Radio Scanner Modifications and Information |
Communication is the Key to Success |
Random collection of notes, schematics, software, etc.
Notes & Resources
- Optoelectronics - Interface Specifications & Utilities
- Mirror of RadioShack's Radio Communications Support Documents Includes scanners, CBs, antennas, etc. From around 1999. (OFFSITE)
- Mirror of Contra's "Tetrascanner" Website ( Lots of good information on TETRA radio monitoring and other digital radio topics. He was also an active poster on Jim Atkinson's excellent TSCM mailing list. Missing lots of files and images.
- Scanner School Scanner reviews, articles, resources, and even a podcast by Phil Lichtenberger
- Scanner Hardware & Software Options
- MDT Stuff Original 1996 USENET posting to
- MDTW1234 - Revision B by Bonzo
- MDTSCAN MDT log scanner, by Bonzo
- Listener/MDT v1.1 by Bonzo
- ERMES 4C ERMES paging decoder, requires a 4-level FSK interface and discriminator output from radio. (DOS Version)
- ERMON 0.7 ERMES paging, radio path traffic monitor, with full logging, requires a 4-level FSK interface and discriminator output from radio.
- Traffic Master Decoder For decoding Traffic Master data that comes in on POCSAG.
- POCSAG/FLEX Pager Receiving Program
- POC32 POCSAG decoder for Windows '95.
- Manual (105k PDF)
- PDW v3.1 - Paging Decoder for Windows POCSAG/FLEX Decoder for Windows, by Jason Petty
- PD v2.05 POCSAG decoder for DOS, by Peter Baston
- Mobitex Wireless Packet Data Decoder
- KRACARS v1.2 Khalid Rafiq's freeware ACARS decoder for DOS.
- WACARS v0.7 ACARS reception and decoding software for Windows 95/98 + soundcard.
- Beginners guide to POCSAG Pager Decoding
- The Quick-and-Dirty Data Inteface Data slicer using only RadioShack parts.
- How to Modify Your Icom R7100 to Provide an Output Directly from the Discriminator by Tim Jackson
- Computer Interface for an AOR AR8000 Schematic
- icomlib-1.0.0 Icom IC-PCR1000 control suite for Linux, by Javaman and PolyWog
- How to Build Your Own Rogue GSM BTS for Fun and Profit by Simone Margaritelli
- Engineering Menu for Motorola GSM & DCS Phones
- Listening in to a DECT Digital Cordless Phone with a HackRF
- GE-Ease The EDACS beep eliminator.
- Scanner Control by Zebra Zed. Allows you to connect your PLL2002-equipped scanner to your computer, giving you complete control of the scanner's frequency, range, and bands. The PLL2002 is found in about 90% of all scanners made by RadioShack.
- Vox Recorder A Windows utility wich allows recording sound from an audio source only when an audio signal is present; its main purpose is to avoid the recording of the silence eventually present at the input, by Nino Porcino (IZ8BLY).
- Scanner Recorder v1.9 by D. Jacobs
- The Digital Sounds Library
- USENET: Via Red Wave Radio
- USENET: Via Google Groups
- The PRO-2006 Mailing List Archives
- Scanner Digest Newsletter
- PROgramit Project Page Build an inexpensive computer control interface for your scanner, by John Montalbano (KA2PYJ)
- CCC-ScanSys v1.17 CCC-ScanSys, in conjunction with the OptoScan456 and Optoscan535 computer interface boards from OptoElectronics, will allow you to finally gain full control of your RadioShack PRO-2005/2006/2035 scanning receiver, by Colonie Computech Corp
- RadioCtl v0.4 Computer control of Icom, Kenwood, AOR3000, AOR8000, and RadioShack (with OptoScan456 interface) radios for Win95.
- RadioShack PRO-2005/6 EL Replacement
- World Scanner Report Index of PRO-2006 Related Material
- Monitoring Times Index of PRO-2006 Related Material
- Brett Saylor's RadioShack PRO-2006 Blog
- Scanner Converter Upgrade your scanner to receive signals in the 800-900 or 900-1000 MHz bands, Radio Electronics, February 1992
- CPUUpdater_0651_U2.9_1.EXE CPU Update v2.9 for RadioShack PRO-651 & PRO-652 scanners. Can also be used to repair "bricked" scanners. Requires the RadioShack #20-546 programming cable.
- The RadioShack PRO-652 appears to be similar to the Whistler WS1065, but the firmware is not compatible.
