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The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance

Because the whole damn world is going to Hell in a handbasket!

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Stinger Sniper
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Save the Witness
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CSA Dar al-Harb (House of War)


First of all, the legal BS.
We've been forced to add this because several groups were trying to instigate
problems for us, saying that we were promoting "civil disobedience" by
giving individuals access to "Paramilitary Training" materials.

This page links to files that some are attempting to classify as
"Paramilitary Training" materials.
These files were not written or composed by the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA)
but have been provided by “third-parties" .
The CSA does not store any of the files listed on this page on our server.

These links are provided for informational purposes only.
The CSA does not control and is not responsible for the content,
accuracy or completeness of these files.
The CSA expressly disclaims any and all liability related to any actions taken, or not taken,
by individuals in regards to these files.


This webpage may contain copyrighted material that were not specifically authorized by the copyright owner. CSA personnel believe this constitutes 'fair use' of copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use copyrighted material contained within this webpage for your own purposes that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

The threat of terrorist attack can best be countered through preparation.
Many people besides us don't like the dismal state this nation is in right now.
Many people have stopped voting in national elections because they believe their vote is meaningless: there isn't two cents worth of difference between the two major parties.

So, what can you do?

Well, the first thing you can do is organize and educate yourself. You can get ready for the storm that is overtaking this nation.
It's only a matter of time till it strike in it's full fury.

With the list of threats currently facing the common man today,
be it terrorism, nuclear conflict, rogue nations, pandemic,
or a host of other topics that are too many to list.
The wise man prepares.

Remember all those people that called survivalists crazy?
They're in COSTCO buying in bulk now.


Terrorism consists mainly of two threats.
Mexican Reconquistas plan to return the U.S. Southwest to Mexico,
and Muslim extremists.

Both these groups have not hidden their agendas,
they are blatantly obvious in their desires.


Since we can only attempt to educate and inform,
we list these items that are on the Internet for those with
the foresight to organize and prepare.

Terrorist Recognition Handbook

Terrorist Recognition Handbook, Second Edition

"Written by a 20-year veteran of the U.S. intelligence community, this second edition reflects the latest geopolitical factors affecting global terrorist incidents and regional insurgencies.
A new section includes an analysis of transformations within al-Qaeda, coverage of the modern insurgency, and new global and regional terrorist groups.
Completely updated, the section on terrorist tactics reveals the latest trends and attack methods and includes a new chapter on previously unseen suicide bombings. This book is an invaluable training tool on how to identify an attack; how to mitigate damage from successful attacks; and how to recognize the various stages of developing terrorist plots."

The threat of nuclear terrorism against American cities is very real.
For over ten years, al-Qaeda has been planning their "American Hiroshima",
 where they blow up ten or more American cities with nuclear bombs.
Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's second in command,
has warned of "horrific attacks" against American cities.

Life After Doomsday

Life after Doomsday - A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and other Major Disasters

This unique manual shows you how to survive a nuclear nightmare by providing an exhaustive investigation of survival strategies and of the problems that will face those who survive.
The author outlines step-by-step procedures for preparing and defending shelters, storing food, treating illnesses and injuries and understanding the psychology of survival.
With its dozens of useful charts, lists, drawings and photos, this book also serves as an excellent reference on surviving any major disaster.


Domestic Enemies

Well, it has happened.
The Crisis has arrived!
Islam has infiltrated the highest office in the land.

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

~ Barack Hussein Obama - From his book Audacity of Hope ~

"We've learned that this is not an exact quote, but implied."
See Page 261

"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.

~ Barack Hussein Obama ~

We can only offer you a glimpse
of what to expect with this video.

There is only the Islamo-Facist Muslim Socialist States (MSS) now!

The tyranny of the Meccachurian's government will show even the most apathetic of sheeple,
 that he will be the worst enemy of freedom loving people the world has ever seen.


With dire predictions coming out of amateur and professional analysts alike.
Most people will now become painfully aware that the former United States is NO MORE!

Those who didn't prepare are now out of luck.
With massive job losses,
most just don't have the money to build a food reserve or anything else,
and the time to do so has run out.

With his highly questionable place of birth,
and his reluctance to provide documentation to prove otherwise.
The CSA refuses to recognize him as Commander in Chief.

Not that our members need to be reminded,
but Barack Hussein Obama is NOT our president, he is INELIGIBLE to hold that office.
He can never be president of the former United States.


Our domestic enemies are working feverishly to take our guns from us.
We now have the most liberal senator of 2007 as Grand High Sheikh,
and the third most liberal senator as the sheikh's assistant.

"We of the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA) do solemnly swear,
 that we will defend the Constitution of the former United States against those enemies,
foreign and domestic, that have usurped it.
Those giving aid and comfort to these enemies,
including those that unwittingly support such criminals.
  Shall be considered enemy combatants, and treated as such.
So help us God.

The intimidation and censorship of the corporate mainstream media can
be witnessed by watching this video.

While we have no love of Alex Jones who has his own profiteering agenda,
Glenn Beck has shown his willingness to be a shill for the Meccachurian.
Glenn Beck has recently done his best to portray the Militia community in a negative light,
 and uses the Islamic shill Timothy McVeigh to do this.
A Middle Eastern terrorist cell made up of former Iraqi soldiers helped Timothy McVeigh plot the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
Anyone who subscribes to this theory is labeled a right-winger or hawk however.

Glenn Beck has a sordid history with Militias.
He demonizes Militias, while trying to present himself as a Constitutionalist.



Be it whether you think there will be an invasion of the United States by blue helmeted thugs from communist countries or Islamic nations, or if you fear martial law and being rounded up into FEMA concentration camps. You must have the knowledge and the skills to resist,
far too many groups consider this picture their ideal unit.


