Into the Underground

by lowtec

Into the Underground

Well here it is, the first issue of DIG! I founded this magazine because I see lots of people working on interesting projects with unfocused efforts and no central place to report their findings, or ask for help. I want this magazine to be an interactive experience for everyone who chooses to participate.

While DIG will focus mainly on hacking, phreaking and exploring technology, I would love to see more diverse articles. In the end our readers and contributors will have the biggest say in the direction we take this production by influencing us with letters, and by submitting articles to be published. To some of the people who have been on the scene for a while, some of the information may seem to repeat ideas a little, but keep in mind that we are trying to appeal to a larger audience. I think that this will be a good place to learn for everyone.

Let me take a quick moment to dispel some common beliefs held by the unaware or ignorant. Hackers are people too. The term hacker as it is used here to describe someone who is aware and curious about how things work originated at the MIT artificial intelligence labs and was an honorable title. The media and others have distorted the term to describe criminals. The truth is that knowledge is power, and with power comes responsibility. With that out of the way, please enjoy this issue, and use all information responsibly.

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Into the Underground
by lowtec
Explorations in Connected Technologies
by Astral
An Analysis of Smartcards
by lowtec
Thoughts on EZ Pass / Speedpass
by lowtec
Explicit Anarchy
by Dreg Nihilist
Stunning Snacks
by lowtec
Scan of 1-800-326-XXXX
Buffer Overflow Challenge
by matrix
Conscience of a Hacker
by the Mentor
DIG #1