish merchants played in the genocide against Native American Indians. It was a Jewish merchant that supplied the infected blankets and handkerchiefs to the English. So that they could reduce their numbers on the East coast of America with small pox. It describes how the Native Americans were encouraged to participate in slave trading to prevent slaves from escaping to their encampments but the outcome was unsuccessful because the Native tribes would not treat their African captives any different from their own people. This is still a considerable amount of the African-American popluace of both Americas which has Native American Indian ancestry due to intermixing.

All though the book is brief and riveting. Its is not easy reading at all. You really require a cast iron stomach to get through it because of the somewhat gory nature of its contents. However the archival material is so relentless and succint that although you may feel revolted by the mercenary accounts of what must be one of the worst records of mans'inhumanity to man. You still want to read it none the less.


"Very Informative, Extremely Well Researched, Underrated"

January 5, 2001 Reviewer: A reader from Oxnard, CA -- 5 stars

Before I read and reviewed this book I had my misgiving. First, I questioned the accuracy of the sources, and if they could warrant a debate. Second, since the book has no author there aren't any other works cited. So I was prepared for a book with no substance. Was I ever suprised. The book has well documented accounts of Jewish involvement in the Black Holocaust from primarily Jewish Sources. This book shows how a people motivated by greed, were almost singlehandly responsible for one of humanities greatest crimes. Rabbi Einhorn states," a Jew praises the Lord for deliverance from Egyptian bondage, but defends slavery when he is the enslaver. Black and Jewish people alike,Read This Book. If this book is controversial it is because it sheds light and makes one aware of the injustice. Not to mention the embarassment and shame it will cause. I believe a formal debate is in order. If the book is racist propaganda as the ADL and Harold Brackman claim have a open forum. Get prominent Rabbis and Jewish Historians to debate with Tony Martin and His team. The Time for truth is now.

The truth about slavery comes out...

July 15, 2002 A reader from Bay Area CA

I am not black, I am not Jewish. I am a European born Christian white male. This book goes to doccument many many accounts of Jewish people owning slaves and being the main rulers of the slave trade. I am familiar with Jews throughout history and this does not surprise me. With their modern day control of the media, movies, television, newspapers, magazines, etc of course they would not like this book to be read by the masses. Why? Because after reading it, if you are black, white, jewish, christian, etc you come to one startling conclusion. The Jews are the ones who enslaved black people and they are the ones who promoted and sold slaves alot more than Christian White Males did. Knowing that, would all of the angry black people in america still blame the White Christian male for, they would not...they would blame the Jews. This book is written by the Nation of Islam. It is very well put together and contains sources for all of the information in it. If you want the TRUTH about slavery and not the media mainstream version pick this book up.

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