Explicit Anarchy

by Dreg Nihilist

Explicit Anarchy

First and foremost, I want to evince the truth about the philosophy of anarchy that is often effaced by the corrupt misinterpretation imposed on this theory by the punk movement of the 1980’s. This movement has lead much of the public to believe anarchy is a philosophy that is based on allowing chaos to reign over crazed and frenzied antics of anti-government extremists.

In all actuality, the idea is quite the contrary to the violent label with which anarchy has been so incorrectly deemed. Anarchy is actually a very peaceful concept derived from two Greek words meaning “without government” and was once known as “Liberation Socialism”. The idea is anti-government, but in the manner of speaking of how government restrains those living under it. Anarchy is being able to liberate society from governmental restrictions through each individual cooperating to achieve a peaceful and enjoyable political environment that diminishes all necessity of an unwanted government. It is not an attempt to violently overthrow power and order to be able to act on whatever whim crosses through one’s mind; it is a theory based on being magnanimous and mature enough to live harmoniously through compromise and toleration. An anarchic society does not need to be ruled over; it advocates thought and action that denies the ruling of people and eventually ownership of petty things like land and property that could cause confrontation. It illustrates the belief that people are civilized enough to collaborate through open agreements to create a substitute for a mediator or intermediary; liaison would be the standard of living. William Godwin, the first proclaimed anarchist, wrote Political Justice in 1793 which proclaimed his idea and view of anarchy. Pierre Joseph Proudhon was Godwin’s successor in spreading the dogma of anarchic culture with his book What is Property? (which is how the denial of owning land or property was first introduced). One Russian anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, motivated Peter Kropotkin, another Russian anarchist, to write a multitude of books that significantly affected anarchy such as The Conquest of Bread, Mutual Aid, and Fields, Factories, and Workshops. Kropotkin wrote the first adroit encyclopedia definition of anarchy that lasted a total of about fifteen pages. Next, Leo Tolstoy introduced Christian anarchy and also wrote "The anarchists are right in the assertion that, without Authority, there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions." Anarchy continued to grow and form and become more tangible, but this also opened the belief to persecution such as in cases of The Chicago Martyrs or the "Haymarket Eight". Alexander Berkman, companion of one of the instrumental figures of the anarchist movement (Emma Goldman), wrote ABC of Anarchism which declares anarchism as freedom from enslavement. Anarchy has evolved through many movements and is still practiced today in small communities and societies.

Anarchy is not at all a manifestation of terrorism or disorder even though the government and media often give it a connotation synonymous with turmoil because they feel threatened by the idea. Power corrupts; anarchy is the solution. Anarchism encompasses many ideas and theories or similar philosophies such as existential individualism, anarcho-syndicalism, class struggle, anti-speciesism, self-sufficiency, anti-racism, and eco-anarchism. Anarchy has become a widely accepted belief around the world and is openly supported. Everything is subject to perception and interpretation, but misunderstanding the belief structure and concept base of anarchy is unfortunate. Anarchy speaks for itself through its history and tenets. Anarchists can correctly demonstrate and convey the doctrine of anarchy through their actions, words, writings, and presentations of the practice of Anarchy.

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