YIPL / TAP Magazine Back Issues |
The Hobbyist's Newsletter for the Communication Revolution |
On May Day 1971, in Washington D.C. (or thereabouts - it makes a good legend), a flyer was distributed advertising a revolutionary newsletter named Youth International Party Line or "YIPL" for short. This flyer was headed with a caption of "F*CK THE BELL SYSTEM." The flyer told of a new "underground" newsletter that was anti-establishment and was to be published on a regular basis.
This was the beginning of the YIPL Newsletter, which later became known as TAP, the hobbyist's newsletter for the communications revolution. YIPL was founded by the late (((Abbie Hoffman))) and "Al Bell," [(((Al Fierstein)))] a phone phreak from Long Island, New York. Abbie Hoffman is also most famous for being the founder of the "Yippie" movement.
YIPL was aimed more towards ripping off the largest corporate giant at the time, none other than Ma Bell. Of course, today we now know that White people created the one of the greatest technical (and honest) entities to ever have existed - The Bell System. Believe it or not, there was time when your telephone calls "just worked" and the audio quality was even pretty good! Guess (((who))) wanted it broken up and destroyed, and turned into a bunch of fly-by-night, money-grubbing, poorly-run filthy Competitive Local Exchange Carriers?
"My name is Al Bell, and a few of us started this on Mayday, in 1971. YIPL is the result of one phone phreak's realization that the Military-Industrial Komplex is not just a term you learn in school, but a force that controls the planet Earth from the country America. It became apparent to me that the vast majority of people are being used as pawns, as slaves to make a few multi-millionaires even richer. It's all done through MIC, whose main tactic is Divide and Conquer. Most people don't agree with me, thus proving how effective that tactic is. So people war with each other, and the pigs get richer."
--- Excerpt from an editorial by "Al Bell" in YIPL, Issue #15.
Abbie Hoffman was your typical 1960s leftist and pampered student "revolutionist." Hoffman called for communal living, supported the drug culture, homosexuality & pedophilia, supported "divide-and-conquer" tactics against Whites, supported various Marxist ("progressive") causes over American causes, and openly attacked traditional/conservative/White ethics and morals, pushed anti-female sentiment masked as "feminism," and even supported domestic terrorist attacks against military and CIA recruiters on college campuses. Begging one to ask, "Where were these anti-war, anti-draft protesters during World War 2?" Hmmm...
He often called for the destruction of all Western governments, particularly the American nation itself:
"We shall not defeat Amerika by organizing a political party. We shall do it by building a new nation - a nation as rugged as the marijuana leaf."
--- 1969 quote (Mirror) from Abbie Hoffman in the book Woodstock Nation: A Talk-Rock Album.
Abbie Hoffman idolized Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Mao Tse-Tung, etc. He openly supported rioters, murderers, culture subversion, and your assorted "anti-American" types - all while living in the U.S. on our tax dollars and under our Constitution - of course. Hoffman was basically a direct ideological descendant of the Bolshevik, and all-around tyrant, ((("Red" Emma Goldman))).
Abbie Hoffman and his criminal cohorts received massive financial support from Sol Yassenoff-types (the 1960s version of George Soros) who amassed vast fortunes from shady real-estate dealings, stock market manipulation and speculation, currency manipulation, shady hedge funds, private central banking, or just general profiteering.
They also claimed to be "for the people and working class," but in reality, they hobnobbed with some of the (((richest and influential people))) in the United States, including the editor of Time Magazine (who helped Hoffman beat a drug charge) and an Executive Vice President of AT&T. You know, the same company they claimed to "hate" so much... Did you really think a "hacker" magazine based out of New York City WOULD NOT eventually side with the One Percent? LOL! Sounds familiar...
Hoffman went on to write the infamous book entitled Steal This Book and was one of the original (((Chicago Seven))) during the National Democratic Convention arrests in 1968. They became famous for protesting against the war in Vietnam, but suspiciously NOT those wars against the Palestinians, Israel's "enemies," or World War 1, World War 2, Communist take-overs in Eastern Europe, Africa, South America, etc., etc., blah, blah... Hmmm...
Abbie Hoffman was also friends with a fellow professional grifter, (((Ira Einhorn))).
Besides claiming to start Earth Day (Mirror), Ira Einhorn is probably most famous for murdering his then girlfriend - the beautiful Helen "Holly" Maddux.
In September of 1977, Holly Maddux had her head bashed in and was left to die (and decompose) in a trunk in Ira Einhorn's Philadelphia apartment for 18 months - all while Ira still lived there!
With the help of now-Senator (((Arlen Specter))), Einhorn was able to reduce his bail to only $40,000, of which he only had to put up $4,000. Normally, alleged murderers don't get bail...
Holly Maddux's RemainsOur modern-day Leo Frank was aided by the vast fortune and political power of (((Barbara Bronfman))), the wife of Seagram Liquor heir (((Charles Bronfman))) (Mirror), Einhorn was able to flee to Europe where he lived freely under the assumed name "Eugene Mallon."
Because nothing says "helping the working class" like having a jewish billionaire help you hide after one of your Satanic ritual murders...
After 22 years of living in Europe, Ira Einhorn was finally caught by the French police and extradited to the United States in July of 2001.
In December of 2002, Ira Einhorn was found guilty (he blamed the CIA in his defense!) and sentenced to life in prison for the first-degree murder of Holly Maddux. He died in prison in April of 2020
"Counter-Culture" Con Men: Ira Einhorn and Abbie Hoffman in 1969Abbie Hoffman later gave up publishing YIPL and passed the torch onto others. He became a fairly successful attorney and authored several other books, including Steal This Urine Test and Revolution for the Hell of It.
Abbie Hoffman (accidentally?) committed suicide on April 12, 1989 by overdosing on phenobarbital. Hoffman was rich when he died.
The first 20 issues of the newsletter were simply called Youth International Party Line or "YIPL" However, beginning with issue number 21, the name was changed to TAP, which stood for "Technological American Party." This eventually led to them having trouble getting a bank account with the word "Party" in their title without being an actual bona fide political party.
Later, starting with issue number 59, TAP then stood for "Technological Assistance Program" with "Tom Edison" from New Jersey the new Editor-in-Chief. Still later, TAP no longer stood for anything. TAP - was simply "TAP."
The original TAP ceased publication with issue number 91 in 1984 with "Cheshire Catalyst" (Robert Osband) the last editor (1983 to 1984) after Tom Edison's apartment was firebombed (the cops said it was a very professional break-in, but the fire marshal said it was a very amateur arson) and his computer equipment stolen in August of 1983. TAP's subscriber base was said to have been around 4,000.
During its 13 year reign, TAP was often published sporadically. Subscribers never really knew when they would get an issue. Many subscribers complained about paying and then not receiving any issues. Over the years, TAP published on many mediums. TAP published articles on all kinds of unusual things, ideas, and tactics. Most of them would be illegal if actually employed. Phone phreaking was a major issue, plus there were articles on lockpicking, homemade highs and drugs, hacking, rip-offs, cons, scams, vending machine ripoffs, etc. Most all of the subject matter was controversial and always "anti-establishment," and sometimes border-line anarchistic. TAP was truly a legend as it united phone phreaks and other "techno-phreaks."