David's Toolkit

David's Tool Kit
A Citizen’s Guide to Taking Out Big Brother’s Heavy Weapons

By: Ragnar Benson

What do you do when faced with the overwhelming firepower of a ruthless authority?
FIGHT BACK, that’s what.
Weapons expert Ragnar Benson provides citizens defenders with the information they need to mount a successful campaign against overwhelming odds...and win!

The true definition of guerrilla warfare,
 is a conflict between armed civilians against a powerful nation state army.
Be it whether you think there will be an invasion of the United States by blue helmeted thugs from communist or Islamic nations, or if you fear martial law and being rounded up into FEMA concentration camps. You must have the knowledge and the skills to resist.

Total Resistance

Total Resistance
ISBN-10: 0873640217 | PDF

This is a legendary work by the famed Swiss expert on guerrilla warfare, Major H. von Dach. Survivalists have rediscovered this important study on resistance and underground operations, some making it the keystone of their libraries. Well-written and illustrated with easy-to-understand drawings, Total Resistance analyzes and overviews the techniques needed to overcome an invading force, formation of guerrilla units, weapons, food and medical considerations, ambushes, sabotage and much more.

Rogue Nations

Nations considered threatening to the world's peace.
These countries seek nothing more than the destruction of the United States.
Heavy on propaganda, low on technology,
they're seeking the means to carry out their dreams.

Does anyone really need a lesson why such emphasis
has been put on the denuclearization of North Korea?

The Islamic Republic of Iran's Mullahs subject the Iranian people to a daily
dose of anti-American propaganda.
The Iranian people are not the problem, only it's extremist leaders.

If you were expecting things to change with the Meccachurian,
"don't think so"!
Not even in office yet and we see hardline demonstrators burning posters of him during a demonstration in support of the people of Gaza,
in front of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran on January 13, 2009.

One of the greatest assets any group can have is a robust Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Unit.
Intercepting an adversaries radio and data traffic can be a treasure chest of information.
Understanding the terminology used by the military and agencies,
 can be confusing to the novice Signals Interception Unit.
This guide should help the beginner.

Words of Intelligence

Words of Intelligence: A Dictionary

As noted in the foreword, with the creation of Homeland Security, the need for a standard vocabulary for the intelligence community became a priority.
This concise dictionary is an attempt to document the operational and evolving intelligence vocabulary.

More than 600 entries range in length from one or two sentences to a paragraph, with the occasional page-long entry (derogatory information, for example).
Librarians and information professionals will find the five pages of definitions for terms beginning with information as defined in the intelligence context to be of special interest.
Starting with analysis and finishing with information warriors, the way the intelligence community perceives information and its use is unique.
Mixed in with the entries for intelligence terms are brief definitions of key events that were either missed, affected, or successfully noted through the use of intelligence, including Iran, fall of the shah; Korean War; and Yom-Kippur War.
The dictionary concludes with 20 pages of notes along with an appendix of what author Goldman considers essential Web sites of intelligence agencies in the U.S. as well as selected international agencies. Before the dictionary proper are 20 pages of acronyms used in the U.S. government and military.

Dictionary of Military Terms
Over 6000 terms clearly defined.
Topics covered include ranks, training, military personnel, maneuvers, vehicles, tactics, commands, weapons and equipment.

We are realists, we know injuries and medical conditions will happen.
You must be prepared for this eventuality.
These books will help in that regard.

Double Pack from the CSA:

Where There Is No Dentist
Where There Is No Doctor: Village Health Care Handbook

Where There Is No Dentist

Community health workers from around the world use this book to help people care for their teeth and gums. A focus on the treatment of urgent dental problems and the importance of prevention make this book an valuable resource. "Where There is No Dentist" provides detailed and well-illustrated information on using dental equipment, placing fillings, and removing teeth, as well as methods for teaching hygiene and nutrition. The book was developed as a companion volume to "Where There is No Doctor", and encourages people to care for their own teeth and prevent tooth and gum problems in their communities.

Where There Is No Doctor: Village Health Care Handbook

With 3 million copies in print in over 50 languages, Where There Is No Doctor is the most widely used health care manual in use in developing countries today. Using simple language and hundreds of drawings, the book provides information about recognising, treating and preventing common illnesses and injuries. But it is far more than simple first aid information. It covers a wide range of subjects that affect the health of the villager - from diarrhoea to tuberculosis, from helpful and harmful home remedies to the cautious use of certain modern medicines. Special importance is placed on cleanliness, a healthy diet, vaccination, childbirth and family planning. The African edition covers diseases commonly found in Africa.

This was a special request by some G-20 protesters.
We understand that this was one of the reasons for the switch to flex cuffs.

This book covers a selection of handcuffs in popular use today and discusses some of the features with which you should become familiar.

Chapters include:

* Background on Handcuffs
* Identification of Handcuffs
* Lockpicks & Shims
* Materials, Tools & Equipment
* Construction of Handcuff Picks & Shims
* Lockpicking Techniques
* Handcuff Keys
* And more.

With the knowledge in this book you will be able to manufacture your own "personalized" set of lockpicks and be able to open a wide variety of handcuffs with them.

This is just a small selection of what is available online.
If you have specific needs contact us.

All You Ever Wanted to Know about Microsoft Windows XP WinXP

United Disaster Survival and Defense Alliance





Support the CSA!

The CSA does not ask individuals for money out of their pockets,
but we do ask you for your support in our efforts.
Register here and make $6.00 and by supporting us we make $1.25

Use a Fake Name if you have privacy issues.

Thanks to your generous support,
we are able to add new features to the system.
Keep up the support!

Register on every IP you can!

Homeland Security Advisory






"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
- George Washington



Islamic Girls Gone Wild!


Meet "Lonely Jihadist Wives"












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Never Again Novels




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