The CSA                                     


The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance

Because the whole damn world is going to Hell in a handbasket!


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Connecticut Survival Info

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Islamic Infiltration in New England

CSA Google Discussion Group


CSA Group History 

CSA's Response to the ADL

 Our response to the ADL's Extremism in Connecticut Report

CSA's Response to Wesleyan
 Our response to Josh Nathan-Kazis

The CSA Dar al-Harb
(House of War)

The CSA Office Machines
(Member Desktops)

Girls of the Militia 

Girls of La Raza

Islamic Girls Gone WILD!

Stinger Sniper
Work on your hand/eye coordination

Tactical Assassin 2
Work on your hand/eye coordination

Sniper Assassin II
Work on your hand/eye coordination

Save the Witness
Work on your hand/eye coordination

CSA Online Store
 Get your Official CSA Merchandise




CSA Group History

Back in 1985 several members of the International Information Retrieval Guild (IIRG) were reading the "Ashes" book series by William W. Johnstone.
This book series is about life in a post-holocaust America and the attempts of a group of people to rebuild society.
The point that stuck out in our minds the most was that these people, who were called the "rebels" for their desire to break away from the accepted norms of American political ideology, did not want to see America go back to the way it was before the war.
These people wanted a return to the Constitution and a more common sense form of government.

"Just what is a common sense form of government?" you might ask.
The concept is so simple that it seems to have eluded
today's bureaucrats and social elite completely.
The concept is this; a government must be instituted and laws passed that society must follow or you will have anarchy.
The similarity between what we have today and what Mr. Johnstone envisioned
ends there.

As the years went by and we saw more and more of the way the government is abusing and taking advantage of the law abiding citizens of this country,
several IIRG members began to wonder,
is it time to branch out in a different direction?
Not wanting to reinvent the wheel, we researched what efforts had already been done.

We found the Tri-States Coalition/Militia, but after doing some very standard research, found the group to be infiltrated by informants, Christian Identity followers, and complete loons.
Wanting to test their OPerational SECurity (OPSEC) we had an IIRG member pose as myself and contact them.

As we expected, there was no OPSEC in place.

So, once again we would have to reinvent the wheel.
So the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA) was officially born.
We were almost immediately labeled extremists by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who has no sense of our efforts or direction.

On the plus side, the ADL doesn't think we have a "real world presence".
It only confirms to us that their intelligence
gathering capabilities are equal to that of a chimpanzee with a keyboard.
Since we are NOT media whores and do NOT values the
media coverage we receive in print media, television, radio,
or on-line news outlets.
Groups like the ADL think we are secretive extremists because we practice OPSEC and use common sense.

Reporters also do not get our sarcastic sense of humor.
Much of which originated,
 from several of our members coming out of the hacking community
The only words of advice we can offer is e-mail us before you write
something and jump to wrong conclusions.

As we have stated numerous times in the past, it would be wonderful to live in a society where prejudices, hate, and crime have all but been erased.
Where everyone is truly equal. Not in fact but in opportunity.
But with today's media trying to one-up each other,
that won't happen till the media is corrected.

When we formed the CSA,
we took what we consider the best of the best out there.
We took the best of the Tri-States Philosophy,
 combined with some Libertarian ideas and good old fashioned common sense.

We strive to provide reliable sources for our members to read, research and investigate. 
The acquisition of skills, knowledge, and information enables us to provide accurate and reliable support to members.

Only those who are seriously dedicated to preparedness will make it in the CSA.

All You Ever Wanted to Know about Microsoft Windows XP WinXP

United Disaster Survival and Defense Alliance






Support the CSA!

The CSA does not ask individuals for money out of their pockets,
but we do ask you for your support in our efforts.
Register here and make $6.00 and by supporting us we make $1.25

Use a Fake Name if you have privacy issues.

Thanks to your generous support,
we are able to add new features to the system.
Keep up the support!

Register on every IP you can!


Homeland Security Advisory






"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
- George Washington



Islamic Girls Gone Wild!


Meet "Lonely Jihadist Wives"














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Never Again Novels



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