Actually, TAP was truly the first hacker newsletter, although the word "hacker" was virtually unknown at the time TAP began publishing. It is amazing that TAP survived printing almost a hundred original issues. Many E-zines and newsletters today never get past a few issues.
And check this out... Burnside Rare Books has ORIGINAL ISSUES of The Youth International Party Line! Unfortunately they want $7,500 for them...
The "New" TAP
"Well TAP isn't that easy to kill! I'm sure it will re-surface in one form or another sometime in the next decade."
--- Quote from Cheshire Catalyst in a 1985 interview with "The Infiltrator" while at a TAP meeting in New York City.
In March of 1989, the "new" TAP was born in Louisville, Kentucky. A couple of hackers named Aristotle (Kevin P. Jones, Editor #92-#100), Predat0r (John Parrish, Editor #101-#107), and Olorin The White (Society for the Freedom of Information) began publishing their own version of TAP. Their first issue was #92 - taking up the reins right where the original TAP left off.
The "new" TAP just never was the same as the "old" TAP. The new TAP started off being "free" for a stamp. Later, with around issue #101, a $10.00 subscription fee was incurred. Many people had lost money on the "old" TAP, thus most subscribers were leery of sending in $10 to the "new" TAP.
Not surprisingly, the same problems existed with the new TAP as the old one - subscription problems and publishing deadlines. Subscribers once again never knew when an issue would arrive. Keep in mind that TAP was not a high class operation - it was usually printed on borrowed copy machines, donated paper, etc. TAP was not a "Madison Ave" publication nor was it meant to be.
After publishing issue #107, TAP never printed another issue. TAP is dead, and should remain dead.
I was able to acquire original "new" TAP issues #97, #98, #99, #100, #101, #103, #104, and #105. They have been re-scanned at a higher resolution for easier reading.
The "Newest" TAP
Put out by TA Publications and NESOG, and edited by John Galt, the newest incarnation of TAP will have a more small-government, survivalist feel.
The newest issue started with #108 and was released in January 2009.
Miscellaneous Notes, Links, and Flier Information
- TAP: The Legend is Dead $2600 Magazine Vol. 4, No. 1 article on the ending of the TAP newsletter, by The Cheshire Catalyst (Robert Osband, N4SCY)
- The Intruder A biography of Cheshire Catalyst, Technology Illustrated, Oct./Nov. 1982, by Douglas Colligan
- 'Pa Bell' Vs. Youth International Party Line Malicious Life Podcast, Episode #50. With Ran Levi and Richard Cheshire.
- TELEPUB '86 Exclusive footage of a hacker gathering on March 8, 1986 featuring Cheshire Catalyst discussing the issues surrounding the future of TAP. (YouTube)
- The Eleventh HOPE: The Phuture of Phreaking Phone phreaking has always been about the exploration of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Richard Cheshire will discuss phreaking in the age of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). (YouTube)
- HOPE: The History of TAP Magazine From the early seventies to 1983, the major source for technically "subversive" material was TAP, a publication still eagerly traded by hackers and phone phreaks today. Originally started by the Yippies and Abbie Hoffman, TAP evolved into a cornerstone for phreaks all over the world. The last editor of TAP, Cheshire Catalyst, will tell the story and answer your questions. This is where it all began. (YouTube)
- Interview with Cheshire Catalyst While at DEFCON 9. Topics include hacker conventions, running TAP and the meetings, and his 321 NPA story. (3.4M MP3)
- Interview with The NIGHTSTALKER From Phrack, Issue #9. The NIGHTSTALKER wrote many articles for TAP under the handle "Stainless Steel Rat."
- About: THE NIGHTSTALKER Cult of the Dead Cow tribute to Chris Tucker (December 29, 1951 - June 14, 2012), an early supporter of YIPL and TAP.
- The Bootlegger #7 Review of the "Official 1986 National TAP Convention" by Bootleg
- Review of the New TAP Review of the "new" TAP newsletter in $2600 Magazine Vol. 6, No. 2
- Remember... Editorial tribute to Abbie Hoffman in $2600 Magazine Vol. 6, No. 2
- Youth International Party Wikipedia
- Phreaks of TAP Excerpt from Charles Platt's Anarchy Online.
- USENET Post by Jeff Hunsinger One of the many people who lost money by "subscribing" to TAP.
- Blitzkrieg BBS Goes Down! From Phantasy, Vol. 4, Issue 14. The Blitzkrieg BBS operated from February 1990 to January 1993.
- TAP Interviews II July 14, 1986 TAP meeting review, by Dead Lord (Bruce Fancher)
- The Digital Underground Part two. Includes the early history of YIPL and TAP.
- Submissions for 25th Anniversary TAP Needed USENET post from "jonnyx" in an attempt to get a TAP anniversary issue out in 1996.
- The TAP Newsletter Information directly from The Cheshire Catalyst, the last editor of the original TAP.
- Abbie Hoffman Was Not Famous by Prime Anarchist from Activist Times, Inc. Issue #39, July 18, 1989.
- Abbie Hoffman's Spirit is Alive Website with copies of Abbie Hoffman's FBI files.
- Declassified FBI Documents on the Youth International Party by AJ Weberman
- The FBI File of YIPL/TAP FOIA request by Phil Lapsley to the FBI for all files related to YIPL and TAP. (PDF)
- YIPL & TAP Issues 1-91, 99-100 Here is a large PDF file containing OCR'd YIPL/TAP issues 1-91 and 99-100. (33.6 MB PDF) (Original Mirror)
- md5sum: f0248f1388e0826365e34d05fea88cb7
- Individual Pages of YIPL & TAP From Jason Scott's textfiles.com
- Youth International Party Line Issues 1-10. (flag.blackened.net/daver/misc/yipl)
- TEL Magazine Back Issues Telephone Electronics Line. 1970s printed phreaking newsletter, by Teletronics.
- Propaganda Redux Former KGB officer Ion Mihai Pacepa on modern propaganda in the media.
"The final goal of our anti-American offensive was to discourage the U.S. from protecting the world against communist terrorism and expansion. Sadly, we succeeded. After U.S. forces precipitously pulled out of Vietnam, the victorious communists massacred some two million people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Another million tried to escape, but many died in the attempt. This tragedy also created a credibility gap between America and the rest of the world, damaged the cohesion of American foreign policy, and poisoned domestic debate in the U.S."
--- August 2007 quote from former KGB Officer Ion Mihai Pacepa on the deadly propaganda spread by the original YIPL and TAP editors.
- Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job Soviet subversion of the Western free press by former KGB Officer Yuri Bezmenov. (YouTube)
"Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power, obviously they get offended. They think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot because not taking them out may result in them becoming 'the most bitter enemies' of Marxism-Leninist ideology because they are so sorely disappointed and frustrated..."
