We have often been asked what do we have against 2600
magazine and Eric Corley
(AKA Emmanuel Goldstein).
Beyond all the rhetoric and ballyhoo of his sexual
preferences, many members of the hacking community recognize
the characteristic signature of his liberal socialist
2600 magazine has an openly socialist agenda which they try
to mask behind the veil of a "big brother" complex. One only
has to examine 2600's posturing to notice this.

If we compare the above Soviet propaganda poster with the
below photo of the wannabe dictator,
you can make your own

When individuals are more concerned with profit and
forwarding their own agenda, they forget what hacking
is really about.
Charging individuals $6.25 for information that is freely
available on the Internet is nothing short of criminal.
What's frightening is that the next generation of hackers is
buying into 2600's socialist agenda.
Lambs to the slaughter
Being adherents of the original
ethic, we can understand the
sharing of information, but not the profiting from it.
Technical Journal #3 (The IIRG
was used without our consent in the Autumn 1996 Issue of
2600 as the (90's Cheesebox).
Had 2600 even
bothered to ask, we would have given our consent. Instead
they published our graphic with any IIRG monikers removed
and no mention that this was the IIRG's Cheesebox. Since 2600
profited from this, we are still awaiting our royalty check.
If you feel the
need to scam your readers over something as simple as this,
we can only imagine the full extent of your deviant
2600's socialist
goal of consolidating control of the hacking community by
any means necessary has been obvious for years to those with
the foresight to understand Corley's meglomaniacal visions
of grandeur.

You must
listen to me, I am your Leader!
If you examine
an early issue of 2600, you will see Eric Corley
listed as Editor and Publisher. In later issues, you will
now see Emmanuel Goldstein listed as "Editor-In-Chief".
If this does not
show you the pandering to his meglomaniacal ego, we don't
know what will.
Feb. 19th, 2010
We had hoped that the liberal insanity of 2600 magazine,
and Eric Corley was a thing of the past.
But one of our field monitors reports to us,
that the flaming liberal is once again spouting his inflammatory ramblings
on Twitter and is planning another socialist love fest.
If you examine
the "Editor-In-Chief's"
personal Twitter
postings, you'll see his liberal socialist views,
and profiteering ways for yourself.
The "golddigger"
is also pushing his next HOPE
conference where he will no doubly push his
liberal socialist agenda.
This will give
him untold opportunities to sell his
useless swag and sell his next collection of downloaded
text files in another book he's already advertising.

If you've ever been to a HOPE conference, you'll know the
insanity of asking $75.00 for pre-registration,
and $100.00 at the door.
If you really must go to a conference,
save your cash and go to