- The PRO-197 was manufactured for RadioShack by GRE America Inc. Later, Whistler supplied an equivalent unit to RadioShack as the PRO-652. The Whistler WS1065 is the later equivalent radio.
- PRO-652 Internal Photos
Q.) How do I get the PSR-500, PSR-600, PRO-106 or PRO-197 to output control channel data to decode? A.) The PSR-500, PSR-600, PRO-106, and PRO-197 have the capability to send control channel data to the PC/IF port anytime the scanner is monitoring a control channel. While this data may be decoded by Pro96Com, this data stream will be lost by Pro96Com whenever a voice channel becomes active, or conventional, search, or sweeper objects are being scanned. In addition, if you are monitoring a multi-site system, Pro96Com will constantly reload the data each time it finds a new site. To get a steady stream of data, these radios need to be placed into analyze mode on an active control channel. There are two ways to get into analyze mode. In manual mode, locate a talkgroup that's a member of the system you want to monitor. Once located, Press the F2 (TSYS) key, then the F3 (Analyz) key. Using the up or down arrows, locate an active control channel. When you see the decoded information on the screen, the scanner is ready to send the control channel data. In scan mode, you can wait for a talkgroup on the system to become active, at which point you can follow the same procedure (F2/F3) to place the scanner in Analyze mode.BanpaiA Team BanpaiA Team created the first DDI (ESN/MIN snarfing) software that works using a radio scanner + soundcard only, without extra hardware or modified cellular phones.
- BanpaiA v1.6.09b Win 32 version (v1.6.09 beta - 03/20/1999)
- BanpaiA v1.6b Linux version (v1.6 beta - 05/02/1998)
Realistic DX-394 Modifications Receive GOES-16 and GOES-17 Images with a Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR Dongle N2CBU's RadioShack DSP-40 Modification A UHF Discone Antenna for Scanners by William Sheets (K2MQJ) and Rudolf Graf (KA2CWL) The Spectrum Monitor The Spectrum Monitor is edited and published by Ken Reitz (KS4ZR), former managing editor, features editor, columnist and feature writer for Monitoring Times. Monitoring Times Back Issues 1982-2013 Popular Communications Back Issues 1982-2013
SDR Information
- The Hobbyists Guide to RTL-SDR By the authors of the blog. (25M PDF)
- SATSAGEN Spectrum Analyzer Software Updated: Now Supports RTL-SDR
- An Introduction to Pagers with the HackRF PortaPack and an RTL-SDR
- Testing Report: MAYHEM the RF Pentesting HackRF/PortaPack Firmware (Video) (Mayhem Firmware)
- How to Replay RF Signals Using SDR
- Raspberry Pi RTL-SDR Spectrum Analyzer Scanner
- sdrtrunk A cross-platform Java application for decoding, monitoring, recording and streaming trunked mobile and related radio protocols using Software Defined Radios (SDR).
- Trunk Recorder - v4.6.0 Trunk Recorder is able to record the calls on trunked and conventional radio systems.
- The Eleventh HOPE: Iridium Satellite Hacking The Iridium satellite system has been in orbit for over 15 years now and provides various data and voice services. This talk will show how to use Software Defined Radio (SDR) to receive and decode data from the Iridium satellite network and how a lot of reverse engineering was performed to understand the protocol and decode the details.
Trunked Radio Information & Software
- Trunking System Analyzer by James V. Poll (WB5WPA/AA5CT)
- Plano Trunked Radio Reports Trunking report showing activity on the Plano, Texas trunked radio system using a trunking system analyzer.
- Original Website
- Trunked Radio Decoders From The RadioReference Wiki
- Determining Motorola Type I Fleetmaps An excellent FAQ/guide written by Dave Goodson outlining how to determine Fleetmaps for Type I systems.
- Fleetmap Excel Spreadsheet Spreadsheet that helps with talkgroup conversions from TT to Motorola and determining Type I Fleetmaps.
- The TRUNKER Utility - v3.8.1 This utility decodes the Motorola Trunked Data Channel. It will decode Type I, Type II, Hybrid Systems, 800, 900, and 400 MHz systems, Smartnet and Smartzone systems. It will also drive a second scanner for "TrunkTracking" - allowing one to monitor Group calls, Individual calls, and patch calls using a two scanner setup. (Feb. 7, 2000)
- The TRUNKER Utility - v3.8.2 IMPORTANT - BACKUP and SAVE your trunker data files before running 3.8.2 against them, since there are numerous changes in the way the application processes them. (Nov. 25, 2000)
- The TRUNKER Utility - v3.8.3 (May 7, 2001)
- The ETRUNK Utility - v3.8.1 This utility decodes the Ericsson EDACS Trunked Data Channel. It will decode all EDACS trunking systems and drive a second scanner for tracking calls. This archive also includes an executable that will decode 4800 baud narrowband EDACS systems.