That's why my KGB instructors specifically stated, never bother with Leftists. Leftists only serve a purpose during the destabilization phase, after that they will be very unhappy people. The system simply has no use for these idealistic people who will be squashed like bugs. They are instrumental in the subversion process, only to destabilize the nation."
--- Quotes from former KGB Officer Yuri Bezmenov on why staunch supporters of Marxism ("useful idiots") are often killed after the "revolution" occurs. This is why people like Stalin and Castro often killed their closest allies.
- Abbie Hoffman at Rutgers - 1988 Abbie Hoffman talks to a plenary and discusses fighting the Philly utility company, kicking the CIA off campuses, and a great deal of other things. (Transcript)
- True Crime: Ira Einhorn, the Unicorn Killer A discussion of Ira Einhorn and his murder of Holly Maddux. (YouTube)
- Michael Savage: How Arlen Specter Helped a Murderer Skip Bail (YouTube)
- The Unicorn's Secret: Murder in the Age of Aquarius by Steven Levy
- The true story of Ira Einhorn, the Philadelphia antiwar crusader, environmental activist, and New Age guru with a murderous dark side. During the cultural shockwaves of the 1960s and 1970s, Ira Einhorn - nicknamed the "Unicorn" - was the leading radical voice for the antiwar movement at the University of Pennsylvania. At his side were such noted activists as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin. A brilliantly articulate advocate for peace in a turbulent era, he rallied followers toward the growing anti-establishment causes of free love, drugs, and radical ecological reform. In 1979, when the mummified remains of his girlfriend, Holly Maddux, a Bryn Mawr flower child from Tyler, Texas, were found in a trunk in his apartment, Einhorn claimed a CIA frame-up. Incredibly, the network of influential friends, socialites, and powerful politicians he'd charmed and manipulated over the years supported him. Represented by renowned district attorney and future senator Arlen Specter, Einhorn was released on bail. But before trial, he fled the country to an idyllic town in the French wine region and disappeared. It would take more than twenty years - and two trials - to finally bring Einhorn to justice. Based on more than two years of research and 250 interviews, as well as the chilling private journals of Einhorn and Maddux, prize-winning journalist Steven Levy paints an astonishing and complicated portrait of a man motivated by both genius and rage. The basis for 1998 NBC television miniseries The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer, The Unicorn's Secret is a "spellbinding sociological/true crime study," revealing the dark and tragic dimensions of a man who defined an era, only to shatter its ideals (Publishers Weekly).
- F*ck the System The basis for Steal This Book, by George Metesky (140k PDF)
- Processed World Early 1980s computer magazine similar to TAP which was out of San Francisco.
Missing from this archive are TAP Issues #106, #107, and there are also rumors of an unfinished, "original" issues #92 and #108. Also missing:
- May Day 1971 Promo Flier
- TAP Classifieds (1 - 7)
- TAP Electronics Courses: A - D.C. Basics, B - A.C. Basics, C - Phone Basics, D - Amplifiers
- TAP "Ma Bell" Patch
- TAP "10th Anniversary" Pen
- TAP Audio Cassette Tape: Hear Capt. Crunch, Al Bell, Joe Engressia, and Bell Security Chief John Doherty
- TAP Fact Sheet #1: Credit Card Call Hints
- TAP Fact Sheet #2: Free Bell Phone Calls
- TAP Fact Sheet #3: Free GTE Phone Calls
- TAP Fact Sheet #4: Dual-Tone Oscillator, Displayed Red Box, 2600 Whistle Perfector Plans
- First Phone Phreak Convention Flier (1972)
- Second Phone Phreak Convention Flier (1973)
- "What the Hell is TAP?" Flier - 1 New York TAP
- "What the Hell is TAP?" Flier - 2 Kentucky TAP
Letter-to-Editor: TAP, Issue #48
One of the major reasons I am displeased with what TAP has become is that you have spent nearly 50% of the damn space bitching and venting your spleen and other organs about what you don't like about us, the readers. We subscribed because the original version contained inter- esting and useful information, not the ravings of an ego-maniac who is pissed at himself because he can't handle the job, and wants somebody else to do it for him. Knock off the crap, and get back to business, or I shall cancel also. Wash., D.C.Heh... They had the same problems as $2600 Magazine!
Download Issues
Note: Most issues are now in a single PDF file.
YIPL Magazine - Issue #1 June 1971
- Welcome to Youth International Party Line
- 1971 Credit Card Code
- Our Friendly Phone Company - Eavesdropping by employees
- Extension Phone Installation
- Conference Call Switch
- War Tax Resistance
- Text Version
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #2 July 1971
- 'Blue Box' is Linked to Phone Call Fraud - by Al Bell
- The Dumbest Ripoff - by Russell Baker
- Answer to the Dumbest Ripoff - by Abbie Hoffman
- Nixon Administration Phone Numbers
- Western Electric: Defense Contractor
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #3 August 1971
- Statement of Purpose
- F*ck the Mail - War against drugs
- The Private Ear - Eavesdropping by authorities
- Free Postage
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #4 September 1971
- Pay Phones
- Abbie Hoffman on Pay Phone Justice
- Monkey Warfare
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #5 October 1971
- Blue Box Tones
- Electric Organ Plans - 1
- Carolina Plain Dealer Ripoff
- How Not to Get Caught Making Free Credit Card Calls (HTML)
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #6 November 1971
- Blue Box Practices
- Electric Organ Plans - 2
- Pay Phone Ripoffs
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #7 December 1971 - January 1972
- The Source Catalog
- Christmas Presents
- Pay Phone Ripoffs
- Tuning Your Organ
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #8 February 1972
- Brass Washers
- Free Phones
- 1972 Credit Card Code
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #9 March - April 1972
- Black Box Plans
- ITT: Defense Contractor
- Coke Machines
- Bell Building
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #10 May 1972
- Social Activism
- Traffic Signals
- Brass Washers
- Eavesdropping Defeat
- Black Box Answers
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #11 June - July 1972
- Celebration of Phreak Convention
- Telephone Course Source
- Black Box Plans
- Pay Phone Scams
- Boycott War Products
- Support Captain Crunch
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #12 August 1972
- Red Box Introduction
- Captain Crunch Trial
- Blue Box Plans & Description
- Dial-Lock Defeat
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #13 September - October 1972
- National Security Agency
- Service Numbers
- Subway Tokens
- Blue Box Details
- Overseas Country Codes
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #14 November 1972
- Overseas Country Codes
- Reader Supplied Information
- Service Numbers
- AT&T vs. YIPL
- Captain Crunch - Bust information
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #15 December 1972 - January 1973
- Military Industrial Complex
- A Sure Cure for Message Units - Black Box usage notes
- Service Numbers
- Dialed Number Recorder
- Build a "T" Network for Fun & Profit - Pay phone add-on to get your money back
- Captain Crunch - Update to his bust
- 1973 Credit Card Code
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #16 February 1973
- "T" Network - Usage notes
- The All New Red Box
- Calling Cards
- Service Numbers
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #17 March - April 1973
- Ammo - Reader letters and information
- Don't Get Busted!
