Buffer Overflow Challenge

by matrix

Buffer Overflow Challenge



Think you have skills?

   Try to exploit this without using any shellcode.
   Assume a nonexecutable stack.
   Get a root shell.

   Jose Ronnick <matrix@phiral.com>

#define message "Are two bytes enough for you? =) <matrix@phiral.com>\n"

void clearmem(char **target)
	int i;
	for(i = 0; target[i] != 0; i++)
		memset(target[i], 0, strlen(target[i]));

void func(char *src)
	char buffer[56];
	strcpy(buffer, src);

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
	char buffer[100];
	char *data, *loc;
	long *location;
	int buf_len;

	if(argc == 1) exit(0);

	data = (char *) malloc(20);
	loc = data + 16;
	*((long *)loc) = (long)message;
	location = (long *) loc;
	if(argc > 2)
		loc = argv[2];
		loc = 0;

	if(strlen(argv[1]) > 38)
		if(((unsigned char) argv[1][33] != 0xff) || 
			 ((unsigned char) argv[1][34] != 0xbf)) exit(1);

	bzero(buffer, 100);
	buf_len = strlen((char *)*location) + strlen(argv[1]);
	strncat(buffer, (char *)*location, strlen((char *)*location));
	strncat(buffer, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
	buffer[buf_len] = 0;

		if(strlen(loc) > 15) exit(1);
		if(strlen(loc) < 14)
			if(loc[14] == 0) 
				memcpy(data, loc, 17);
				strcpy(data, loc);

	buf_len = strlen((char *)*location) + strlen(argv[1]);
	printf("%s (%d)\n", buffer, buf_len);

	bzero(0xbfffff00, 250);
	if(buf_len < 56)

Get the file as source: matrix_challenge.c

If you are able to solve it, e-mail me. matrix@phiral.com

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