- Trunking Digital Signals Decoding The Interfaces for Decoding Digital Signals
- TrunkTracker Technical Tips Keypad tricks and other information for the Bearcat TrunkTrackers.
- Logic Trunked Radio (LTR) FAQ (655k PDF)
- Tips, Tricks and Useful Information for Using Your TrunkTracker by T.R. Swisher, Jr. (WA8PYR)
- RadioShack Trunking Scanner FAQ
- LTR Data Slicer
- Trunked System Monitoring Tips and Information
- Win32 TRUNK88 v4.90A, v4.89W, and v4.63
- Configuring UniTrunker Support in SDRSharp by Bob Rich
- SDRSharp + UniTrunker + DSD + VAC Decoding P25 with Single Receiver (YouTube)
- DSD+ Trunking Tutorial
- A Tale Of Two Decoders - OP25 & DSDPlus
- Using the DSD+ Suite
- The Ultimate Easy DSD+ Usage Guide - Decoding Digital RTL-SDR SDRPlay
- RTL-SDR Tutorial: Decoding Digital Voice (P25, DMR, NXDN, D-STAR) with DSD
- OP25 For Dummies
- SignalsEverywhere: Installing and Configuring OP25 Phase 1 & 2 Digital Voice Decoder on Linux
- Encryption on the TETRA Protocol has been broken
- DECT 6.0 (1925 MHz) Baby Monitor on SDR
- P25 Trunked Tracking and Decoding with RTL-SDR, Unitrunker, AND DSDPlus by Jeffrey Kopcak
Bill Cheek & COMMtronics Engineering Scanner Notes / FAQs / CE-232 Interface
- Scanner Data Decoder FAQ Bill Cheek's Scanner Data Decoding Frequently Asked Questions File (SCANDATA.FAQ, 02-02-1999)
- 4-Level FSK Decoder FAQ Bill Cheek's 4-Level FSK Data Decoder Interface Frequently Asked Questions File (4LFSK.FAQ, 06-30-1999)
- Scanner Modifications FAQ Bill Cheek's Scanner Modifications Frequently Asked Questions File (SCANMODS.FAQ, 02-03-1999)
- Scanner Performance FAQ Bill Cheek's Scanner Performance Frequently Asked Questions File (SCANPERF.FAQ, 11-18-1998)
- Scanner S-Meter FAQ Bill Cheek's S-Meters for Scanners Frequently Asked Questions File (SCANSMTR.FAQ, 11-28-1998)
- Scanner Radios FAQ Bill Cheek's Scanner Radios Frequently Asked Questions File (SCANRADS.FAQ, 11-20-1998)
- NFM Discriminator Chips Taps for baseband audio and squelch gate data.
- World Scanner Report Bill Cheek's scanner newsleter.
- Tracking Trunked Radio Systems Without a 'real' TrunkTracker scanner!