- Red Box Phreaks! - Red Box schematics and notes
- Build a Line Relay
- Pay Phones
- Service Numbers
- Ice Slugs
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #18 May 1973
- Ammo - Reader letters
- No More Long Distance Calls
- We Try Harder - AT&T vs. TAP, by Abbie Hoffman
- Credit Card Codes
- Operator Games
- Slugs
- Where Your Slugs Go
- Service Numbers
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #19 June 1973
- Ammo - Reader letters and information
- Parking Meters
- A Red Box in Ever Pot
- Black Box Detection
- Build a Snoop Light
- Bell Service
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
YIPL Magazine - Issue #20 July 1973
- International Recordings
- Eavesdropping Detection
- The Cheese Box
- Blue Box Detection
- Discount Shopping
- Phone Deposit
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
Name Changed to "TAP"
TAP Magazine - Issue #21 August - September 1973
- Name Change Explaination
- Defense Fund for Abbie Hoffman
- Convention News
- Service Numbers
- Automatic Phone Tap
- Phone Firm President Indicted
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #22 October 1973
- Build This Answeroo
- Spiro Agnew is an Anagram for "Grow a Penis"
- Abbie Hoffman Defense Fund
- Service Numbers
- International Calling Codes
- Extension Detection
- How We Watch Red Boxers - by Milton Moritz
- Ma Bell's Ripoff Warning - Postage due envelopes
- Bell PR Firms
- Red Box Diagram Correction
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #23 November 1973
- Special Energy Crisis Issue
- Live Better With Free Electricity
- Electric Meters
- Picking the Meter Locks
- Abbie Hoffman Defense Fund
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #24 December 1973
- Advice on Turning Back ConEd Meters
- Electric Meters
- The 1974 Credit Card Code
- Report on Toll Fraud Detectors
- Index to Issue 1-23
- Black Box Detection
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #25 January - February 1974
- Ammo - Reader letters
- Book Reviews
- The Methane Game, It's a Gas - Gas flow meter hacks
- Microfilm Copiers
- Slugs
- New Red Box!
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #26 March 1974
- You Can Help TAP
- Vending Machines
- New Blue Box!
- Dial Locks
- Paper Trip
- Make a Key for Your Rollersmith Lock
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #27 November 1974
- Unannounced Six Month Vacation
- Pay Phones
- New Blue Box Info
- Vending Machines
- More Free Electricity
- Telex
- Phone Tap
- Text Version
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #28 March 1975
- 1975 Credit Card Code
- Telco Loop Numbers by State
- Newspaper Machine Discovery
- How to Read Computer Bills
- Some Interesting Ideas for Pay Phone Boxes
- Phone Company Fairness
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #29 October 1975
- Electronic Parts Sources
- Advanced Blue Box
- Rollersmith Lock
- Service Codes
- Slugs
- Flow Meter
- Corrected Snoop Lite
- International Calling Codes
- Phone Gadgets
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #30 November 1975
- The Party's Over - NJ Bell ending 4-party line service, by Tom Edison
- Installing an Extension Phone
- Fortress Fun - Payphones, by Tom Edison
- Telephone Locks
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #31 December 1975
- Editorial - by Tom Edison
- Little Orphan Abbie
- Black Box Beats Bell in the Fourth! Black Box construction notes and operation tips
- Ask Mr. Phelps - by Jim Phelps
- Captain Crunch's Database
- RAO Credit Card Codes
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #32 January 1976
- 1976 Credit Card Code
- Odds & Ends - Black box, by Tom Edison
- Ask Mr. Phelps - Meters, pay phone locks, by Jim Phelps
- Memorize and Burn - Red box construction notes and operating tips
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #33 February - March 1976
- Pay and Die? - Death and taxes
- Odds & Ends - by Tom Edison
- Oops!
- TAP's Black Box Long Distance Rates
- Ask Mr. Phelps - UPCs, by Jim Phelps
- Pay Attention! - Tips for TAP writers
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #34 April 1976
- End the Misuse of the S. S. Number Social Security number misuse
- Open Sesame! - Payphone coin box opening, by Tom Edison
- Slug Maker
- Odds & Ends - Line current, by Tom Edison
- Ask Mr. Phelps - Phreak movies, by Jim Phelps
- TAP Patent Office
- Movies Are Better Than Ever - A look at a few hacker/phreak movies
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #35 May 1976
- Odds & Ends - Red box, Captain Crunch, by Tom Edison
- Ask Mr. Phelps - Body Armor, taxes, by Jim Phelps
- Mission: Impossible! - Parking meters
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #36 June 1976
- Ultimate Red Box - Has an error in the schematic, see Issue #37, by Al Bell
- Odds & Ends - Black box, TEL, linemen, by Tom Edison
- S-1 Criminal Justice Reform Act Update - by Libertarian Party News
- Ask Mr. Phelps - Unlisted numbers, by Jim Phelps
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #37 July - August 1976
- Report From End of the Earth - Signaling, pay phones, by Kilgore Trout
- Odds & Ends - Phone taps, silver box, by Tom Edison
- Tapping/Recording Methods
- Red Boxing
- Bell's Boxin' Us In! - A look at the new CCIS signalling system, by Tom Edison
- Pen Pals Wanted
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #38 September 1976
- Give the Water Company a Blow Job - A look at water usage meters
- Classified Information - Classified ads
- Electric Meters
- Black Box Blues - by Tom Edison
- Last Odds & Ends - by Tom Edison
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #39 September - October 1976
- Fighting the Biggest Monopoly of All - A look at being a Libertarian, by Jim Phelps
- The Way It Sposed To Be
- Let's Make a Deal
- Captain Crunch Bust
- Phone Booth
- Ask Mr. Phelps - Free postage, by Jim Phelps
- Photocopier Access - Xerox machines "Audit Key" information
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #40 November 1976
- Review of Secret Armies - by Jim Phelps
- Up Yours! - Mail action, color copiers, by Tom Edison
- Black Box Update! - by Tom Edison
- Voice Supervision Detector - Hekimian Model 68 detects occurance of 2600 Hz fraud
- Tuning Your Organ
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #41 December 1976
- A Visit from the Mebco Man - by Jim Phelps
- When the Shit Hits the Fan - by Tom Edison
- The Big Bust - Preparing for it, by Ted Vail
- CB Bull - Extra channel CB radio modifications, by Joe Greyhound
- Un-Due'ing Postag - Modify "postage due" stamps to look like regular stamps
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF
TAP Magazine - Issue #42 January - February 1977
- Interview with a Grand Guy - Jim Phelps
- Stick 'Em Up! Funny sticker ideas
- Keyboard Krazies - Modifications, by Krammas
- Phone Bill Scam
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TAP Magazine - Issue #43 March - April 1977
- Report from Merrie Olde England - Calling cards, meters, silver box, publications, by Depravo The Rat
- The Silver Box
- Radio Piracy - Radio One hijacked
- Bullshit! - Part 2 - by Tom Edison
- Beat the System with the System - Excerpts from Counter Spy magazine
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TAP Magazine - Issue #44 May - June 1977
- TAP Rap - A change of command at TAP, by Tom Edison
- Get Down! - Private phone network, by Tom Edison
- Counter Control: Renting an Apartment - by Agent MDA
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TAP Magazine - Issue #45 July - August 1977
- The Beginning of the End! - The end of TAP may be near if they don't get more money, by Tom Edison
- CB Bull - CB radio modifications, by Joe Greyhound
- AT&T Report - Talking on the phone causes you spine to curve, by Tom Edison
- Traffic Lights - by Edward Extract
- Converting Key Phone
- Get Down! - Publication and book reviews, by Tom Edison
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TAP Magazine - Issue #46 September - October 1977
- TAP Update - by Tom Edison
- Blue Box Detection
- Better Living Thru Counter Control - Driver's license privacy tricks, by Agent MDA
- The Voice - Signaling, by Ted Vail
- Electric Bills - by The Answer Man
- Postage Inks - by Bug Juice
- Con-ned Again - Information on the infamous July 13, 1977 black out, by Tom Edison
- Alert - Update on entrapment Supreme court case
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TAP Magazine - Issue #47 November - December 1977
- Beating the Cops on Speeding Radar gun defeats
- The Voice - Pay phones, signaling, traffic lights, checks, meters, by Ted Vail
- Programmable Red/Blue Box
- CB Bull - CB radio modifications, by Joe Greyhound
- Get Down! - Book reviews, by Tom Edison
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TAP Magazine - Issue #48 January - February 1978
- Pay Bills by Phone
- Speed Radar & Traps
- Black Boxes Detected
- Review of Poor Man's James Bond & The Survivor - by I.R.D.S.
