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- A.J. Liebling


News for 121098

  Strike to protest Wassenaar!!!

contributed by Cypherpunk
Received by HNN: "This is a global call for computer professionals to strike on Monday, 14 December, 1998 to protest the signing of the Wassenaar Arrangement, an international treaty that imposes new restrictions on cryptographic software technolog y. The strike is meant to raise awareness about the importance of cryptography, about the U.S. government's strong headed attempts to curtail its use, and about the strong-arm tactics used by the United States to pressure other countries into limiting the ir citizens' rights the way it has limited its own. "

Wassenaar Strike
HNN - Tuesdays News (More info on Wassenaar Arrangement)

  Palm Pilot RedBox

contributed by CYB0RG/ASM
An article that HNN carried last week made it into Wired Online yesterday and the front page of the USA Today print version today. Unfortunately they all missed a big chunk of the story. Evidently some cars have poorly made infrared locks. The infrared signals can be duplicated by the Palm Pilots to unlock car doors. This essentially makes the Palm Pilot a car theft device. The part of the story that everyone else has pretty much missed is that in Canada the Palm Pilot can be used as a Toll Fraud Device. Four lines of basic code is all it takes to turn your Palm Pilot into a RedBox.

Hack Canada - Basic Code
USA Today

  Viruses down

contributed by Space Rogue
Reported computer virus incidents in Japan have hit their lowest number since April 1997. Only 109 incidents where reported in the month of November according to the Computer Virus Report issued by the Information Technology Promotion Agency of Japan. There was also three new viruses reported for the month of November.

Asia Biz Tech

  Chaos Computer Congress

contributed by caffeinecowboy
The German hacker group Chaos Computer Club is holding their annual con in Berlin, Germany this year. The 15. Chaos Communication Congress with the motto "all rights reversed" will be held on December 27th to 29th including a lockpicking competition. The web page offers a quite complete FAQ in various languages.

Chaos Computer Club - German Only

contributed by A lot of people
Following the recent trend of cracking web sites devoted to hacking, a site known as The Cyber Army has been defaced. The main page of the site was replaced with a page that continues the trend of putting up a poorly designed page containing "script kiddie talk" that is difficult to read. (Ed Note: Personally I wish these p eople would make a page worth saving, I mean why go to all the trouble to boast about breaking in only to put up some lame page?)

The Cyber Army

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/12/00 at 14:45

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ATIO Corporation (Pty) Ltd (
Edusoft ( (
Bratel Comércio e Representações LTDA ( ( (
VIST Trading Company Ltd. (
Department of Civil Aviation, United Arab Emirates (
Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group (
Loma Linda University ( (

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