- Decoding Digital Data
- Modifying the Sony WaveHawk Monitoring Times, June 1999
- S-Meter for PRO-2004/5/6 & Other Scanners
- Lung Cancer Diagnosis
- Government v. Citizen
- Busted Scanners by James B. Kelleher
- Bill Cheek's Last Stand by James B. Kelleher
- Final World by Cindy Cheek
- Scanner Modification Handbook, Vol. 1 by Bill Cheek (12.3M PDF)
- Scanner Modification Handbook, Vol. 2 by Bill Cheek (15.7M PDF)
- Cheek3: The Ultimate Scanner by Bill Cheek (22.4M PDF)
World Scanner Report Archive
- Table of Contents
- Keyword Index
- Vol. 1, No. 1 January 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 2 February 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 3 March 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 4 April 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 5 May-June 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 6 July 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 7 August 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 8 September 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 9 October 1991
- Vol. 1, No. 10 November-December 1991
- Vol. 2, No. 1 January 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 2 February 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 3 March 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 4 April 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 5 May-June 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 6 July 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 7 August 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 8 September 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 9 October 1992
- Vol. 2, No. 10 November-December 1992
- Vol. 5, No. 1
- Vol. 5, No. 2
- Vol. 5, No. 3
- Vol. 5, No. 4
- Vol. 5, No. 5
- Vol. 5, No. 6
- Vol. 5, No. 7
- Vol. 5, No. 8
- Vol. 5, No. 9
- Vol. 5, No. 10
HB-232 & CE-232 Interface Information
- An Overview of the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface
- Computer Interfaces Chapter CE-232 chapter from Cheek3: The Ultimate Scanner
- CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface Program Disk Version 1.0b / HB-232 v1.3 / Nov. 15, 1995. George M. Steidley & COMMtronics Engineering (Extracted Contents)
- CE-232 Miscellaneous Files
- Assembly, Installation, & Operating Manual for the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface
- HB-232 & CE-232 Software Developer Information (1992 Original)
- A Tutorial on the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface's Script Feature and Language Summary
- A Tutorial on the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface's Enhanced User Features & Facilities
- A Tutorial on the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface's Auto-Reject Function
- A Tutorial on the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface's Auto-Lookup Function
- A Tutorial on the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface's Auto-Logger Function
- Understanding and Making Auto-Programmer Files for the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface
- A Tutorial on the CE-232 Scanner/Computer Interface's Enhanced User Features & Facilities
- CE-232 Script Example Finds and auto-logs all "birdies" in the scanner.
- LINK123.SCR This script will link three search ranges 1, 2, and 3.
- Hex Dump of the CE-232's Pre-Programmed 68HC11 This document is a personality file for the PRO-2006 scanner.
- CE-232 News & Updates
- HBIODEMO.BAS HBIODEMO.BAS is a program demonstrating interfacing with the HB232 scanner interface unit. It may be run under DOS 5.0's QBasic Interpreter or under QuickBasic 4.5.
- HB-232 System Block Diagram
- Wiring Plan for the HB-232 Interface
- HB-232 PCB Parts & Wiring Layout
- From the SHIFT-? Easter Egg
- Pro-Turbo Manual (685k PDF)
- Pro-Turbo Documentation Archive
RadioShack PRO-83 Scanner Utilities
- RadioShack PRO-83 - User Manual RadioShack #20-501 (650k PDF)
- Load83 v1.1 (367k ZIP)
- PRO-83 Manager Version 1.0.15 by Jay L. Bray (3.4M ZIP)
Uniden BCD966P2
- Example DMR Key
- Uniden BCD996T - Owner's Manual (2.5M PDF)
- Uniden BCD996XT - Online Manual
- Easier to Read BCD996P2/XT Digital Scanner Manual From Mark's Scanners
- DMR and ProVoice Added to BCD996P2 and BCD325P2 Scanners
- Uniden Scanner Firmware Update Images
- Uniden Virtual Serial Port Driver May be needed to connect your scanner to your computer's USB port. (5k ZIP)
- Uniden Scanners Users Guides (14.4M PDF)
- Brown Co./Green Bay - ProScan BCD996P2 Database File For Brown Co. 700 MHz SIREN, Green Bay City Services (DMR), and the Green Bay Packers 900 MHz DMR system.
Frequency & Protocol Data
- Green Bay / Brown County, Wisconsin Frequencies
- Green Bay Police Radio IDs
- Wisconsin Statewide Frequencies
- Huge Scanner Listing Arranged by Frequency (Green Bay, WI) by Steve Lampereur, KB9MWR
- FCC Online Table of Frequency Allocations Revised on May 6, 2011
- National Interoperability Field Operations Guide U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications - Version 1.3 (2.5M PDF)
- NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (2002) (1.5M PDF)
- Electronic Warfare and Organizational Encopresis: The Neglect of the U.S. Army and Its Intelligence Branch to Advocate for Warfighting Capabilities in the Electromagnetic Spectrum by MAJ Kenneth T. King (632k PDF)
- Space Shuttle Mission Frequency Guide
- Satellite and Spacecraft Radio Transmission Frequencies
- U.S. Secret Service/WHCA Frequencies
- FCC: Public Safety Radio Pool Title 47, §90.20
- Frequency Allocations
- Info on FBI Communications Systems
- CSA Federal Frequency Guide v1.0 - May 2009
- U.S. Military UHF MILSATCOM Frequencies
- U.S. Military Frequencies
- 900 MHz Cordless Telephone Frequencies
- POCSAG Pager Signal Information
- Motorola Trunked Radio Control Channel Information
- Motorola Trunking Systems Information
- Ericsson EDACS Trunking Systems Information
- Ericsson EDACS Trunked Radio Control Channel
- Ericsson EDACS Control Channel Monitoring Program (Source Code)
- Encryption Protocols A brief look at analog and digital encryption devices, by Doug G.