- The Elephant and The Gnat - by The Village Voice
- Trunk Monitor / Test Set Berry Electronics 312A Test Set - a "legal" Blue Box
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TAP Magazine - Issue #49 March - April 1978
- More Fortress Fun! - Pay phone locks and signaling
- The Principles of TWX Phreaking - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Letters from Readers
- Shipboard Telex MARISAT terminal codes
- Kon-Klave Kancelled - by Cheshire Catalyst
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TAP Magazine - Issue #50 May - June 1978
- Special 7th Anniversary Double Issue!
- Pick Your Way to Fame & Fortune - Lockpicking information, by Alexander Mundy
- Electronics for the Dope Dealer - by Don Victor Harbolt
- Piracy on the High Poles - Cable TV
- Tandem Scanning - by Dr. John
- Getting Hooked on Cable TV Includes a HBO notch filter schematic
- The Drop: How to Do It Right - Cable TV
- Counter Control: The Birth Certificate - Part 1 - Agent MDA
- 1978 Credit Card Code
- Counter Control: The Birth Certificate - Part 2 - Agent MDA
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TAP Magazine - Issue #51 July 1978
- Milo Fonbill Issue
- Auto-Combo Red/Blue Boxes - by Milo Fonebill
- Computer Phreak-Out - Microcomputer (6502) blue box, by The Wizard
- Beige Box - A look at the "Beige Box," Model 33 Teletype, by Cheshire Catalyst
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TAP Magazine - Issue #52 August 1978
- Jim Phelps Issue
- Ave Atque Val - by Jim Phelps
- Update From England - by Depravo
- Ford's Better Best Idea - Radio jammer using a Model T spark coil, by 6 Pak
- Police Scanners - by Nickolai Testicle
- Getting Inside NJ PSE&G's Meter Box - by Jim Phelps
- Fortress Alarm - by Agent 921
- Radio Telephone - by Agent 948
- Books - by Agent 038
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TAP Magazine - Issue #53 September - October 1978
- It's 4 pm at Electro - What's on TAP? - by Tom Edison
- The Technological Hobbyist Conference - THC 79
- Computer Phreak-Out - by The Wizard
- Review of The New Paper Trip - by I.R.D.S.
- Review of Shockwave Rider - by I.R.D.S.
- Campus Police Warn Against TAP
- Acousting Your Coupler - by Napolean Solo
- Edison's Emporium - by Tom Edison
- Fun During Blackouts - by Jim Phelps
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TAP Magazine - Issue #54 November - December 1978
- Review of Exotic Weapons - An Access Book - by I.R.D.S.
- Locksmithing Supplies - by I.R.D.S.
- Coin Collect and Coin Return Signals
- Tips on Keeping Cool in Mexico - by Abbie Hoffman
- Scanning - How to find any 800 number in the country without really trying, by Napoleon Solo
- Free DA Information Service
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TAP Magazine - Issue #55 January - February 1979
- Test Your Stash - Marquis tests, by Oz Y. Mandias
- Credit Card Crime
- Letters from Readers
- Black Box Detection
- Re-Used Stamps Canceld
- Scanning - 800 WATS numbers, by Napoleon Solo
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TAP Magazine - Issue #56 March - April 1979
- The Programmable Blue Box - by Peter Piper
- Taser Guns Zapped
- Guard Banding - by Napoleon Solo
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TAP Magazine - Issue #57 May - June 1979
- Tom Edison Battles Plot! - by Tom Edison
- 1979 Credit Card Code
- Screw the IRS!
- Random Notes - Communication intercepts, books, by Oz Y. Mandias
- TAP Directory Assistance
- An Elmer's Instruction Form Letter - by Agent MDA
- Fly Now, Pay Never - by Jim Phelps
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TAP Magazine - Issue #58 July - August 1979
- Stamp Out Gun Control - by Tom Edison
- Mr. Phelps Strikes Again!
- Lock Picking - Make your own lock picks, by Jim Phelps
- Free Magazine Subscriptions - by Jim Phelps
- Free Postage
- Tasers - by KayVaR
- Untappable Phone
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TAP Magazine - Issue #59 September - October 1979
- TAP Name Change Changes its name to the Technological Assistance Program.
- Letter from Capt. Crunch
- Video Visionary - Decoder box to watch "scrambled" cable channels, by The Wizard
- Fake ID Seminar - by Dr. Forbin
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TAP Magazine - Issue #60 November - December 1979
- Lock Pick Larceny - by Alexander Mundy
- Telephone Signaling
- AUTOVON Touch Tones
- Tandem Tricks - by Napoleon Solo
- Help Stamp Out Letters
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TAP Magazine - Issue #61 January - February 1980
- TAP Rap - by Tom Edison
- Better Living - Through Chemistry - by Oz Y. Mandias & Agent MDA
- Computing for the Masses: A Devious Approach - by A. Ben Dump
- By the Balls - MacDonald's pay phones, Silly Putty, by Nickolai Testicle
- Review of Paper Trip I & Paper Trip II - by Agent MDA
- Legal Stones: Laughing Gas - by Oz Y. Mandias
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TAP Magazine - Issue #62 March - April 1980
- Milo Fonebill's Automatic Blue Box Explained - by Lavoisier
- Legal Stones: Ether - by Oz Y. Mandias
- Use of the 1633 Hz Tone - Everything you always wanted to know about 1633 Hz tones but were afraid to ask, by The Magician
- Update on Manufacturing Seals
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TAP Magazine - Issue #63 Summer 1980
- How to Modify Your Bell Touch-Tone to Have 1633 Cycle Tone - by The Magician
- Phreaks Phind Phun in L.A. - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Mixed Topics - Credit fraud, airline tickets, blue box speakers, by Agent MDA
- 1980 Credit Card Code
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TAP Magazine - Issue #64 Fall 1980
- Channel 68 Decoder
- TAP Update - by Tom Edison
- NSF - Non-Sufficient Funds NSF check racket
- Free Books - by Boobala Bumpkinski
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TAP Magazine - Issue #65 January - February 1981
- Hints on Getting Started in Pirate Radio - by The Magician
- AT&T Newslines - by The Magician
- Traffic Law
- Fun With Remote Transmitters
- Live Better With Free Movies
- Beginner Projects - Alarms, bumper beepers
- First Wave - Red pens, Bell's TV network, by Nick Haflinger
- 1981 Credit Card Code
- Terminal Boxes - Phlash Razbo
- Ring Job - Handcuffs, by Grandfather's Ghost
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TAP Magazine - Issue #66 March - April 1981
- Fortress Fun-Ding
- Free Magazines - by Super Grinch
- Producing Short-Run Printed Circuit Boards
- The Electronic Phone Book
- Nick's Easy Guide to CCITT Signaling Systems - by Nick Haflinger
- Carrier Controlled Coin Control - by Nick Haflinger
- Telephone Co. Radio Frequencies
- 144 Computer BBSes
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TAP Magazine - Issue #67 May - June 1981
- Subway Tokens
- TAP Rap - by Tom Edison
- Picking Mushrooms - Locks, by Al Mundy
- So You Want to Get a Phone - by Bill Bell
- Free Postage - by Bill Bell & Sam Junkins
- Super Duper Snooper Light - by The Magician
- Bootleg Radio Booming Pirate radio
- Random Notes - Bike locks, legal highs, machine guns, by Oz Y. Mandias
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TAP Magazine - Issue #68 July - August 1981
- Counterfeit Money
- Black Box Detector
- Computer Blue Box
- At the Front Lines
- The Green Box & The Brown Box - by Ted Vail & Nick Haflinger
- Miscellaneous Information - Trap numbers, Iranian embassy, by The Magician
- Random Notes - Gas rations, Faxpax, 900 exchange, immigration, by Oz Y. Mandias
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TAP Magazine - Issue #69 September - October 1981
- Random Notes - DEA, books, bullet proof vests, by Oz Y. Mandias
- Computer Phreak Out - Computer blue box
- The Monthly Message - 4ESS, WATS, AUTOVON, Jerry Farwell
- REMOBS & The Silver Box - by The Magician
- Dr. Atomic's Underground Drug News - Life extension, coke cut, free speech, DEA sting, books, by Dr. Atomic
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TAP Magazine - Issue #70 November - December 1981
- Freebasing Cocaine - by Dr. Atomic
- Do-It-Yourself Call Forwarding Device
- Abuse of Remote Access Systems - Extenders
- Telephone Security
- How to Cheat Your Ass Off in Skool - by Poncho White Villa
- Text Version
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TAP Magazine - Issue #71 January 1982
- Simon Jester Issue
- Password Trojan Horse - by Simon Jester
- TAP Rap - by Tom Edison
- Miscellaneous Phreaking - Books, silver box, modem, BBS, long distance, by Simon Jester
- Getting Wrong Numbers - Directory assistance
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TAP Magazine - Issue #72 February 1982
- Homemade Fireworks - Part 1 - by The Magician
- 1982 Credit Card Code
- Concert Passes
- Random Ramblings No. 1 - COSMOS, plus locks, billing computers, by Paul Montgomery
- International Law: Jurisdiction
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TAP Magazine - Issue #73 March 1982
- Random Ramblings No. 2 - COSMOS cont., by Paul Montgomery
- Ripoffs, Screws, and Outright Swindles - Extenders, terminal boxes, CompuServe, test sets, by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Sex Spray Attracts Women
- Homemade Fireworks - Part 2 - by The Magician
- The Polygraph Test
- Freebasing Tips - by Dr. Atomic
- TAP Rap - by Tom Edison
- 1982 Credit Card Code
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TAP Magazine - Issue #74 April 1982
- Telenet - by Paul Montgomery
- Another Way to "Get Lost" - Mailbox rental, by Nickolai Testicle
- Accessing PRIME - by Paul Montgomery
- Precursor Precautions - DEA stings, by Dr. Atomic
- Miscellaneous Tips - Smoke bomb, chemical source, explosive, counterfeiting bleach, evil smell, alarms, guns, by The Mad Scientist
- Weather Radios - by Nickolai Testicle
- Counterfeit Bills
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TAP Magazine - Issue #75 May - June 1982
- WATS Extenders - by The Magician
- Alarms - Part 1 - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- New Economic Policy
- 8BBS Siezed
- IBM Time Sharing Option - Part 1 - by Nick Haflinger
- Shoplifting - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Alternate Networks
- Code Scanning
- Street Lights
- Computer Security and the Breaking Thereof - by Simon Jester
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TAP Magazine - Issue #76 July - August 1982
- Life & Death & Dope - BHY, Yohimbine HCI, by Dr. Atomic
- In Rebuttal
- Lock Picking
- Alarms - Part 2 - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- The Ins & Outs of SCCs - Specialized Common Carriers, by Dr. PBX
- Alarms
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TAP Magazine - Issue #77 September 1982
- A FBI View of Computer Crimes - by Mountain Bill
- Just Another Break in the Wall - ARPANET, solvent, guns, by Oz Y. Mandias
- IBM Time Sharing Option - Part 2 - by Nick Haflinger
- Dr. Atomic's Underground Drug News - Deanol, upper, index, electricity, by Dr. Atomic
- More on Computer Security
- More Confusion About AUTOVON - Fred Steinbeck
- O.K. Buddy, Let's See Your Registration - FCC regs, Cheshire Catalyst
- Radio Jammer - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Inmates Build Helicopter
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TAP Magazine - Issue #78 October 1982
- Free Pay TV "Legally" - MDS, by The Magician
- The UNIX Security Problem - by Fred Steinbeck
- Alarms - Part 3 - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- CN/A - by Judas Gerard
- Firearm Discharge Residues - by Dr. Atomic