- APCO25 Digital Scanner Project
- DTMF Basic Facts
- ECHELON: The Secret Power Documentary on the ECHELON interception system which has a nice little segment showing how to intercept analog phone calls via satellite downlinks. (YouTube)
- World's Cheapest P25 Receiver w/ Decryption GNU Radio + OP25 + $20 RTL2832 DVB-T Dongle
Miscellanous Hardware
- Mini-Circuits MAR-6 Preamp Schematic
- Electro Luminescent Panel Switch Schematic
- Improve the Squelch in Your Monitor Receiver by Bob Parnass (AJ9S)
- 50 MHz Bandpass Filter Schematic
- Light Mod for the Bearcat 235XLT TrunkTracker by Sly Kapchinski (N5GQB)
Data Slicer
Used to convert 2- or 4-level FSK information into 1's and 0's
- Data Slicer Instructions
- Data Slicer Schematic
- RF Digital Signaling Basics by Mycal Johnson
- Decoding Manchester Encoded Data Linux/FreeBSD code examples.
Fed Monit: Scanner Audio Recorder
Total hack to record audio from your scanner using your computer.
- Fed Monit Instructions
- Fed Monit Schematic
- Fed Monit Program Source
- bplay_0.96.orig.tar.gz
- bplay glibc/shm patch
Descrambling Cordless Phones
How to descramble speech inversion cordless phones (those Donald Duck-sounding ones)
- Descrambling Cordless Phones Instructions
- Descrambling Cordless Phones Schematic
- Single-Mode Inversion Voice Scrambler/Descrambler
- VoiceInvert v0.2 Windows program for decoding baseband speech inversion transmissions. (1.8M ZIP)
- INVERT.EXE Simple speech inversion decoder for Windows by Tony Rusho
- Spectrum Inverter (SI) Russian real-time speech inversion decoder for Windows. (232k ZIP)
- Voice Descrambler This program descrambles band inverted encrypted transmissions, usually found on VHF/UHF. It uses a NCO (numerical controlled oscillator) to re-produce the originally inverted audio band, by Nino Porcino (IZ8BLY).
Operating & Service Manuals / Schematics
- RadioShack PRO-2050 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-430A (1.9M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2042 Parts List RadioShack Cat. #20-464
- RadioShack PRO-2035 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-460 (2.0M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2032 Schematic
- RadioShack PRO-2027 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-402 (3.0M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2026 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-148 (5.1M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2022 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-127 (10.5M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2021 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-113 (1.6M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2020 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-112 (10.4M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2006 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-145 (10.1M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2004 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-119 (25.1M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-197 Serivce Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-197 (5.7M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-106 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-106 (2.2M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-94 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-524 (8.9M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-60 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-309 (1.9M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-50 Schematic
- RadioShack PRO-43 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-300 (1.9M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-38 Schematic
- RadioShack PRO-34 Service Manual RadioShack Cat. #20-135 (18.8M PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-9 Owner's Manual + Schematic RadioShack Cat. #20-164 (471k PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-6 Owner's Manual + Schematic (513k PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-3A Owner's Manual + Schematic RadioShack Cat. #20-452 (420k PDF)
- RadioShack PRO-2 Owner's Manual + Schematic RadioShack Cat. #20-160 (228k PDF)
- Sony ICF-SC1 Service Manual (1.9M PDF)
- Icom IC-R7100 Service Manual (26.1M PDF)
- Universal M-400 Decoder Owner's Manual v2.0 (19.3M PDF)
- Bearcat III FM Monitor Receiver (1.0M PDF)
- Frank's Fantastically Fabulous Radiorausch
- Black Radios by Terry O'Laughlin
- SatTrackCam Leiden (b)log SatTrackCam Leiden (Cospar 4353) is a satellite tracking station located at Leiden, the Netherlands. The tracking focus is on classified objects - i.e. "spy satellites"
- Helicopters of D.C.
- N2YO - Real-Time Satellite Tracking & Predictions
- Deep Black Horizon by Steve A. Douglass
- PoTom's Radio and Cellular Projects Page
- Monitoring Post The Pro-2006 Home Page, by Steve Hancock (N3FWE)
Knowledge is Power