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TAP Magazine - Issue #79 November 1982
- Fred Steinbeck Issue
- Blue Box Equipment and Usage - by Fred Steinbeck
- The ARPANET - Part 1 - by Fred Steinbeck
- The ARPANET - Part 2 - by Fred Steinbeck
- Gibberish - Part 1 - Books, trashing, newslines, AUTOVON, by Fred Steinbeck
- Gibberish - Part 22 - ESS, pay phones, ACTS, by Fred Steinbeck
- UNIX Wizardry - by Fred Steinbeck
- ACTS Update - by Fred Steinbeck
- Curling Up in Front of the Fire - Review of All About Telephones, by Cheshire Catalyst
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TAP Magazine - Issue #80 December 1982
- Getting In - Locks, entry, by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Build a MDS Downconverter - by The Magician
- Dr. Atomic's Underground Drug News - Poppy seeds, XTC, ether, DEA notes, by Dr. Atomic
- Drug Notes - From Europe, by Dr. Atomic
- Bogus Bills - by John Shaver
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TAP Magazine - Issue #81 January 1983
- On TAP - by Tom Edison
- Security Alert! - Toll records, DEA, bugs, telco microwave link taps, by Oz Y. Mandias
- The ARPANET - Part 3 - by Fred Steinbeck
- More UNIX Wizardry - by Fred Steinbeck
- Buying Chemicals - by Dr. Atomic
- ATM Technology - Part 1 - by Jolly Roger
- Credit Cards - Calling cards, by Simon Jester
- Technology Illustrated
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TAP Magazine - Issue #82 February 1983
- Still in Saigon - Explosives, nerve gas, books, by Oz Y. Mandias
- Where to Get It - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Decoding UHF Pay TV Pay TV unscrambler
- Join the Party Now! - Convention, by Cheshire Catalyst
- Opening a Rented Mail Address - by Dr. Atomic
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TAP Magazine - Issue #83 March 1983
- Dr. Atomic's Underground Drug News - Poppy seeds, banking, surveillance, dreams, by Dr. Atomic
- Video Voodoo - Video games, by Fred Steinbeck
- Open Sesame - Opening combination locks, by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Credit Authorization
- Under the Influence - Sinsemilla, coke cut, drug combos, books, by Oz Y. Mandias
- Call Without Coins - Calling cards, alternate nets, news, change machines, by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Some More Stuff - Phone numbers, by The Stainless Steel Rat
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TAP Magazine - Issue #84 April 1983
- Rate Steps as Forbidden Knowledge - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Modifying Your Phone for 1633 Hz - by Fred Steinbeck
- More Fun With Alarms - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Abbie Hoffman Articles
- Subway Tokens
- A Word About Cans - Terminal boxes, by The Stainless Steel Rat
- More Free Electricity
- Concert Bootlegging - by Jumpin' Jack Flash
- Free Software - by Jumpin' Jack Flash
- Short Takes on the Sendero Luminosa - Legal highs, armor piercing ammo, by Oz Y. Mandias
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TAP Magazine - Issue #85 May - June 1983
- 12th Anniversary Issue
- The Credit Card Code - 1983 - by Cheshire Catalyst
- ATM Technology - Part 2 - by John Williams
- Just Passing Through - Shop lifting, free records, opening P.O. boxes, red boxing, credit cards, calling card network, by The Stainless Steel Rat
- How to Fight a Traffic Ticket.. and Win
- Phree Western Union Calls - by Dr. Magic Fingers
- On TAP - by Tom Edison
- Won't Get Fooled Again - Scrambler & encrypter guide, Nu-Skin, hypnosis, "Born Secret" review, Teflon ammo, by Oz Y. Mandias
- Correction to V&H Program - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Local Measured Service
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TAP Magazine - Issue #86 July - August 1983
- The Burglar's Tool Box - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- Income Tax Dodge
- Gibberish - Part 3 - AUTOVON, loop-arounds, blue box detection, TASI, phreak's 10 Commandments, by Fred Steinbeck
- The Phone Phreak's Ten Commandments
- How to Infiltrate TAP - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Build a Waterbed - by Captain Coon
- MCI Connecticut
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TAP Magazine - Issue #87 September - October 1983
- TAP Saved Again - The great fire of 1983, by Cheshire Catalyst
- The Hacker's Anthem - by Cheshire Catalyst
- The Philosophy of a Phone Phreak
- Publicity: What's Going on Around Here - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Gibberish - Part 5 - Verification, sources, by Fred Steinbeck
- The Telephone Pioneers of America - A Navy Plot? - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Flag Etiquette
- Miscellaneous Information - Steal This Book, The Code Book, The Puzzle Palace, calling cards, CCIS, by The Magican
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TAP Magazine - Issue #88 November 1983
- Telecom '83 - Techno Toyland - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Phreaking With the TI-99/4A - by New England Archivist
- Highway Radar Jamming - by Ben Piper
- Dealing with the Rate & Route Operator - by Fred Steinbeck
- Verification - by Fred Steinbeck
- Black Boxing Update - by The Stainless Steel Rat
- How to Write for TAP
- Verification
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TAP Magazine - Issue #89 December 1983
- 1984, Join the Party of Your Choice! - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Exchange Scanning - by BIOC Agent 003 (Donald Burgio)
- Getting Sprint Numbers Obtaining long distance codes
- RS-232, Getting the "Standard Interface" to Work - by Cheshire Catalyst
- How (& Why) I Testified on Behalf of Pa Bell - by Cheshire Catalyst
- Vending Machine Keys - by The Pyro
- Department Store Phun - Department store security, by Agent 81
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TAP Magazine - Issue #90 January - February 1984
- Your Rights as a Phone Phreak - by Fred Steinbeck
- Hacking Dun & Bradstreet - by BIOC Agent 003 & Tuc (Scott Ellentuch)
- Hacking Western Union's Easylink - by BIOC Agent 003 & Tuc
- AT&T Divestiture - by Cheshire Catalyst
- What's New at TAP? - by Cheshire Catalyst
- SPRINTING Cross Country - by The Bureaucrat
- The Coming "Snowstorm" in Telecommunications
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TAP Magazine - Issue #91 Spring 1984 (Note there where two versions of this issue.)
- Dun & Bradstreet: Do They Know Something That We Don't? - by BIOC Agent 003 & Tuc
- Yet More Phun With UNIX - by BIOC Agent 003
- Hacking Western Union Revisited - by Tuc
- A Lesson in Phreaking and Hacking Morality - by Big Brother
- Passport Checksums - by New England Archivist
- Europe - Not Half Bad - by Cheshire Catalyst
- "Bell Pie"
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The "New" TAP
TAP Magazine - Issue #92 Spring 1989
- TAP Rap - Staff's remarks about the new magazine and the subscription information
- A BIT on BITnet - An introduction to BITnet, by Aristotle
- Pyro How-To - How to make nitrogen tri-iodide
- TMC PIN - Information about PIN codes of TeleMarketing Company
- Bell Pays for Evil Deeds - News article about Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co.
- Big Brother Section - An article about revenge tactics and social engineering taken from Flagship News.
- Telephone Controlled Tape Starter
- TAP Needs
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- The "Original TAP" also had an Issue #92, but it was not widely distributed.
TAP Magazine - Issue #93 June 1989
- Abbie Hoffman Tribute - Founder of YIPL/TAP tribute
- Small Tags Protect Big Storms - Alarm & security tags
- Hacker Suicide
- Using Lasers to Catch Speeders
- Bush Administration TV Computer
- Phone Co. are Hosers
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TAP Magazine - Issue #94 Fall 1989
- TAP Rap - by Aristotle
- Small Tags Protect Big Storms - Part 2
- Mercury Fulminate - by Dark Overlord
- How to Hack Postage Stamps
- Abbie Hoffman Article
- Police Raid Hackers
- Summer Con '89 - by Aristotle
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TAP Magazine - Issue #95 November 1989
- Special Lock Picking Issue
- TAP Rap - by Aristotle
- Cellular Around the World - by Split Decision
- MIT Guide to Lock Picking - Part 1 - by Theodore T. Tool
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
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TAP Magazine - Issue #96 December 1989
- Special Lock Picking Issue - Part 2
- Lock Pick Larceny - by Alexander Mundy
- Picking Mushrooms - by Alexander Mundy
- MIT Guide to Lock Picking - Part 2 - by Theodore T. Tool
- Picking a Combination Lock - by Stainless Steel Rat
- Make a Key for Your Rollersmith Lock
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #97 January 1990
- How to Find Someone - Gaining information on a target you wish to track, by Robyn Robertson
- Electronic Mailbox - Letters
- Reader Poll Survey
- Instant Voice Changer - Ad for a DynaMike
- A Novice's Guide to Hacking - 1989 Edition - Reprint of an article in Phrack Issue #22, by The Mentor
- Chemical Fire Bottle - Self-igniting incendiary fire bottle, by Predat0r
- How to Hack Parking Meters - Grind down a penny to a dime's size, by Redneck Revolution
- TAP Needs List
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #98 Spring 1990
- Opening Master Locks - Master key for opening warded Master locks, by Giz
- Chaos Computer Club - 6th Chaos Communications Congress 1989, by Klaus Brunnstein
- Sentry Post Assembly Blueprint - Sentry KS-20842 installation notes
- Satellite Scrambling Protest Ad
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #99 June 1990
- On TAP TAP greetings
- Review of Iron Feather's Journal
- Using Ringback in the NPA 502
- TAP Letters
- Hacking the IRS Criminal Lab Team
- How to Get TAP for Free!
- Scribd Entry
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TAP Magazine - Issue #100 September 1990
- Phuck the Police
- Accessing Internet
- Hacking Answering Machines 1990 - by Predat0r
- Hacking Stamps Update - by Postage stamp removal and mailing for free, by Aristotle
- Scoop on Activist Times Inc.
- Billybob on Fone Security - BBS line monitoring, by Billybob
- If It Says "Welcome," Hack It! - You can legally hack systems that have "welcome" banners, by Billybob
- How to Construct a Bug
- Voice Mail Hacking Alive & Well - by Aristotle
- Dumpster Divers
- Twisted Image
- What to Do When the Feds Come to Your House - by Aristotle
- A UNIX Experiment - Setting up a UNIX honeypot, by Dr. Williams
- New York ANAC and Ringback Numbers
- Interesting Scans - Fast food drive-through frequencies, by Garfield LoL/RKA
- Review: Phrack 31 - by Aristotle
- Classified Ads
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TAP Magazine - Issue #101 December 1990
- Explanation of the TAP Flyer - by Predat0r
- How to Modify a Uniden Bearcat 760XLT for 800 MHz - by Anonymous/M.E.
- A Hard Hack - How 'elite' hackers change, by The CyClone
- The TymCard Challenge Break the system - win $25,000, by Techno-Cowboy
- Bearcat 200XLT Cellular Frequency Restoration - by Anonymous/M.E.
- DDN - The Defense Data Network - Overview of the Department of Defense's data network, by Star Fire (Mysterion Group)
- Employee Resistance Program
- TAP Letters
- The DNA Box - Hacking Cellular Phones - Part 1 - by The Outlaw Telecommandos
- Frequency Allocation Chart
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #102 January 1991
- TAP Rap - by Predat0r
- TACAS TAC Access Control System - by The Argonaut
- Bombs - by Bleecker
- Bulleting Board for Crime
- Payphone Component Layout
- Contacting TAP BBS Through WWIVnet
- Whale Virus Information
- Reviews & Want Ads
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #103 February 1991
- TAP News
- TAP Rap - by Predat0r
- The DNA Box - Hacking Cellular Phones - Part 2 - by The Outlaw Telecommandos
- The Perfect Wilson - Story of an changing grades by breaking into an office, by Cthulhu
- The Chronicle - Alaskan 'zine by the "Students for Freedom"
- The Dictator Exposed - A narc gets exposed
- Bell's $100 Idea - You could get $100 for a great idea
- WWIV Call Analysis for the BBS - by Tau Ceti
- ATM Fraud Made Easy - by Count Zero
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #104 March 1991
- TAP Rap 104 - by Predat0r
- Amerika - New 'zine, by Predat0r
- The DNA Box - Hacking Cellular Phones - Part 3 - by The Outlaw Telecommandos
- Letter of a Phreaker's Life
- Radio Shack PRO-2004 Scanner Mods
- ATM Information
- Eight Ways to Foil a Voice Mail Hacker - by Wendy Taylor
- Radio Shack PRO-34 Scanner Mods
- Charging Box Plans for U.K. - by Stinky Pig Productions
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #105 June 1991
- Contents
- The DNA Box - Hacking Cellular Phones - Part 4 - by The Outlaw Telecommandos
- VMS Mailing
- Air Show
- 976/900 Call Blocking Article
- 911 Incident Initiation
- Listing of 1-800 Prefixes by State
- SCB Tank Ad
- Wireless Mike Plans
- Applied Blue Boxing - by Olorin the White
- Making Thermite - by Pyromaniac
- Fact Sheet Five Ad
- Scribd Entry
- Individual PDF #1
- Individual PDF #2
TAP Magazine - Issue #106
- Missing
TAP Magazine - Issue #107
- Missing
The "Newest" TAP
TAP Magazine - Issue #108 January 2009
- Principles of Secure Communications - by Mark O'Ryan
- Packet Fun - by Lostbaka
- FRS Base Charger 12 VDC Conversion - by Dr. Noxx
- Can America Fall? - by Corcceigh Green
- Tools of the Trade - by Ticom
- Phreak Report
- Scribd Entry
TAP Magazine - Issue #109 February 2009
- Static Versus Active Defense - by Corcceigh Green
- Remote Transceiver Operations - Part 1 - by Dr. Noxx
- Why the Dollar Will NOT Collapse - by Anonymous
- Password: TAP110
- Scribd Entry
TAP Magazine - Issue #110 March 2009
- Gearing Up - Part 1 - by Corcceigh Green
- Review of The Infowarrior's Handbook - by Corcceigh Green
- Computing for the Downwardly Mobile - by MKORION
- Alternatives to Homelessness, Temporary Autonomous Zones - by MKORION
- Remote Transceiver Operations - Part 2 - by Dr. Noxx
- Must Have Book Suggestions - by Corcceigh Green
- Rightcoast's Book Suggestions - by Rightcoast
- Password: TAP110
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TAP Magazine - Issue #111 April 2009
- Gearing Up - Part 2 - by Corcceigh Green
- Marxism, What is It - by Corceigh Green
- Scribd Entry
Knowledge is Power